#Exponent Content Management System..
Copyright (c) 2004-2013 OIC Group, Inc.
For a more detailed changelog visit https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commits/master
- new facebook module to display like buttons, like boxes, and optional like button to blog articles & file downloads
- adds optional tweet button to blog articles & file downloads, and optional twitter follow button to twitter view
- adds paged form (wizard) feature
- adds form design export/import
- adds form report designer insert field command to editor
- Message of the Day module now accepts WYSIWYG text and offers an 'every month' on this date option
- adds a rudimentary site configuration profile (backup/restore) feature
- adds optional author signature to blog posts, handled by user profile extension
- now supports multiple simultaneous file uploads for 'quick add' uploads w/ new progress indicator (if browser supports)
- recycle bin is now more consistent...all removed modules sent to recycle bin, all modules removed from recycle bin have all items deleted
- adds 'hide module title' setting to the add/create module view
- adds ldap user sync to update all ldap users against ldap server data (email, first/last name)
- no longer automatically loads bootstrap.min.js file, explicit loading of individual scripts as required
- includes all fixes from v2.2.0 patches
- 0.9x theme support is deprecated but still present in this distribution, it will be removed in the near future
- Flowplayer & YouTube modules are deprecated but still present in this distribution, they will be removed in the near future -- There is no media player migration script, but you can migrate to flowplayer/youtube modules, then run the media player upgrade script
- eCommerce gift card & purchase order functionality have not been tested/may not be complete
- Item re-ranking (ddrerank) doesn't account for aggregation
- LDAP support may not work in all LDAP server scenarios due to limited testing
The first 'pure 2.0' version of Exponent w/o any 1.0 modules, etc..., primarily implements Container 2.0 and integrates Twitter-Bootstrap/jQuery
- Removes all the 'old school' 1.x files -- removes deprecated headline controller (converting them to text modules), suggest a custom text module 'headline' view be created if needed -- forces deprecation/removal of formmodule/formbuilder -- replaces the containermodule with container 2.0 controller -- also fully deprecates/removes calendarmodule, simplepollmodule, & navigationmodule if they still exist
- moves to jQuery/Twitter-Bootstrap as primary libraries over YUI2/3 (which are still backwards compatible) -- adds normalize.css and Twitter Bootstrap as system (theme) features
- implements an html5 input fallback system to display html5 controls/features in older browsers -- adds more simple controls to forms designer (email, url, telephone, range, number, several date/time controls) -- allows switching to similar type control after creation
- updates style of maintenance/site-down page
- tweaks and more features to ecommerce (esp. online donations and event registrations) making it more robust and polished -- adds single or multi-person event registration using site forms to collect registration data -- quick add donation at set amount or allow user to enter amount -- event registrations now abide by 'options'
- adds new forms showall portfolio view for multi-record custom view (fixes custom single record view) -- adds new import form data, or create a form from csv file feature
- implements broader use of ajax paging and use of new html5 input types, temporarily adds additional date/time form designer controls
- enhances attached file display features
- adds new html5 media player module for audio, video & youtube, which deprecates both flowplayer and youtube modules -- updates filedownload module media player to html5 (flash not required)
- adds new import users from csv file feature
- adds ability to optionally run selected 'upgrade scripts' outside of installation
- moves /conf folder inside /framework to help streamline folder structure
- adds theme export feature
- adds new 'blog' and 'eCommerce store'site sample database in addition to 'sample site' during installation
- adds category support to blog module -- adds new comments and categories views to blog
- adds file upload pause, resume, & cancel feature
- enables user authentication via an LDAP server (requires php ldap module)
- updates look of countdown module to be more professional looking with new display options
