All notable changes to chord3 will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project tries to adhere to Semantic Versioning.
- Added an option for landscape page format.
- Added an option for not writing out page numbers.
- Some refactoring.
Released 2023-01-29.
- Added support for song-defined mandolin chords.
- Added
command line argument, to allow changing the base font size in the generated pdf. - Added
option to disable verso and recto page design. - Changed
output again, by updatingclap
to 4.0. - Added a changelog (this file).
- Use rust edition 2021.
- Minor clippy fixes and rustfmt.
Released 2022-02-07.
- Added an option for mandolin chords (PR #1).
- Changed: More room for chords on the pages.
- Changed parameter handling to use
3.0.14 with derive feature (mainly a code cleanup, but gives some improvements to the--help
output). - Added crate categories and keywords metadata.
- Doc: Added badge to [
]. - Doc: Added a [
] section on how to install. - Added a RPM spec file.
- Update rustfmt.
- Use ? operator rather than try macro.
- Use
, since the crate namepdf
is given to a project that aims for more complete pdf support. - Update dependencies.
- pdf-canvas 0.7.0
- Minor cleanups (partly suggested by clippy)
The first actual release. This was done 2016-10-16.
- Added documentation,
to describe the file format, etc. - Added more or less complete support for the chopro format.
- Added support for command line arguments (multiple input files, named output file, and some options to control the output).
- Added support for verso and recto pages (wider inner margins, page numbers in the "outer" margin) for double-sided printing.
- Improved output page format in many ways.
- Added basic pdf metadata to output, including document outline with song titles.
- Added more known chords, and replacements for some unknown chords.
- Specified dependency versions.
- Lots of refactoring, improved error handling.
- Added continous integration on Travis.
The initial commit of this project was done on friday 2015-09-25. By wednesday 2016-09-30 I had the main functionality in a "works for me" state.
Before this, I did a similar project in python, called ChordLab.
Before that, there was a program called chord
, that did the same
It was mainly implemented in postscript, with a small "driver" program
that mainly concattenated the postscript preamble with the chopro