Pre-processing and in some cases downloading of datasets for the paper "Content Selection in Deep Learning Models of Summarization."
Requires python 3.6 or greater.
To install run:
$ python install
If you haven't installed spacy before in your current environment you should also run:
python -m spacy download en
Also it might be good to set your number of OMP threads to a small number, e.g. export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
To run:
python summarization-datasets/ \
--data-dir data/
This will create the CNN/DM data in a directory data/cnn-dailymail
This dataset is quite large and will take a while to preprocess. Grab a coffee!
You must obtain the raw documents for this dataset from the LDC:
Assuming you have the original NYT tar file in a directory called raw_data
, run the following:
cd raw_data
tar zxvf nyt_corpus_LDC2008T19.tgz
cd ..
python summarization-datasets/ \
--nyt raw_data/nyt_corpus \
--data-dir data
This will create preprocessed NYT data in data/nyt/
To obtain this data, first sign the release forms/email NIST (details here:
You should obtain from NIST, two files for the 2001/2002 data and a username and password.
Assuming you have the NIST data in the folder called raw_data
, you should have following:
You will also need to download additional data from nist which you can do using a script that will be in your bin directory after installation:
where USERNAME and PASSWORD should have been given to you by NIST to access their website data.
This should create a file raw_data/DUC2002_test_data.tar.gz
Now run the preprocessing scripts:
python summarization-datasets/ \
--duc2001 raw_data/DUC2001_Summarization_Documents.tgz \
--duc2002-documents raw_data/DUC2002_Summarization_Documents.tgz \
--duc2002-summaries raw_data/DUC2002_test_data.tar.gz
--data-dir data
This will create preprocessed duc data in data/duc-sds/
To run:
python summarization-datasets/ \
--data-dir data/
This will create the Reddit data in a directory data/reddit
To run:
python summarization-datasets/ \
--data-dir data/
This will create the AMI data in a directory data/ami
To run:
python summarization-datasets/ \
--data-dir data/
This will create the PubMed data in a directory data/pubmed