Releases: kavezo/ZipZap
MagiReco NA Server v0.4.1
If you did gacha on 0.4.0 on any important accounts, download this and run charaTools with options 1 and 2. Basically, there was a bug that would create copies of userCharas so that you'd lose some information about gems, costumes set, and episode points whenever you'd restart the server (and also multiple copies of MSS for one girl would show up).
Also fixed:
- you can resume quests after closing the app
- you will no longer have -1 destiny gems when limit breaking using a gem you got as a dupe in the same gacha session as you got the meguca for the first time
- you can actually by things with destiny crystals and magia chips
- Android 9 crash fixed
MagiReco NA Server v0.4.0
You can do quests now! Almost all the main story and another story quests are playable with story and the right enemies (exception: iroha solo quests); however, there are no drops, AP spent, user experience received, or mission and quest clears. Some MSS and especially doppels are missing, but we're working on collecting all of them. You should also be able to play mirrors, but at least for some people the button isn't working at all.
- Added memoria selling
- Fixed data download and archive
- Fixed multiple Bananaka bug
- Some work on using magia chips to buy destiny gems, but it's probably not working for most people
This release may be a bit more wobbly than the previous ones. Expect lots of bug fixes in the upcoming days.
MagiReco NA Server v0.3.2
Changed a few structural things. Also:
- better handling of gevent ip address fetching so it won't just close
- you can take people out of teams now
- extra memoria won't stay in slots when you save your team
- small gems won't give you the same exp as big gems
- selling 4*s works now
- existing formations and backgrounds won't show up in shop
MagiReco NA Server v0.3.1
Rewrote some code that might have DCMA potential. Also fixed some things, including:
-Profile works now
-Enhancing megucas with the little crystals doesn't give you a ton of exp anymore
-You can now edit gacha rates
MagiReco NA Server v0.3.0
Completely restructured the server to not rely on MITM. This fixes the direct boot into Gallery Mode. However, it changes the entire setup procedure -- check the README for more.
- Enhance doesn't crash anymore
- Graphics change like they do ingame when you summon a 4*
- Please don't try to play quests, they might mess up your AP in an irrecoverable way...but quests won't crash on iPhone and non-rooted Android anymore