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The test only runs over the function index. But as you can see the results are a 100% and marks only the first row of the file with a green color.
I have seen cases where istanbul shows correctly the coverage values, I have changed the test and the source but nothing.
I also have this karma configuration:
module.exports=function(config){config.set({//logLevel: 'LOG_DEBUG',reporters: ['spec','coverage'],// Continuous Integration mode// if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exitssingleRun : true,autoWatch : false,// base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)basePath: '',port: 9876,// frameworks to use// available frameworks: ['mocha','browserify'],files: ['src/**/*.js','test/*.js'],// list of files to excludeexclude: [],preprocessors: {'src/**/*.js': ['browserify','coverage'],'test/**/*.js': ['browserify']},coverageReporter: {reporters: [{type: 'html'},{type: 'text'},{type: 'lcovonly'}],instrumenterOptions: {istanbul: {noCompact: true}},instrumenter: {'test/**/*.js': 'istanbul'},includeAllSources: true},// enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)colors: true,// start these browsers// available browser launchers: ['PhantomJS2']});};
If you ran the tests you will see that it actually works fine, but the coverage report is not correct.
I need some help regarding Karma with browserify coverage. I created a repo with the test I am running in here:
The results on my coverage are the following:
The test only runs over the function index. But as you can see the results are a 100% and marks only the first row of the file with a green color.
I have seen cases where istanbul shows correctly the coverage values, I have changed the test and the source but nothing.
I also have this karma configuration:
If you ran the tests you will see that it actually works fine, but the coverage report is not correct.
I also created this ticket
Thank you very much for your help.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: