- Prefix for column name reverted.
- fixed sorting type problem.
- logoutPath added .yml
- upgrading version of the library.
- fixed sorting query problem.
- fixed query on ElementCollections.
- added list field restriction and projection support.
- fixed #4
- fixed #6
- fixed count of group by queries problem.
- added alias to ORDER BY
- GROUP BY query has been moved before ORDER BY query.
- fixed restrictions name suffix increment problem
- fixed obtaining multiple transient-relation members in the DTO Entity from the HQL Select Fields.
- fixed wrong variable name of the parameters in the HQL.
- Fixed multiple filtering on the same field.
- Fixed Conversion of the Collections in the HQL Query (setParameterList)
- changed test port as 8686
- valueAlias of restrictions is optional now.
- Criteria alias and JoinCriteria alias is optional now.
- fixed bugs.
- fixed Q Filter Problem
- changed alias name of fields of Root Entity as field name.
- tested pairList strict, dto and map results.
- Fixed path names of Criteria API.
- Fixed some performance problems.
- added automatic select fields on DTO Classes ( Entities can be DTO if needed some transient members.)
- Fixed Offset and Limit problem.
- create new Criteria and Query Api To query as Generic by Given TransgormerImpl.
- create HQL Transformer Impl to convert Criteria to HQL query.
- changed Search Query JOIN as LEFT OUTER JOIN as Standart.
- fixed Hibernate Search Query Api wrong Query.
- fixed Hibernate Search Query Api missing space query "AND"
- fixed Hibernate Search Query Api Oid Problem.
- fixed Hibernate Search Query Api Sorting Problem.
- added control to check JCE Security Algorithm Packages to use auth-bundle.