Hello! 👋
Thank you for considering contributing to superduperdb
. There are many ways to contribute, and they are not limited to writing code. We welcome all contributions such as:
- bug reports
- documentation improvements
- enhancement suggestions
- expanding the reusable-snippets and use-cases
This project is intended to be a community effort, and it won't be possible without your support and enthusiasm.
If you're new to open-source development, we recommend going through the GitHub “issues” tab to find items that interest you. Once you’ve found something interesting, the next step is to create your development environment.
Once you've 'forked' and 'cloned' the code to your local machine, please follow these steps:
Get the code on your local:
# Clone and change location directory of the superduperdb repository, change the `<FORKED_NAME>` to your GitHub id
git clone git@github.com:<FORKED_NAME>/superduperdb.git
cd superduperdb
Set up your python environment:
# Create your Python virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
# Activate the Python virtual environment
. .venv/bin/activate
Install the dependencies:
# Install pip-tools and latest version of pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip-tools
# Install the superduperdb project in editable mode along with the developer tools
python3 -m pip install -e '.'
python3 -m pip install -r deploy/installations/testenv_requirements.txt
make install_devkit
(Optional) build the docker development environment:
make build_sandbox
We follow something called a "fork and pull request" workflow for collaborating on our project. See here for a great overview on what some of these mysterious terms mean!
These tests check that there are no basic programming errors in how classes and functions work internally.
make unit_testing
These tests that package integrations, such as sklearn
or openai
work properly.
make ext_testing
These tests check that data-backend integrations such as MongoDB or SQLite work as expected.
make databackend_testing
These tests check that cluster mode works as expected (ray
, vector-search
, cdc
, rest
make smoke_testing
If you have an unsolvable problem or find a bug with the code, we would love it if you could create a useful issue on GitHub.
Creating a useful issue, is itself a useful skill. Think about following these pointers:
- Add the "bug label" to flag the issue as a bug
- Make sure the issue contains the minimal code needed to create the issue:
- Remove padding code, unnecessary setup etc.
- Make it as easy as possible to recreate the problem.
- Always include the traceback in the issue
- To flag the issue to the team, escalate this in the Slack channels
- Tag relevant people who have worked on that issue, or know the feature
If you have any problems please contact a maintainer or community volunteer. The GitHub issues or the Slack channel are a great place to start. We look forward to seeing you there! 💜