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Kedro's command line interface

Kedro's command line interface (CLI) is used to give commands to Kedro via a terminal shell (such as the terminal app on macOS, or cmd.exe or PowerShell on Windows). You need to use the CLI to set up a new Kedro project, and to run it.

Autocompletion (optional)

If you are using macOS or Linux, you can set up your shell to autocomplete kedro commands. If you don't know the type of shell you are using, first type the following:

echo $0
If you are using Bash (click to expand)
Add the following to your ~/.bashrc (or just run it on the command line):
eval "$(_KEDRO_COMPLETE=source kedro)"
If you are using Z shell (ZSh) (click to expand)
Add the following to ~/.zshrc:
eval "$(_KEDRO_COMPLETE=source_zsh kedro)"
If you are using Fish (click to expand)
Add the following to ~/.config/fish/completions/
eval (env _KEDRO_COMPLETE=source_fish kedro)

Invoke Kedro CLI from Python (optional)

You can invoke the Kedro CLI as a Python module:

python -m kedro

Kedro commands

Here is a list of Kedro CLI commands, as a shortcut to the descriptions below. Project-specific commands are called from within a project directory and apply to that particular project. Global commands can be run anywhere and don't apply to any particular project:

Global Kedro commands

The following are Kedro commands that apply globally and can be run from any directory location.

You only need to use one of those given below (e.g. specify `kedro -V` **OR** `kedro --version`).

Get help on Kedro commands

kedro -h
kedro --help

Confirm the Kedro version

kedro -V
kedro --version

Confirm Kedro information

kedro info

Returns output similar to the following, depending on the version of Kedro used and plugins installed.

 _            _
| | _____  __| |_ __ ___
| |/ / _ \/ _` | '__/ _ \
|   <  __/ (_| | | | (_) |
|_|\_\___|\__,_|_|  \___/

Kedro is a Python framework for
creating reproducible, maintainable
and modular data science code.

Installed plugins:
kedro_viz: 4.4.0 (hooks:global,line_magic)

Create a new Kedro project

kedro new

Customise or override project-specific Kedro commands

All project related CLI commands should be run from the project’s root directory.

Kedro's command line interface (CLI) allows you to associate a set of commands and dependencies with a target, which you can then execute from inside the project directory.

The commands a project supports are specified on the framework side. If you want to customise any of the Kedro commands you can do this either by adding a file called or by injecting commands into it via the plugin framework. Find the template for the file below.

Click to expand
"""Command line tools for manipulating a Kedro project.
Intended to be invoked via `kedro`."""
import click
from kedro.framework.cli.project import (
from kedro.framework.cli.utils import (
from kedro.framework.session import KedroSession
from kedro.utils import load_obj, name=__file__)
def cli():
    """Command line tools for manipulating a Kedro project."""

    "--from-inputs", type=str, default="", help=FROM_INPUTS_HELP, callback=split_string
    "--to-outputs", type=str, default="", help=TO_OUTPUTS_HELP, callback=split_string
    "--from-nodes", type=str, default="", help=FROM_NODES_HELP, callback=split_node_names
    "--to-nodes", type=str, default="", help=TO_NODES_HELP, callback=split_node_names
@click.option("--nodes", "-n", "node_names", type=str, multiple=True, help=NODE_ARG_HELP)
    "--runner", "-r", type=str, default=None, multiple=False, help=RUNNER_ARG_HELP
@click.option("--async", "is_async", is_flag=True, multiple=False, help=ASYNC_ARG_HELP)
@click.option("--tags", "-t", type=str, multiple=True, help=TAG_ARG_HELP)
@click.option("--pipeline", "-p", type=str, default=None, help=PIPELINE_ARG_HELP)
    type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True),
    type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, resolve_path=True),
def run(
    """Run the pipeline."""

    runner = load_obj(runner or "SequentialRunner", "kedro.runner")
    tags = tuple(tags)
    node_names = tuple(node_names)

    with KedroSession.create(
        env=env, conf_source=conf_source, extra_params=params
    ) as session:

Project setup

Install all package dependencies

The following runs pip to install all package dependencies specified in requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For further information, see the documentation on installing project-specific dependencies.

Run the project

Call the run() method of the KedroSession defined in kedro.framework.session.

kedro run

KedroContext can be extended in (src/<package_name>/ In order to use the extended KedroContext, you need to set context_path in the pyproject.toml configuration file.

Modifying a kedro run

Kedro has options to modify pipeline runs. Below is a list of CLI arguments supported out of the box. Note that the names inside angular brackets (<>) are placeholders, and you should replace these values with the the names of relevant nodes, datasets, envs, etc. in your project.

