This is an experimental layer for Qt as reactive values.
So far only buttons clicks and line edit texts have been added. A quick example: given two line edits (text fields) called l1 and l2, and a button called tb, we can connect them with the following code:
-- Make widgets reactive
e1 <- lineEditText l1
e2 <- lineEditText l2
btn <- buttonClick tb
-- Connection rules
e1 =:= (involution reverse <$$> e2)
e1 <:= (btn `governingR` e2 :: ReactiveFieldRead IO String)
This makes:
e1 and e2 always represent the same text, reversed from one another.
Whenever the button is depressed, the text in e2 is copied (literally) onto e1. (Consequently, e2 also changes as per rule #1.) We say that the button click is '''governing''' the line edit text, because the button determines when changes to the text are propagated.
The full code of the example can be found at:
which shows how to connect widgets a-la Keera Hails. See also: