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Kate Hall edited this page Jan 25, 2017 · 17 revisions


Please take the time to report any bugs you encounter on the Issues section of this repository. If possible, include your Lennox device(s) information and the invocation phrase (i.e., what you said to Alexa when the problem occurred), plus any other relevant details in your report.


  • This skill assumes your thermostat uses Fahrenheit measurements. If your thermostat uses Celcius, contact me for instructions on modifying the code. A future version of this code will check for this automatically and work in both capacities!
  • Asking Alexa to change your temperature will reset your Heat To and Cool To settings with a window of 3 degrees between the two settings. Your normal schedule and settings will resume after a few hours.


  1. Preparing the Code

  2. Setting up the Smart Home Skill in your Amazon Developer account (Part 1)

  3. Setting up the Lambda service in AWS

  4. Finishing up the Smart Home Skill in your Amazon Developer account (Part 2)

  5. Enabling the Skill on your Alexa