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Guide to processing steps used in creation of the synthetic standard survey school dashboard

Please note: This will differ for the symbol survey and public dashboards.

For a preview of the data columns and types at key stages in this process, please see data_structures.ipynb.

Data processing for the synthetic dashboard


  flowchart TD;
    p((Element on<br>Streamlit));

    %% Add custom colour to nodes

    classDef database fill:#b4e1d4;
    class d database;

    classDef function fill:#f5e3cb;
    class f function;

    classDef streamlit fill:#bfe9ff;
    class p streamlit;

    classDef subg fill:#fffcdc;
    class sub subg;


  flowchart TD;

    %% Define the nodes and subgraphs

    in["Amy completed each of the<br>six versions of the survey"]

    subgraph subgraph_clean["Within DSH"]
        red[("REDCap DSH")]
        red_raw("Raw data from REDCap with seperate<br>columns for the six shuffles")
        head("Headings from the cleaned dataset<br>which has a single set of REDCap columns<br>and some fake demographic columns")

    f_label{{"Function creating dictionary with<br>labels for each of the question responses"}};
    f_scores{{"Function creating scores"}}
    ons[("Office for National Statistics (ONS)<br>Open Geography Portal")];
    msoa_ew("MSOA shapefile for England + Wales");
    msoa_nd("MSOA shapefile for Northern Devon");
    data_synth("Synthetic pupil dataset");

        Aggregate dataset with <b>mean scores</b>
        for each school overall and by
        Aggregate scores dataset with
        addition of <b>RAG ratings</b>");
        Aggregate dataset with proportion
        of each response option for each
        <b>non-demographic</b> survey question for
        each school, overall and by
        Aggregate dataset with count of
        <b>total respondents</b> for each school,
        overall and by year/gender/FSM/SEN");
        Aggregate dataset with proportion
        of each response option for each
        <b>demographic</b> variable or survey
        question for each school, overall
        and by year/gender/FSM/SEN");

        RAG boxes on the
        summary page"));
        Question bar charts
        on the explore
        results page"));
        Ordered RAG bar charts
        on the explore
        results page"));
        Total pupils on the 
        who took part page"));
        Bar charts on the 
        who took part page"));

    %% Produce the figure

    in --> red;
    red --> red_raw;
    red_raw --> head;

    ons --> msoa_ew;
    msoa_ew --> msoa_nd;
    msoa_nd --> data_synth;
    head --> data_synth;
    f_scores --> data_synth;
    f_label --> data_synth;

    data_synth --> agg_scores; agg_scores --> agg_rag;
    data_synth --> agg_resp;
    data_synth --> agg_counts;
    data_synth --> agg_dem;

    agg_scores --> st_order;
    agg_rag --> st_sum;
    agg_resp --> st_exp;
    agg_counts --> st_count;
    agg_dem --> st_dem;

    %% Add custom colour to nodes

    classDef database fill:#b4e1d4;
    class red,ons database;

    classDef function fill:#f5e3cb;
    class f_label,f_scores function;

    classDef transparent fill:transparent, stroke:transparent;
    class in transparent;

    classDef streamlit fill:#bfe9ff;
    class st_order,st_sum,st_exp,st_count,st_dem streamlit;


Cleaning the REDCap data extract

Pupil survey responses are stored within REDCap on the Data Safe Haven (DSH). Pupils were assigned to one of six survey orders, to mitigate the impact of response fatigue. For example, for a question on acceptance by peers, there will be seven sets of columns - one from the default survey set up ('accept_peer_shuffle') and then six for each of the shuffles ('accept_peer_shuffle_1', 'accept_peer_shuffle_2', ''accept_peer_shuffle_3', 'accept_peer_shuffle_4', 'accept_peer_shuffle_5', and 'accept_peer_shuffle_6'). All the data can be downloaded as a single extract using the "Data Exports, Reports, and Stats" page on REDCap.

Cleaning is performed using the script clean_standard_survey_1.ipynb on the DSH under Group(S:)/ Kailo_Consortium_BeeWell/ scripts/. This script creates a single set of columns (rather than six columns for the same question). It also adds some synthetic demographic data columns (to mimic data that would be received from the council).

Creating the synthetic dataset

The synthetic pupil dataset is produced through:

  • Extracting the headings from the cleaned REDCap dataset
  • Populating each of those columns by sampling from the numeric response options in the dictionary of labels (for each question, there is a dictionary with all possible numeric responses from REDCap and the relevant labels)
  • Adding an MSOA for each pupil by randomly sampling from the list of MSOA in Northern Devon (as extracted from the ONS shapefile)
  • Adding some random missing data for all variables except school
  • Adding some intentional missing data (e.g. school missing a whole year group)
  • Adding scores for each pupil on each topic
  • Adding labels for each of the responses

Producing aggregated datasets for use in Streamlit

Five datasets are produced for use in streamlit.

  1. Aggregate scores and RAG - Provides the mean score (and count of pupils it was based on) for each question by school and the chosen pupil characteristics (gender, year group, FSM and SEN). The RAG ratings are calculated by finding the overall mean score for a question across all schools using a weighted mean (weighting mean of each school by school size - using this approach so would be consistent with how would calculate for GM data where wouldn't have pupil level). The weighted standard deviation is also calculated. Whether someone is then above average, average or below average is based on whether they are within 1 standard deviation of the mean. Variable labels and descriptions and descriptions are also added for use on the Streamlit page.
  2. Aggregate non-demographic responses - provides the proportion of people giving each possible response to each question. In order to ensure one row per question, these are stored as lists within a single cell of the dataframe (see head of dataframe below for example). Labels for each response option are included, as well as an overall label for the question to use on the streamlit page. Results are provided for each school and by the chosen characteristics.
  3. Overall counts - this dataset provides the overall count of pupils who answered at least one question (and were therefore included in the dashboard) for each school and by the chosen characteristics.
  4. Aggregate demographic responses - this is as calculated for the non-demographic, except that they are only provided by school and not by pupil characteristics, and there are different rules for censoring small sample sizes.

Data processing that will be required for the actual dashboards

Differences (beyond the obvious, of not creating synthetic data) will include:

  • Demographic data will be provided by Devon County Council. It will be linked to the survey responses based on the pseudonymised UPN associated with each of the survey responses. It will likely have different column names and response options, compared to what I have used.
  • Location of processing will need to be entirely within the DSH. This was not done for the synthetic dashboard as it is using synthetic data, so storing the scripts outside of the DSH allows us to have a trackable and forever accessible record in GitHub of how data were processed.
  • Pupil MSOA will need to be identified using their postcode and the lookup file (although this is only relevant to the public dashboard)
  • Gender will need to be chosen from either the survey response for gender, council data on gender, or a combination of both.
  • Cleaning will need review to check for any additional cleaning steps required on the actual data