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How to use Jenkins on DC/OS

Jenkins is a popular Continuous Integration (CI) automation server and framework with hundreds of plugins (GitHub, Docker, Slack, etc.) available. Running Jenkins on DC/OS allows you to scale your CI infrastructure by dynamically creating and destroying Jenkins agents as demand increases or decreases, and enables you to avoid the statically partitioned infrastructure typical of a traditional Jenkins deployment.

  • Estimated time for completion: up to 45 minutes
  • Target audience:
  • Operators
  • Application admins
  • Quality/Release engineers
  • CI/CD admins
  • Scope: You'll learn how to install Jenkins and how to use it to build and deploy a Docker image on Marathon.

Table of Contents:


  • An account on Docker Hub.
  • A running DC/OS 1.8 cluster with at least 2 nodes.
  • DC/OS CLI installed.
  • A user-specific Marathon instance with the name marathon-user, serving as the deployment platform:

User-specific Marathon

Note that Jenkins works by persisting information about its configuration and build history as files on disk. Therefore, we have two options for deploying Jenkins on DC/OS: pin it to a single node (good for dev/test environments), or use a network file system mount such as NFS or CIFS, which is recommended for production environments.

Install Jenkins in a development environment

If you want to run Jenkins in a development or test environment, it's trivial to pin it to a single agent in the DC/OS cluster. Create the file options.json with the configuration below, modifying pinned-hostname to correspond to an agent IP in your DC/OS cluster (for example, via dcos node):

$ cat options.json
    "storage": {
        "pinned-hostname": ""

Note that for a complete list of the configuration options available for the Jenkins package, see the Jenkins package definition in the Mesosphere Universe.

Once you've created options.json, you can then install Jenkins by running the following command:

$ dcos package install jenkins --options=options.json
WARNING: If you didn't provide a value for `host-volume` in the CLI,

Continue installing? [yes/no] yes
Installing Marathon app for package [jenkins] version [2.0.1-2.7.4]
Jenkins has been installed.

Once ready, Jenkins will appear as a service in the DC/OS dashboard.

Install Jenkins in a production environment

Running Jenkins in a production environment will require that each machine in the cluster has an external volume mounted at the same location. External volumes can be backed by any number of systems, including NFS, CIFS, Ceph, and others. This will allow Jenkins to persist data to the external volume while still being able to run on any agent in the cluster, preventing against outages due to machine failure.

If you already have a mount point, great! Create an options.json file that resembles the following example:

$ cat options.json
    "service": {
        "name": "jenkins-prod",
        "cpus": 2.0,
        "mem": 4096
    "storage": {
        "host-volume": "/mnt/jenkins"

Then, install Jenkins by running the following command:

$ dcos package install jenkins --options=options.json

If you don't have a file share set up and are looking for a solution, continue to the next section for instructions on how to set up a shares using CIFS on Microsoft Azure or NFS on Amazon EFS.

Creating a CIFS file share on Microsoft Azure

First, you need to create a Storage Account in the same resource group in which you've launched your DC/OS cluster. In this particular example, let's create the storage account mh9storage in the resource group mh9:

Azure Portal: Storage Account

Now, create a file share. In the example shown here it's called jenkins:

Azure Portal: File Service

Mounting an Azure CIFS file share on Ubuntu

Log into the DC/OS master node. To determine the master, look up MASTERFQDN in the Outputs section of the deployment in Azure:

Azure Portal: Deployment Output

Next, add the private SSH key locally:

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/azure
Identity added: /Users/mhausenblas/.ssh/azure (/Users/mhausenblas/.ssh/azure)

Next, if you haven't already, tunnel the master node using the following command (note that the -L 8000:localhost:80 is forwarding port 8000 from your local machine to port 80 on the remote host:

$ ssh -A -p 2200 -L 8000:localhost:80

On this node you can now mount the File Share we created in the previous step.

