We are using a simple fetch wrapper which has the hardcoded api url and version as private fields with only one exposed
method: get(url: string)
There was an intention to expose the configuration of this client (such as caching, etc.) but due to time issues it has
only been marked with a comment.
This abstract class serves as a base for other services to extend in order to reduce code duplication for getting
resources by id or by queries.
It has one abstract method getResourceUrl(): string
Each of the supported entities has its service:
- book
- chapter
- character
- movie
- quote
which resides in the respectively named file.
This class is an API for filtering the entities and supports the following operations:
matches(value: string, negate?: boolean)
- field is an exact matchincludes(values: string[], negate?: boolean)
- field includes at least one valueregex(value: string, negate?: boolean)
- matches Regular Expressionexists(negate?: boolean)
- field existsgreaterThan(value: number, orEquals?: boolean)
- field is greater than (orEquals)lesserThan(value: number, orEquals?: boolean)
- field is lesser than (orEquals)
Decision for query to extend Partial<Pagination>
instead of composition is intentional because of the client
It has been evaluated that
lotrClient.books({ page: 1, offset: 1 });
is superior to
pagination: { page: 1, offset: 1 }
nice-to-have create a class for Query and replace util functions with methods on the class
Decision explanation: simplify API or have 10+ methods thus violating SOLID: We could have exposed a fewer number of methods, by allowing for a string parameter which would represent the targeted resource (e.g. 'book', 'chapter', 'movie') and based on the value call the appropriate service and fetch the appropriate data. However, it is common for SDKs to have more methods than regular internally-used services, thus we are going for the second option.