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File metadata and controls

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Build-in UI components

TitleLabelMenuViewCell and UnderlineFocusView are build-in UI components. You don't need to make custom PagingMenuViewCell and PagingFoucsView, when your App require simple UI.

SimpleViewController in this repository helps you to understand usege.

Creating your custom UI components

PagingKit expects you to create a menu cell and foucs view. You can create and register them like UITableViewCell.

  1. Inherite PagingMenuViewCell and create custom cell
  2. Inherite PagingFocusView and create custom view
  3. Register the above views to PagingMenuViewController

Read this section or some sample code.

Focused Cell Style

PagingMenuViewCell has isSelected property. PagingMenuView updates the property if the focusing cell is changed. You can change the style by overriding the property.

class CustomCell: PagingMenuViewCell {
    override public var isSelected: Bool {
        didSet {
            if isSelected {
                titleLabel.textColor = focusColor
            } else {
                titleLabel.textColor = normalColor

Cell Alignment

PagingMenuViewController has an utility method to align cellls.

If you want to align cells on the center, the following code will help you.

pagingMenuViewController.cellAligenment = .center

Underline to have the same width as each title label

TitleLabelMenuViewCell supports this feature.

See SimpleViewController in the repository.

Controlling PagingContentViewController's scroll

PagingContentViewController uses UIScrollView to scroll the contents.

You can disable the pan gesture as follows.

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // contentViewController is a PagingContentViewController's object.
    // ...
    pagingContentView.scrollView.isScrollEnabled = false

Set false to “delaysContentTouches” in the scroll view when you have some controls (e.g. UISlider) in your contents.

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // contentViewController is a PagingContentViewController's object.
    // ...
    contentViewController.scrollView.delaysContentTouches = false

Initializing without Storyboard

Each class in PagingKit is kind of UIViewController or UIView.

So you can initialize them as you initialize UIViewController or UIView.

Sample Project has this case. see InitializeWithoutStoryboardViewController

Put menu on UINavigationBar

Initialize PagingMenuView directly and set it to container view controller's navigationTitme.titleView The following is part of the code. You can check the sample view controller. See NavigationBarViewController

class NavigationBarViewController: UIViewController {
    lazy var menuView: PagingMenuView = {
        let menuView = PagingMenuView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 44))
        menuView.dataSource = self
        menuView.menuDelegate = self
        menuView.cellAlignment = .center
        menuView.register(type: TitleLabelMenuViewCell.self, with: "identifier")
        menuView.registerFocusView(view: UnderlineFocusView())
        return menuView
    var contentViewController: PagingContentViewController?

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        navigationItem.titleView = menuView

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Animating alongside PagingMenuFocusView

You can add custom animation along PagingMenuFocusView

Typically, it is good to implement the animation in the following delegate.

func menuViewController(viewController: PagingMenuViewController, willAnimateFocusViewTo index: Int, with coordinator: PagingMenuFocusViewAnimationCoordinator) {
        coordinator.animateFocusView(alongside: { coordinator in
           // implement your custom animations in this closure.
        }, completion: nil)

Sample Project has a implementation to support the feature. See OverlayViewController

RTL Support

PagingKit doesn't have RTL feature. In general, CGAffineTransform is a reasonable approach to implement RTL.

This is SampleViewController in the sample project.

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For example, you can change the scroll direction with the following code.

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        menuViewController?.menuView.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1, y: 1) // <-
        contentViewController?.scrollView.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1, y: 1) // <-

It's not enough because PagingMenuViewCell and UITableViewCell is also transformed.

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So you needs to apply transform to them.

extension SimpleViewController: PagingMenuViewControllerDataSource {
    func menuViewController(viewController: PagingMenuViewController, cellForItemAt index: Int) -> PagingMenuViewCell {
        let cell = viewController.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "identifier", for: index)  as! TitleLabelMenuViewCell
        cell.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1, y: 1) // <-
        cell.titleLabel.text = dataSource[index].menu
        return cell
extension SimpleViewController: PagingContentViewControllerDataSource {
    func contentViewController(viewController: PagingContentViewController, viewControllerAt index: Int) -> UIViewController {
        let viewController = dataSource[index].content
        viewController.view.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1, y: 1) // <-
        return dataSource[index].content

Only the menu will start at the right.

2018-12-03 22 22 29

Code Snippets

There are some snippets to save your time.

Install them on ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/ and restart Xcode. You can see the snippets on the right pane.

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