AKA descriptions.
Add documentation to the types, fields, and arguments.
Encouraged to do it in all cases.
Unless the name of the type, field, or argument is self-descriptive.
Use markdown syntax.
Can be multiline or single line.
A todo resource
type Todo {
"It is a unique identifier, and it is an UUID."
id: String!
"This will be shown to the user while overviewing all todos."
title: String!
This where creator or the user who where assigned to do this todo can come jot down whatever they need, it can be:
- Details of the todo.
- It can hold things like what user wants to do next.
Sky is limit, go wild!
content: String!
status: Status
Todo's status
enum Status {
Todo was created, note that user cannot change the status back to created when they once changed it to in-progress.
It is on preparation for being closed and completed. From here todo's status can only be changed to paused or finished.
Todo was in-progress bu something came up and user had to stops it for sometime until the can come back to it and change its status back to in-progress.
"Todo completed"
The query type, represents all of the entry points into our object graph
type Query {
Fetches all todos.
"Filter todos based on their status if you like"
status: [Status!]
): [Todo!]
We have also what is commonly called comments, but how they are different from descriptions?
Comments are things that ain't meant to be seen by client :).