Releases: kaosat-dev/Blenvy
Releases · kaosat-dev/Blenvy
gltf_auto_export v0.12 & bevy_components v0.1 (first release)
- adds a new Blender addon:
that takes that json data to generate custom UIs for components , to be to add & edit components easily in Blender- also adds component metadata per object for more advanced features
- etc
- updates gltf_auto_export to add legacy_mode to support the "old"/current style component definitions
gltf_auto_export v0.11: big rewrite, lots of bug fixes and improvements
- fundamental rewrite of a lot of aspects of the exporter, for cleaner code & to solve a looot of issues:
- set export_separate_dynamic_and_static_objects default to FALSE, as it is an edge use case
- more reliable export parameters storage, at the blend file level (you need to reconfigure your settings for this to work)
- fixes blend file corruption when mouse pointer is in the properties panel when saving
- undo support: even if export should fail, you can now use 'undo' to reset your blend file to the pre-export clean state
- auto export now works correctly even when you are in edit mode
- fixes scene settings issues & cleans up injection & export
- fixes excessive, useless triggering of exports
gltf_auto_export v0.10: Generate separate level files for static & dynamic objects
- adds the option to generate 2 output files per "level"/"main" scenes :
- one with all dynamic data: collection or instances marked as dynamic (aka saveable)
- one with all static data: anything else that is NOT marked as dynamic, the file name will have the suffix _dynamic
- particularly useful when used together with the new
crate on the Bevy/rust side
gltf_auto_export v0.9 : Multiple blend files workflow, combine modes, and many fixes!
- adds support for multiple blend files based workflows, with blueprint sharing, use of Blender assets etc
- adds support for different "combine modes" for collection instances
- fixes a lot of minor & bigger issues
- changes to a blueprint's materials trigger an automatic re-export
- changes to sub collections inside a blueprint also trigger an automatic re-export of the root collection/blueprint
- creates empties (any depth) as stand in for nested collections, so the parent/child structure is correctly matched on the Bevy side
- no more orphan data generation (cleaner blend files)
- better traceback for errors
gltf_auto_export v0.8 : Nested blueprints support
- Adds (optional) to export nested blueprints/collection instances, to reduce redundant data, to reduce file size & memory use & maximise re-use
- added add preferences to control nested blueprints export
gltf_auto_export v0.7 : Scene components (aka set Ambient, Bloom etc from Blender)
- Adds (optional) support for setting Ambient Lighting, Shadowmap resolution, Bloom & AO of your Bevy project directly in Blender using the relevant Blender settings: a few less things that need to be hard coded, a few more things that makes looks match the Blender side more !
- In order to use these on the Bevy side, you need to take care of adding the relevant components & systems, see here
and here for an example.
gltf_auto_export v0.6 : Materials library support
- adds support for materials library support to the exporter
- makes it possible to share materials between blueprints, to reduce asset size & memory use