- removes addressbook module from list of available modules since it's not designed to be placed on a page
- Flowplayer & YouTube modules are deprecated, but still present in this distribution, they will be removed in the future -- There is no media player migration script, but you can migrate to flowplayer/youtube modules, then run the media player upgrade script
- eCommerce gift card & purchase order functionality have not been tested/may not be complete
- Item re-ranking (ddrerank) doesn't account for aggregation
- LDAP support may not work in all LDAP server scenarios due to limited testing
This release only fixes bugs found in 2.1.3, everything else is destined for the v2.2 major version update
- updates EQL file export/import to also include table definition for future proofing backups
- adds new 'Exponent as a Service' module for JSON service calls
- fixes Online Event Registrations activating many features, adds email registrants
- fixes over 3 dozen issues found in 2.1.3
This release only fixes bugs found in 2.1.2, everything else is destined for the v2.2 major version update
- fixes form copy feature
- fixes a 'file manager doesn't display files' issue on some servers
- makes blog aggregation configuration tab more intuitive
- fixes some migration issues with forms, events, & navigation
This release focuses on things not completed in 2.1.1, but not destined for the v2.2 major version update
- adds category and tag assignment to multi-add photo album feature
- adds some tooltip information in file manager (file and image sizes) and form manager (number of records and controls)
- cleans up form assignment to a module by using manage forms instead of module configuration settings
- fixes over a dozen bugs and anomalies from previous versions
- adds many new event calendar features
- adds event copying feature (create new event from existing event)
- adds optional attached images to events and event registrations
- adds optional event popup in a lightbox dialog (like google calendar)
- adds 'cancelled event' feature to display events as cancelled
- updates old school form module to a 2.0 controller
- now allows greater flexibility in which users may enter or view data
- forms are now site-wide objects, can view/enter form data from different modules/pages
- adds view flexibility offered by a 2.0 module for future features
- updates form control (input) display features and format to be more consistent and modern
- adds ajax-based navigation in calendar, news items & blog posts to prevent reloading entire page
- adds 'grouping by date' for uncategorized portfolio & file download items (in addition to 'grouping by alpha' for rolodex feature)
- adds new views to several modules
- new 'headline' view to filedownloads module
- new 'toggle' and 'accordion' views to the text module
- new 'toggle' view to the portfolio module
- new 'flyout sidebar' view to navigation module for hard-coding in themes
- new 'vertical' login view
- now allows multiple files within a file download item; defaults to 1st attachment, but displays all attachments in show item view
- adds new 'multi-add' feature to create multiple photo album items in one easy step
- adds new 'inline' view to edit text module items directly on page via CKEditor v4
- adds custom module phrase translation libraries feature
- merges module 'Configure Actions & Views' and 'Configure Settings' into a single view for easy module configuration
- adds new 'private module' setting to optionally restrict viewing of a specific module by permission
- adds a mass mailer for super admins to email all users or selected site users
- adds new site configuration setting to reverse the default logic of when module titles are displayed
- updates file manager with 'virtual folder' grouping and date features to assist locating files
- also adds file manager bulk selection (add multiple files to an item all at once) and bulk delete
- adds new QuickUpload feature to bypass file manager/file uploader for file selection
- updates file uploader to allow html5 drag/drop support and some other user-friendly features
- images may be optionally resized to a max width, and files assigned to a virtual folder during upload
- calendarmodule and simplepollmodule (old school) are now fully deprecated (removed)
- adds optional nested comments, and optional per-item comment disabling
- adds optional comments to filedownload module items
- adds optional external file url for file download item
- removes extra themes to reduce size of package, available as separate addon downloads
- adds version change information to initial upgrade page