First, let's make sure that the CIFS mount utils are available:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install cifs-utils

And now we can mount the file share:

azureuser@dcosmastersfjro3nzmohea:~$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/jenkins
azureuser@dcosmastersfjro3nzmohea:~$ sudo mount -t cifs    \
  // /mnt/jenkins \
  -o vers=3.0,username=REDACTED,password=REDACTED,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777

Be sure to replace the REDACTED value for the username and password options with your username and password. Note that the value for password is KEY2 from Access keys, as shown here:

Azure Portal: Storage Account Access Keys

To check if the file share works, we upload a test file via the Azure portal:

Azure Portal: Storage File Upload

If all is well, you should be able to list the contents of the mounted file share on the DC/OS master node:

azureuser@dcosmastersfjro3nzmohea:~$ ls -al /mnt/jenkins
total 1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Mar 20 11:21 test.txt

Finally, using the pssh tool, configure each of the DC/OS agents to mount the file share.

$ sudo apt-get install pssh
$ cat pssh_agents

$ parallel-ssh -O StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l azureuser -h pssh_agents "if [ ! -d "/mnt/jenkins" ]; then mkdir -p "/mnt/jenkins" ; fi"
$ parallel-ssh -O StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l azureuser -h pssh_agents "mount -t cifs // /mnt/jenkins -o vers=3.0,username=REDACTED,password=REDACTED,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777"

Creating an NFS file share with Amazon EFS

To start, open the Amazon EFS console, click Create file system and then Create file system. Make sure you are in the same availability zone as as your DC/OS cluster.

Select the VPC of your DC/OS cluster and click Next Step:

Amazon EFS: Configure Access

Optional settings can be left blank, or you can add tags to the volume if desired. Click Next Step:

Amazon EFS: Optional Settings

You will see a Review and create screen. Double check that the appropriate availability zone is selected, then click Create File System:

Amazon EFS: Review and Create

Once your EFS volume has been created, Amazon provides a link (click here) on instructions for mounting on Amazon, Red Hat, and SuSE Linux:

Amazon EFS: Created

See below for instructions on mounting an NFS volume on CoreOS.

Mounting an NFS file share on CoreOS

First, get the link to the EFS NFS fileshare you created in the previous step, replacing xxxxxxxx with your unique EFS ID:

echo $(curl -s

Next, follow our documentation for mounting NFS volumes to mount your EFS NFS filesystem on each of your DC/OS agents.

Build a Docker image and deploy it via Marathon

Note that in the following we assume you have an account on Docker Hub (or a similar Docker registry service).

By default, the Jenkins package is configured with a Docker-in-Docker agent that allows you to build Docker images on top of DC/OS. Nothing else is needed on your part.

Mesosphere maintains an open source Marathon plugin for Jenkins, which allows you to easily deploy an application to Marathon. To install it, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the .hpi file for the latest Marathon plugin from the mesosphere/jenkins-marathon-plugin repo.
  2. Upload the .hpi plugin file via the Advanced tab within the Jenkins plugin manager: Jenkins plugin installation
  3. Restart Jenkins to load the new plugin.

Next, you configure a Jenkins job that clones the mhausenblas/cicd-demo GitHub repository, builds the image, pushes it to Docker Hub, and deploys it to Marathon:

Configure Git repository

For the build step, you may use (or adapt) the following build script:


docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME .
docker push $IMAGE_NAME

Finally, configure a post-build step using the Marathon plugin:

Marathon deployment post-build step

An example of a Marathon deployment follows:

  • We use the internal IP address of the System Marathon for the Marathon URL field, that is, http://leader.mesos:8080/
  • For the Application Definition field, that is the Marathon app spec file, we use in this example jekyll.json
  • For the Application Id field we use ${JOB_NAME}
  • For the Docker Image field use your own Docker image, in our example mhausenblas/cicd-demo:${GIT_COMMIT}

The resulting config should looks something akin to this:

Marathon deployment post-build configuration

Uninstall Jenkins

To uninstall Jenkins using the DC/OS CLI, run the following command:

$ dcos package uninstall jenkins