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Day 3

Time Activity Slides Hands-on
Morning Assembly Link here Link here
Morning Genome resolved metagenomics Link here
Afternoon Genome resolved metagenomics cont'd Link here


We will assemble all 4 samples indivially using the MEGAHIT assembler.
In addition, we will use MetaQUAST to get some statistics about our assemblies.

MEGAHIT is an ultra-fast assembly tool for metagenomics data.
It is installed to CSC and can be loaded with the following command:

module load biokit

Assembling metagenomic data can be very resource demanding and so we need to do it as a batch job.
Copy the script called from the SBATCH_SCRIPTS folder to your own directory and submit the batch job as previously.
Then open the script using less and and answer what do the following flags mean?

--min-contig-len 1000
--k-min 27
--k-max 127
--k-step 10
--memory 0.8
--num-cpu-threads 8

However, as this is only a one-week course we cannot wait for your assemblies to finish, so let's terminate the running jobs.
What was the command to view on-going batch jobs?
You can terminate the sbatch job by typing:

scancel JOBID

Terminate your job and check that it is no longer in your list of jobs.

Assembly quality statistics

Let's take a look at the assemblies in a bit more detail with MetaQUAST.

Since the assembly would have taken too long to finish, we ran the assembly for you. The assembly files can be pretty big as well, so you will make a softlink to the assembly folder to save some space.

cd /scratch/project_2001499/$USER

What kind of files did you "copy"?
Please take a look at the log files and answer these questions about the assembly:

  • Which version of MEGAHIT did we actually use for the assemblies?
  • How long did the assemblies take to finish?
  • Which sample gave the longest contig?

Then we'll run assembly QC using MetaQUAST. First have a look at the different options that you can specify.

module load biokit -h

Open an interactive session for QC allocating 1 hour, 10 Gb of memory, 4 CPUs/threads, and 10 Gb of temporary disk area.
Then when you're connected to the interactive node, run MetaQUAST.

sinteractive -i

module load biokit ASSEMBLY_MEGAHIT/*/final.contigs.fa \
             -o METAQUAST_FAST \
             --threads 4 \
             --fast \
             --max-ref-number 0 &>

Copy the folder called METAQUAST_FAST to your computer.
You can view the results (report.html) in your favorite browser.

Questions about the assembly QC:

  • Which assembly has the longest contig when also long reads assemblies are included?
  • Which assembly had the most contigs?
  • Were the long read assemblies different from the corresponding short read assemblies?
  • If yes, in what way?

Genome-resolved metagenomics with anvi'o

anvi'o is an analysis and visualization platform for omics data.
You can read more from their webpage.

alt text

First we need to open an interactive session inside a screen and then log in again with a tunnel using the computing node identifier.

Mini manual for screen:

  • screen -S NAME - open a screen and give it a session name NAME
  • screen - open new screen without specifying any name
  • screen -ls - list all open sessions
  • ctrl + a + d - to detach from a session (from inside the screen)
  • screen -r NAME - re-attach to a detached session using the name
  • screen -rD - re-attach to a attached session
  • exit - close the screen and kill all processes running inside the screen (from inside the screen)

So after opening a new screen, connect to an interactive node with 4 cores and go to your course folder and make a new folder called ANVIO.
All task on this section are to be done in this folder.

screen -S anvio
sinteractive -A project_2001499 -c 4 -m 20G

cd /scratch/project_2001499/$USER
mkdir ANVIO

We need to do some preparation for the contigs before we can use them in anvi'o.
We will do this for one sample to demonstrate the workflow.
For anvi'o you'll need to load bioconda and activate the anvio-7 virtual environment.

export PROJAPPL=/projappl/project_2001499
module load bioconda/3
source activate anvio-7

Rename the scaffolds and select those >5000nt.

anvi'o wants sequence IDs in your FASTA file as simple as possible.
Therefore we need to reformat the headers to remove spaces and non-numeric characters.
Also contigs shorter than 5000 bp will be removed. Because Igor deleted the assembly files we need to skip this step...

anvi-script-reformat-fasta ../ASSEMBLY_MEGAHIT/Sample03/final.contigs.fa \
                           -l 5000 \
                           --simplify-names \
                           --prefix Sample03 \
                           -r REPORT \
                           -o Sample03_5000nt.fa

Instead let's copy the re-formatted file that luckily we have a copy:

cp ../../COURSE_FILES/BINNING_MEGAHIT/Sample03/CONTIGS_5000nt.fa Sample03_5000nt.fa

Whenever you need, you can detach from the screen with Ctrl+a d.
And re-attach with screen -r anvio.

