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File metadata and controls

124 lines (107 loc) · 5.65 KB


  • In GraphQL you can:
    • Fetch data using Query operation type.
    • Modify/insert data using Mutation operation type.
  • But if you need to push data from the server to the clients, that choose to listen to real time messages from the server, you need to use Subscription operation type.
  • More complex to implement, so first make sure that you need it.
  • Subscription: long-lasting GraphQL read operations that can update their result whenever a particular server-side event occurs.

How Subscription operation type works

  • They're similar to query operation types.
  • It defines top-level fields that clients can subscribe to:
    type Subscription {
      # messageCreated field will update its value whenever a new Message is
      # created on the backend, thus pushing the Message to subscribing clients.
      messageCreated: Message
  • Open a channel in the backend on the server.
  • A result is sent to the client every time a particular event happens on the server.

Client specifies a set of fields to be delivered to the client, but instead of immediately returning a single answer, a channel is opened and a result is sent to the client every time a particular event happens on the server


Each subscription operation can subscribe to only one top-level field of the Subscription type. Meaning the following subscription operation is not valid:

subscription IndexPageEvents {
  notificationCreated {
  postCreated {


  • No built-in support for subscriptions.

Subscription resolvers

  • Return an object.
  • Define a subscribe function.
  • Publish an event whenever the return value of a subscription should be updated.
    • It can be triggered by:
      • A mutation.
      • A cron job.
      • etc.
  • You can see how it is done in NodeJS + ExpressJS + Apollo server here.
  • You need to enable CORS in your backend.
  • Do not forget to set up HTTP body parsing
  • To filter data you can use withFilter function.
    • Runs before the resolve function.
    • Returns early if the filter does NOT pass.
    • Accepts two functions:
      • The first is your usual subscribe which has to return an AsyncIterator object.
      • The second function though is where you write extra logic to narrow what should be sent to the client based on their query.


Here you can see how withFilter should NOT be used in AS:

Inside the withFilter you should not change the resolved value, just filter it. For changing it use resolve function

NestJS + Apollo server

  • Define a new Subscription
    • This name is either:
      • Inherited from the name of the subscription handler method (e.g., commentAdded).
      • Is provided explicitly by passing an option with the key name as the second argument to the @Subscription() decorator.
  1. Enable subscription in AS.

    • We need a 3rd-party lib for it called graphql-ws.
  2.  GraphQLModule.forRoot<ApolloDriverConfig>({
      driver: ApolloDriver,
      autoSchemaFile: join(__dirname, 'src', 'schema.gql'),
      sortSchema: true,
    +  subscriptions: {
    +    'graphql-ws': true,
    +  },


    You cannot use GqlOptionsFactory as your return type. It is a generic type and in our case we wanna use ApolloServer as our driver, but if you use it then you won't be able to access properties such as subscriptions:

    You should not use GqlModuleOptions since it is a generic type

    And here is how you do should do it instead:

    Use ApolloDriverConfig exported from @nestjs/apollo

  3. Use @Subscription to annotate your handler.

  4. pnpm add graphql-subscriptions
    • Provides a simple publish/subscribe API.
    • We usually need to back it with an external store such as Redis, or RabbitMQ, or anything other database (See a more complete list here).
      • pnpm add graphql-redis-subscriptions @nestjs/config ioredis class-transformer class-validator
      • For docker I am using this compose file.
      • cd libs/shared && nest g module pubsub
  5. To publish an event, we use the pubsub.publish method.

    • Often used within a mutation to trigger a client-side update when a part of the object graph has changed.
    • BTW it is also possible to use Javascript function generators instead. Like what we did for greet subscription.
  6. If you need to pass arguments to your field you need to utilize @ResolveField.

    • And if you need to access to the response you can use @Parent.