Removed all non Algoritmiek files from the repository
Added ability to get results of all races
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'
Updated driver information and circuit information to be dynamic with…
Added ability to retrieve sprint race data
Moved functions for correcting json format etc for less unnecessary r…
added results class and updated for less redundant function creation
Corrected retrieving the length of a circuit.
Added ability to use correct name for formula1 website
Added the ability to retrieve images in png form. added retreiving ci…
Updated to be able to correctly show all teams
It now is able to gather the teams belonging to one driver
The issue lies with the fact that it can't find "\"name\n":" in the t…
It crashes due to a known error todo with the getting of the teams.
fixed cmakelists for week4deel1
Opdrachten Week 4 Deel 2 af
removed unnecessary (non used) include
Opdracht 3 Week 3 deel 1 af
Opdracht 1 Week 3 deel 1 af
Added week3deel1 and updated week2deel1
You can’t perform that action at this time.