Generate CONTIGS.db

The contigs database (Sample03_5000nt_CONTIGS.db) contains information on contig length, open reading frames (searched with Prodigal) and kmer composition.
See the anvi'o webpage for more information.

anvi-gen-contigs-database --contigs-fasta Sample03_5000nt.fa \
                          --output-db-path Sample03_5000nt_CONTIGS.db \
                          -n Sample03_5000nt \
                          --num-threads 4

Run HMMs to identify single-copy core genes for Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, plus rRNAs

First annotate the SCGs.

anvi-run-hmms --contigs-db Sample03_5000nt_CONTIGS.db --num-threads 4

And then run taxonomic annotation based on those

anvi-run-scg-taxonomy -c Sample03_5000nt_CONTIGS.db -T 4

After that's done, detach from the anvi'o screen with Ctrl+a d

Mapping the reads back to the assembly

Next thing to do is mapping all the reads back to the assembly. We use the renamed >5000 nt contigs and do it sample-wise, so each sample is mapped separately using the trimmed R1 & R2 reads.

However, since this would take three days, we have run this for you and the data can be found from COURSE_DATA/MEGAHIT_BINNING/ The folder contains the output from mapping all samples against all four assemblies. We will be using only the mappings against assembly from Sample03. Let's make a softlink to that folder as well. Make sure you make the softlink to your ANVIO folder


Next we will build profiles for each sample that was mapped against the assembly. The mapping output from each sample is the $SAMPLE.bam file.
Write an array script for the profiling and submit it to the queue.

Don't do this from the screen and make sure your inside your ANVIO folder.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name array_profiling
#SBATCH --output array_profiling_out_%A_%a.txt
#SBATCH --error array_profiling_err_%A_%a.txt
#SBATCH --partition small
#SBATCH --time 00:20:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500
#SBATCH --array=1-4
#SBATCH --nodes 1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20
#SBATCH --account project_2001499


export PROJAPPL=/projappl/project_2001499
module load bioconda/3
source activate anvio-7

anvi-profile --input-file BINNING_MEGAHIT/Sample03/MAPPING/$SAMPLE.bam \
               --output-dir PROFILES/$SAMPLE \
               --contigs-db Sample03_5000nt_CONTIGS.db \
               --num-threads 20 &> $SAMPLE.profilesdb.log.txt

Merging the profiles

When the profiling is done, you can merge them with this command. Remember to re-attach to you screen and run the command in there.

anvi-merge PROFILES/*/PROFILE.db \
           --output-dir MERGED_PROFILES \
           --contigs-db Sample03_5000nt_CONTIGS.db \
           --enforce-hierarchical-clustering &> Sample03.merge.log.txt

Tunneling the interactive interafce

Although you can install anvi'o on your own computer (and you're free to do so, but we won't have time to help in that), we will run anvi'o in Puhti and tunnel the interactive interface to your local computer.
To be able to to do this, everyone needs to use a different port for tunneling and your port number will be given on the course.

Connecting using a tunnel is a bit tricky and involves several steps, so pay special attention.
Detach from your screen and note on which login node you're on. Then re-attach and note the ID of the computing node your logged in. Then you will also need to remember your port number.

Then you can log out and log in again, but this time in a bit different way.
You need to specify your PORT and the NODEID to which you connected and also the NUMBER of the login node you where your screen is running. Also change your username in the command below.


And in windows using Putty:
In SSH tab select "tunnels". Add:

  • Source port: PORT
  • Destination: NODEID.bullx:PORT

Click add and connect to the right login node, login1 or login2.

Then go back to your screen and launch the interactive interface.
Remember to change the PORT.

anvi-interactive -c Sample03_5000nt_CONTIGS.db -p MERGED_PROFILES/PROFILE.db -P PORT

Then open google chrome and go to address that anvi'o prints on the screen.
Also this should work: http://localhost:PORT

Again change XXXX to your port number

Since the interface is pretty slow with so large data set, we will divide it to approx. 5 smaller subsets (bins). Save this collection with the name PreCluster.
We will continue working with this set tomorrow.

When you're done, close the anvi'o server, close the interactive session, close the screen and log out from Puhti.
And we're done for today.