- adds optional color/style to categories
- upgrades calendar to a 2.0 event controller with categories & tags
- optionally upgrades and converts existing calendars
- adds color-coded categories and tags
- adds color-coded aggregation of external Google & iCal calendars, and online event registrations
- adds new 'mega-menu' navigation view with new free-form page/menu type for embedding modules
- adds random sorting/sequence to photo album/slideshows
- adds optional user selectable email destination on form submission
- adds new built-in database manager
- plus many, many other tweaks, fixes, and features
- upgrades old school simple poll and navigation modules into 2.0 style controllers
- page type indicators now displayed in Manage Pages view
- new universal navigation view to emulate most old navigation views through user settings
- initial implementation of optional menu item icons
- adds help links to most admin displays
- adds next/prev item in blog and news single item view
- adds optional 'date badge' to news, blog, & filedownload views
- calendar is more forgiving of timezone changes (events won't disappear)
- adds selectable weekly view to calendar
- updates ical feeds and send reminders cron task to use sef urls
- adds new 2-column style display option in forms module
- updates rss feeds to use sef urls, adds individual feed 'advertise' option
- more efficient searches...several anomalies fixed and search activity reports available
- importing EQL database backup files now more descriptive if errors are encountered (detailed solution provided)
- adds some new upgrade scripts to attempt to clean up the system from previous updates
- deletes moved files where old file in old location may still linger
- attempts to fix some database issues such as mixed case naming or controller name quirks
- new system fallback theme so pages will display even if the entire themes folder is missing
- adds instructions to get e-commerce up and running
- closer to an 'out of the box' solution
- can now activate e-commerce w/o activating an ecom module
- PayPal Express checkout updated to use new api to give more into on the PayPal screen
- FedEx & UPS shipping calculators working
- e-commerce use a little more intuitive/more features now functional
- adds a working 'upload' control to forms which will email submitted file as an attachment
- (finally) upgrades the YUI framework to v3.7.2 (after being stuck at v3.4.0 due to issue)
- plus many, many other tweaks, fixes, and features
- adds manual sorting to news module
- adds random sorting to links module
- enhances category management by removing global categories and grouping categories by module type
- adds site-wide comment management to exponent menu
- enhances comment, tag, & category management with bulk module item processing
- adds additional views to photoalbum
- new tabbed and accordion views just like filedownloads & portfolio
- view category/gallery/group album to pull up individual group/gallery
- adds group (category) viewing to filedownloads
- adds quick upload feature to wysiwyg editor (upload in editor without going to file manager/uploader)
- finally implements email alerts (ealerts) in a usable form for blog, news, & filedownloads (subscribe to updates)
- adds support for custom smarty plugins & form controls (in current theme folder)
- adds alpha-level implementation of less style sheets (both system and theme)
- plus many other tweaks, fixes, and features
- incorporates all fixes from v2.0.6 patches
- Exponent CMS should work on servers running php v5.4.x (v5.2.1 or later required)
- polishes older modules to better resemble new modules for greater interface consistency
- all modules now use same rank reordering dialog instead of up/down arrow buttons
- module reordering now found under container chrome menu
- tabbed item editing, configuration
- all modules now use same rank reordering dialog instead of up/down arrow buttons
- removes unnecessary (new) unpublish feature from blog
- adds wysiwyg comments
- adds publish date feature to filedownloads
- adds 'go to date' feature to calendar module (chrome browser not working yet)
- adds experimental iCalendar/Google Calendar XML event aggregation feature (can be slow)
- adds new photo album slideshow view using vertical thumbnails with text
- better handling of video (and audio) uploads and previews
- adds tag list/cloud sorting by # hits and setting limits
- adds option to rename 'Uncategorized' group label per module
- fixes youtube module to finally handle multiple items (paging, reordering, etc...)