CLI command Description
kedro run --from-inputs=<dataset_name1>,<dataset_name2> A list of dataset names which should be used as a starting point
kedro run --to-outputs=<dataset_name1>,<dataset_name2> A list of dataset names which should be used as an end point
kedro run --from-nodes=<node_name1>,<node_name2> A list of node names which should be used as a starting point
kedro run --to-nodes=<node_name1>,<node_name1> A list of node names which should be used as an end point
[DEPRECATED] kedro run --node=<node_name1>,<node_name2> Run only nodes with specified names.
Multiple instances allowed.
NOTE: This flag will be deprecated in Kedro 0.19.0. Use the following flag --nodes instead.
kedro run --nodes=<node_name1>,<node_name2> Run only nodes with specified names.
kedro run --runner=<runner_name> Run the pipeline with a specific runner
kedro run --async Load and save node inputs and outputs asynchronously with threads
kedro run --env=<env_name> Run the pipeline in the env_name environment. Defaults to local if not provided
[DEPRECATED] kedro run --tag=<tag_name1>,<tag_name2> Run only nodes which have any of these tags attached.
Multiple instances allowed.
NOTE: This flag will be deprecated in Kedro 0.19.0. Use the following flag --tags instead.
kedro run --tags=<tag_name1>,<tag_name2> Run only nodes which have any of these tags attached.
[DEPRECATED] kedro run --load-version=<dataset_name> Specify a particular dataset version (timestamp) for loading.
Multiple instances allowed.
NOTE: This flag will be deprecated in Kedro 0.19.0. Use the following flag --load-versions instead.
kedro run --load-versions=<dataset_name> Specify particular dataset versions (timestamp) for loading.
kedro run --pipeline=<pipeline_name> Run the whole pipeline by its name
kedro run --namespace=<namespace> Run only nodes with the specified namespace
kedro run --config=<config_file_name>.yml Specify all command line options in a named YAML configuration file
kedro run --conf-source=<path_to_config_directory> Specify a new source directory for configuration files
kedro run --conf-source=<path_to_compressed file> Only possible when using the OmegaConfigLoader. Specify a compressed config file in zip or tar format.
kedro run --params=<param_key1>=<value1>,<param_key2>=<value2> Does a parametrised run with {"param_key1": "value1", "param_key2": 2}. These will take precedence over parameters defined in the conf directory. Additionally, dot (.) syntax can be used to address nested keys like parent.child:value

You can also combine these options together, so the following command runs all the nodes from split to predict and report:

kedro run --from-nodes=split --to-nodes=predict,report

This functionality is extended to the kedro run --config=config.yml command, which allows you to specify run commands in a configuration file.

A parameterised run is best used for dynamic parameters, i.e. running the same pipeline with different inputs, for static parameters that do not change we recommend following the Kedro project setup methodology.

Deploy the project

The following packages your application as one .whl file within the dist/ folder of your project. It packages the project configuration separately in a tar.gz file:

kedro package

See the Python documentation for further information about packaging.

Pull a micro-package

Since Kedro 0.17.7 you can pull a micro-package into your Kedro project as follows:

kedro micropkg pull <link-to-micro-package-sdist-file>

The above command will take the bundled .tar.gz file and do the following:

  • Place source code in src/<package_name>/pipelines/<pipeline_name>
  • Place parameters in conf/base/parameters_<pipeline_name>.yml
  • Pull out tests and place in src/tests/pipelines/<pipeline_name>

kedro micropkg pull works with PyPI, local and cloud storage:

  • PyPI: kedro micropkg pull <my-pipeline> with <my-pipeline> being a package on PyPI
  • Local storage: kedro micropkg pull dist/<my-pipeline>-0.1.tar.gz
  • Cloud storage: kedro micropkg pull s3://<my-bucket>/<my-pipeline>-0.1.tar.gz

Project quality

Project development

Modular pipelines

Create a new modular pipeline in your project
kedro pipeline create <pipeline_name>
Package a micro-package

The following command packages all the files related to a micro-package, e.g. a modular pipeline, into a Python source distribution file:

kedro micropkg package <package_module_path>

Further information is available in the micro-packaging documentation.

Pull a micro-package in your project

The following command pulls all the files related to a micro-package, e.g. a modular pipeline, from either PyPI or a storage location of a Python source distribution file.

kedro micropkg pull <package_name> (or path to a sdist file)

Further information is available in the micro-packaging documentation.

Delete a modular pipeline

The following command deletes all the files related to a modular pipeline in your Kedro project.

kedro pipeline delete <pipeline_name>

Further information is available in the micro-packaging documentation.

Registered pipelines

Describe a registered pipeline
kedro registry describe <pipeline_name>

The output includes all the nodes in the pipeline. If no pipeline name is provided, this command returns all nodes in the __default__ pipeline.

List all registered pipelines in your project
kedro registry list


List datasets per pipeline per type
kedro catalog list

The results include datasets that are/aren't used by a specific pipeline.

The command also accepts an optional --pipeline argument that allows you to specify the pipeline name(s) (comma-separated values) in order to filter datasets used only by those named pipeline(s). For example:

kedro catalog list --pipeline=ds,de
Resolve dataset factories in the catalog
kedro catalog resolve

This command resolves dataset factories in the catalog file with any explicit entries in the pipeline. The output includes datasets explicitly mentioned in your catalog files and any datasets mentioned in the project's pipelines that match a dataset factory.

Rank dataset factories in the catalog
kedro catalog rank

The output includes a list of any dataset factories in the catalog, ranked by the priority on which they are matched against.

Data Catalog

Create a Data Catalog YAML configuration file

The following command creates a Data Catalog YAML configuration file with MemoryDataset datasets for each dataset in a registered pipeline, if it is missing from the DataCatalog.

kedro catalog create --pipeline=<pipeline_name>

The command also accepts an optional --env argument that allows you to specify a configuration environment (defaults to base).

The command creates the following file: <conf_root>/<env>/catalog_<pipeline_name>.yml


To start a Jupyter Notebook:

kedro jupyter notebook

To start JupyterLab:

kedro jupyter lab

To start an IPython shell:

kedro ipython

The Kedro IPython extension makes the following variables available in your IPython or Jupyter session:

  • catalog (type DataCatalog): Data Catalog instance that contains all defined datasets; this is a shortcut for context.catalog
  • context (type KedroContext): Kedro project context that provides access to Kedro's library components
  • pipelines (type Dict[str, Pipeline]): Pipelines defined in your pipeline registry
  • session (type KedroSession): Kedro session that orchestrates a pipeline run

To reload these variables (e.g. if you updated catalog.yml) use the %reload_kedro line magic, which can also be used to see the error message if any of the variables above are undefined.