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Data Structures

This file holds sample code for a number of classic data structures implemented in python.

Authors: Kavdi Hodgson and Megan Flood


List of values stored in nodes linked to each other in one direction.

A single linked list is beneficial when creating a to do list. You can remove the items when they are completed whithout having to alter the entire list. And there is no need to iterate through it from both directions.


l = LinkedList(iterable='list, tuple, or str')

Implements the following methods:

  • push(val): Add another value to the front of the list.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • pop(): Remove the first node and return it's value. Raises an IndexError if there are no values to return.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • size(): Get the size of the LinkedList.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • search(val): Find the node that has the given value if present, else None.
    • Time complexity: O(n)
  • remove(node): Remove the given node from the LinkedList. Raises a ValueError if the node is not in the list.
    • Time complexity: O(n)
  • display(): Display LinkedList as if it were a tuple literal. Ex: “(12, ‘sam’, 37, ‘tango’)”
    • Time complexity: O(n)


Structure for values in a stack where first item in is last out.


s = Stack(iterable='list, tuple, or str')

Implements the following methods:

  • push(val): Add another value to the top of the stack.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • pop(): Remove the top node and return it's value. Raises an IndexError if there are no values to return.
    • Time complexity: O(1)


List of values stored in nodes linked in two directions.

A doubly linked list is better for keeping a log of information, such as history, this way you can access information from both directions.


l = DLL(iterable='list, tuple, or str')

Implements the following methods:

  • push(val): Add another value to the front of the list.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • pop(): Remove the first node and return it's value. Raises an IndexError if there are no values to return.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • remove(val): Remove the given value from the doubly-linked list. Raises a ValueError if the value is not in the list.
    • Time complexity: O(n)
  • append(val): Append the value at the tail of the list.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • shift(): Remove the last value from the tail of the list and return it. Raises an IndexError if there are no values to return
    • Time complexity: O(1)


Structure for values in a queue where first item in is first out.


q = Queue(iterable='list, tuple, or str')

Implements the following methods:

  • enqueue(value): Add a value to the end of the queue.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • dequeue(): Remove the value from the front of the queue and return it. Raises an IndexError if there are no values to return.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • peek(): Get the value from the front of the queue without removing it.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • size(): Get the size of the queue.
    • Time complexity: O(1)


Structure for values in a deque, double-ended queue.


d = Deque(iterable='list, tuple, or str')

Implements the following methods:

  • append(value): Add a value to the end of the deque.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • appendleft(value): Add a value to the front of the deque.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • pop(): Remove the value from the end of the deque and return it. Raises an IndexError if there are no values to return.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • popleft(): Remove the value from the front of the deque and return it. Raises an IndexError if there are no values to return.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • peek(): Get the value from the end of the deque without removing it.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • peekleft(): Get the value from the front of the deque without removing it.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • size(): Get the size of the deque.
    • Time complexity: O(1)

Binary Heap

Structure for values in a Binary Heap. A max binary heap is a complete binary tree where each level of the tree is greater than the level below it. A min heap has the lowest values at the top.


h = BinHeap(iterable='list, tuple, or str', is_max_heap=True)

Implements the following methods:

  • push(val): Put a new value into the binary heap.
    • Time complexity: O(log(n))
  • pop(): Remove the value from the top of the heap and return it. Raises an IndexError if there are no values to return.
    • Time complexity: O(log(n))

Priority Queue

Structure for values in a priorty queue. Items added to the priority queue are given a priority. If not set by the user, priority is set to be the lowest. When removing items, higher priority items are removed before lower priority items.


q = PriorityQ()

Implements the following methods:

  • insert(value, priority=None): Put a new value into the priority queue. If no priority is given, it is set to be the current minimum priority.
    • Time complexity: O(n)
  • pop(): Remove the highest priority value from the priority queue and return it. Raises an IndexError if there are no values to return.
    • Time complexity: O(log(n))
  • peek(): Get the highest priority value from the priority queue and without removing it. Returns None if these are no values to return.
    • Time complexity: O(1)


Structure for values in a graph, which is directed and unweighted. Nodes added to graph have a value. Nodes connected to each other by a pointer are edges. Graph contains edges and nodes. Nodes are unique.


g = Graph()

Implements the following methods:

  • nodes(): Get all nodes in the graph and display them as a list.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • edges(): Get all edges in the graph and display them as a list.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • add_node(val): Add a node with a value to the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • add_edge(val1, val2): Add an edge with nodes to the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • del_node(val): Remove the node with the given value from the graph. Also removes all edges connected to the node. Raises an ValueError if the value is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(n2)
  • del_edge(val1, val2): Remove the edge connecting node of val1 to node of val2. Raises an ValueError if the edge is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • has_node(val): Check if the given value is in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • neighbors(val): Get a list of all nodes the node of the given value connects to. Raises an ValueError if the value is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(n2)
  • adjacent(val1, val2): Check if there is an edge connecting the nodes with given values.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • def breadth_first_traversal(start_val): Get the full visited path of a breadth first traversal. Raises an ValueError if the value is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(n4)
  • def depth_first_traversal(start_val): Get the full visited path of a depth first traversal. Raises an ValueError if the value is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(2n2)

Weighted-Graph (weight_graph)

Structure for values in a graph, which is directed and weighted. Nodes added to graph have a value. Nodes connected to each other by a pointer are edges and each edge has a weighted value. Graph contains edges and nodes. Nodes are unique.


g = Graph()

Implements the following methods:

  • nodes(): Get all nodes in the graph and display them as a list.
    • Time complexity: O(n)
  • edges(): Get all edges in the graph and display them as a list.
    • Time complexity: O(n2)
  • add_node(val): Add a node with a value to the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • add_edge(val1, val2, weight): Add an edge with nodes and weight to the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • del_node(val): Remove the node with the given value from the graph. Also removes all edges connected to the node. Raises an ValueError if the value is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(n)
  • del_edge(val1, val2): Remove the edge connecting node of val1 to node of val2. Raises an ValueError if the edge is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • has_node(val): Check if the given value is in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • neighbors(val): Get a list of all nodes the node of the given value connects to. Raises an ValueError if the value is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(n)
  • adjacent(val1, val2): Check if there is an edge connecting the nodes with given values.
    • Time complexity: O(1)
  • def breadth_first_traversal(start_val): Get the full visited path of a breadth first traversal. Raises an ValueError if the value is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(n2)
  • def depth_first_traversal(start_val): Get the full visited path of a depth first traversal. Raises an ValueError if the value is not in the graph.
    • Time complexity: O(n2)
  • def dijkstra_min(start, end): Find the shortest path from start to end using Dijkstra's algorithm. Raises value error if node not in graph or start and end do not connect.
    • Time complexity: O(n2)
  • def bellman_ford_min(start, end): Find the shortest path from start to end using the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Raises value error if node not in graph or start and end do not connect.
    • Time complexity: O(n2)