- fixes some pagination anomalies associated with multiple pages and sorting
- sorting/ranking lists should be more user accessible (esp for LONG lists)
- reordering dialog now pops up under 'Order ...' link
- items now can be dragged to above/below the visible list and it will scroll browser window
- manage users is now is sortable with more accurate filtering
- adds optional links to display printer friendly views or export-to-pdf for blog, news, filedownload, portfolio & calendar
- export to pdf requires optional 'dompdf' package installation
- adds optional formmodule control descriptions
- adds new delete command to recycle bin items, plus new display of all recycled modules (from Exponent menu)
- translations more widely implemented; machine translations updated
- many 3rd party libraries updated (ckeditor, flowplayer, minify, & swiftmailer)
- plus many other tweaks, fixes, and features
- incorporates all fixes from v2.0.5 patches
- adds publish/unpublish dates and 'draft' feature to blog
- implements WYSIWYG comments
- adds aggregated content indicator with command to move item into current module
- fixes a plural/singular MVC naming issue to provide more fluid integration (developer feature)
- photoalbum, faq, & filedownloads; all fixed during the upgrade
- upgrade scripts now run when versions are equal to allow better upgrading from develop code
- also adds 'optional' upgrade scripts; includes optional deprecated headline controller removal
- prevent installation/upgrade over 0.9x database (must be a clean install then migrate old db)
- adds cURL library support requirement to installation
- enhanced podcast/rss feeds; deprecates 1.0/calendar rss, in favor of ical feed
- adds true Finnish (machine) translation
- adds additional url security checking
- plus other tweaks, fixes, and features
- categories are (fully) implemented within the faq, filedownloads, links, photoalbum & portfolio modules
- adds tabbed view either by category or alphabetized like rolodex
- adds an accordion like view w/ collapse/expand by category/alphabetized
- categories now migrated; imagegallerymodule galleries converted to categories
- Minification has been fixed for many server scenarios
- adds optional thumbnail display and list size setting to file manager
- adds tag cloud view to search module
- adds tags to faq, news, & photoalubm modules
- adds deletion of multiple standalone pages at once
- adds notification of version patch releases
- adds additional sorting options to news, filedownloads, & portfolio modules
- adds 'Recent' views to blog, filedownloads, & news modules...good teaser view
- many migration updates and fixes
- fixes slideshowmodule migration (which wasn't occuring)
- better migration of 0.9x-type 'reused' type modules
- newsmodule tags now migrated (why weren't we already doing this)
- now migrates many additional module and view configuration settings
- adds module scope type indicator to top-level/hard-coded chrome menus
- implemented extension (theme, patch, & mods) repository access
- extensions loaded into current theme unless told to patch system
- adds a module description feature and making the display of the module title optional
- module titles are now mandatory; to better differentiate on aggregation selection, etc...
- coolwater theme enhanced with header configuration, new 'wide' style variation, etc...
- changes calling parameters for send_reminders.php
- installation and upgrade must now be specifically invoked by url
- notice given to admin users on upgrade need or new version availability
- can now also have customized format, font, & styles drop-downs
- can now access File Manager to link to files in addition to pages/modules
- corrects path problem w/ user extensions, esp. the avatar extension
- improved tag viewing, usage and management
- improved aggregation selection list
- can now remove missing files or add files found on server to File Manager
- greatly enhanced Coolwater theme that allows easy header customization
- plus many other bug fixes and updates
- for general use, installation, and to simplify translation creation
- Spanish, German, Danish, Norwegian, Czech, and Finnish translations added
- Permissions now cascade down thru pages and containers
- Management screens accurately reflect inherited and implied permissions
- The super-admin may now create other super-admin users
- Global sidebar modules don't inherit current page permissions & now require permission for non-admin users
- Custom themes/views must be updated to follow Smarty syntax (v2 allowed sloppy syntax)
- New auto-complete feature with 'tag' selection
- Custom themes/views must be updated to new YUI2 loading method
- SwiftMail v4.1.2 (adds secure connection protocol selection: SSL, TLS, or none)
- CKeditor v3.6.2 (adds iOS5 support)
- MagPieRSS feedreader class replaced by SimplePie class
- Includes several file manager fixes and tweaks
Theme engine updated to include theme previewing, configuration, style variations, and mobile theme variations
- Adds new user configurable Multi-Options theme
- Demonstrates the new FlyoutYUI Login view (note the green icon near the upper left corner)
- Adds selectable style variations to SimpleTheme
- includes an example barebones Mobile theme variation (view the site on an iPhone or Android)
- Custom themes/views must be updated to reference login controller instead of loginmodule