ScanTool saves the settings of the configuration panel in a file named .scantoolrc located in the home directory. Example of configuration file:
version = 2.1
system_of_measurements = 0
display_mode = 1
baud_rate = 15
comport_number = 4
sensor0 = -1
sensor1 = -1
sensor2 = -1
sensor3 = -1
sensor4 = -1
sensor5 = -1
sensor6 = -1
sensor7 = -1
sensor8 = -1
sensor9 = 0
sensor10 = 0
sensor11 = 0
sensor12 = 0
sensor13 = 0
sensor14 = -1
sensor15 = 0
sensor16 = 0
sensor17 = 0
sensor18 = 0
sensor19 = 0
sensor20 = 0
sensor21 = 0
sensor22 = 0
sensor23 = 0
sensor24 = 0
sensor25 = 0
sensor26 = -1
sensor27 = 0
sensor28 = 0
sensor29 = 0
sensor30 = 0
sensor31 = 0
sensor32 = 0
sensor33 = 0
sensor34 = 0
sensor35 = 0
sensor36 = 0
sensor37 = 0
sensor38 = 0
sensor39 = 0
sensor40 = 0
sensor41 = 0
sensor42 = 0
sensor43 = 0
sensor44 = 0
sensor45 = 0
sensor46 = 0
sensor47 = 0
sensor48 = 0
sensor49 = 0
sensor50 = 0
sensor51 = 0
sensor52 = 0
sensor53 = 0
sensor54 = 0
sensor55 = 0
sensor56 = 0
sensor57 = 0
sensor58 = 0
sensor59 = 0
sensor60 = 0
sensor61 = 0
sensor62 = 0
sensor63 = 0
sensor64 = 0
sensor65 = 0
sensor66 = 0
sensor67 = 0
sensor68 = 0
sensor69 = 0
sensor70 = 0
sensor71 = 0
To reset the configuration (e.g., when the program is stuck in resetting an unavailable hardware interface), simply remove the file:
rm ~/.scantoolrc
A standard serial COM port in the form /dev/ttyS<number>
is configured
in ~/.scantoolrc with the following line: comport_number = <number>
for instance, /dev/ttyS3
is represented as follows in ~/.scantoolrc:
comport_number = 3
A USB COM port in the form /dev/ttyUSB<number>
is configured in
~/.scantoolrc with the following line: comport_number =
100 +
USB number; for instance, for /dev/ttyUSB0, set the following in
comport_number = 100
To use a pseudo-tty as COM port, edit ~/.scantoolrc and add the line
comport_number =
1000 + pty number; for instance, for /dev/pts/3,
set the following in ~/.scantoolrc:
comport_number = 1003
Note: when setting a pseudo-tty, only edit ~/.scantoolrc and do not try setting a PTY serial port through the "Options" panel of the user interface, which currently does not provide this feature.
To perform a standard compilation, with the following example, which also includes prerequisites:
sudo apt install -y liballegro4.4 liballegro4-dev allegro4-doc
make clean
In order to enable logging to a file named "comm_log.txt" in the current directory, set the log_comms flag to 1 in the ~/.scantoolrc file:
log_comms = 1