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901 lines (599 loc) · 20.9 KB

Server API


AuthN exposes both public and private endpoints.

Public endpoints are intended to receive traffic directly from a client, although you may certainly route that traffic through a gateway if you prefer. These endpoints rely on trusted Origin headers to prevent CSRF attacks.

Private endpoints are intended to receive only traffic from your application's backend. They require HTTP Basic Auth username and password, and should only be accessed over HTTPS (which you should be using anyway).

JSON Envelope

Successful actions will be indicated with a HTTP 2xx code, and usually accompanied by a JSON response containing a result key.


  "result": {
    "id_token": "..."

Failed actions will be indicated with a 4xx or 5xx HTTP code, and accompanied by a JSON response containing an errors key that maps to an array of {field: , message: } objects.


  "errors": [
    {"field": "username", "message": "TAKEN"},
    {"field": "password", "message": "INSECURE"}

Errors might also arise when sending unsupported Content-Type headers, or improperly formatted JSON/Form content. In this case the error message will result in a slightly different payload, accompanied by 400 or 415 Http errors:

  "error": "invalid character '}' looking for beginning of value"


All PUT / PATCH / POST endpoints support either JSON (application/json) or Form (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) encoded requests, depending on which Content-Type is found in the request headers. For backwards compatibility, Authn-Server will try parsing a Form request body when no Content-Type is set.


Visibility: Public

POST /accounts

Params Type Notes
username string Must be present and unique.
password string Must meet minimum complexity scoring per zxcvbn.


201 Created

  "result": {
    "id_token": "..."


422 Unprocessable Entity

  "errors": [
    {"field": "username", "message": "MISSING"},
    {"field": "username", "message": "FORMAT_INVALID"},
    {"field": "username", "message": "TAKEN"},
    {"field": "password", "message": "MISSING"},
    {"field": "password", "message": "INSECURE"}

The reason for FORMAT_INVALID will depend on whether you've configured AuthN to validate usernames as email addresses.

Get Account

Visibility: Private

GET /accounts/:id

Params Type Notes
id integer available from the JWT sub claim


200 Ok

  "result": {
    "id": <id>,
    "username": "...",
    "oauth_accounts": [
        "provider": "google"|"apple",
        "provider_account_id": "91293",
        "email": ""
    "last_login_at": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "password_changed_at": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
    "locked": false,
    "deleted": false


404 Not Found

  "errors": [
    {"field": "account", "message": "NOT_FOUND"}


Visibility: Private

PATCH|PUT /accounts/:id

Params Type Notes
id integer available from the JWT sub claim
username string  


200 Ok


404 Not Found

  "errors": [
    {"field": "account", "message": "NOT_FOUND"}

422 Unprocessable Entity

  "errors": [
    {"field": "username", "message": "FORMAT_INVALID"}

The reason for FORMAT_INVALID will depend on whether you've configured AuthN to validate usernames as email addresses.

Username Availability

Visibility: Public

GET /accounts/available

Params Type Notes
username string  


200 Ok

  "result": true


422 Unprocessable Entity

  "errors": [
    {"field": "username", "message": "TAKEN"}

Lock Account

Visibility: Private

PATCH|PUT /accounts/:id/lock

Params Type Notes
id integer available from the JWT sub claim


200 Ok


404 Not Found

  "errors": [
    {"field": "account", "message": "NOT_FOUND"}

Unlock Account

Visibility: Private

PATCH|PUT /accounts/:id/unlock

Params Type Notes
id integer available from the JWT sub claim


200 Ok


404 Not Found

  "errors": [
    {"field": "account", "message": "NOT_FOUND"}

Archive Account

Visibility: Private

DELETE /accounts/:id

Params Type Notes
id integer available from the JWT sub claim


200 Ok


404 Not Found

  "errors": [
    {"field": "account", "message": "NOT_FOUND"}

Delete OAuth account by user id

Visibility: Private

DELETE /accounts/:id/oauth/:name

Params Type Notes
id integer User account Id
name string Provider names


200 Ok



404 Not Found

Import Account

Visibility: Private

POST /accounts/import

Params Type Notes
username string Must exist and be unique, but otherwise not validated.
password string May be either an existing BCrypt hash or a plaintext (raw) string. Will not be validated for complexity.
locked boolean Optional. Will import the account as locked.


201 Created

  "result": {
    "id": 123456789


422 Unprocessable Entity

  "errors": [
    {"field": "username", "message": "MISSING"},
    {"field": "password", "message": "MISSING"}


Visibility: Public

POST /session

Params Type Notes
username string  
password string  
otp string required if MFA is setup on account


201 Created

  "result": {
    "id_token": "..."


422 Unprocessable Entity

  "errors": [
    {"field": "credentials", "message": "FAILED"},
    {"field": "credentials", "message": "EXPIRED"},
    {"field": "account", "message": "LOCKED"},
    {"field": "otp", "message": "MISSING"},
    {"field": "otp", "message": "INVALID_OR_EXPIRED"},

NOTE: no information is given to tell the user whether the username was found or the password was incorrect.

When handling the EXPIRED error for credentials, instruct the user their password must be reset.

Refresh Session

Visibility: Public

GET /session/refresh

As long as a device remains logged in to the AuthN server, it can hit this endpoint to fetch a fresh JWT session. The keratin/authn-js library can automate this by pre-emptively refreshing tokens when they reach halflife.

This refresh scheme is necessary so that device sessions may be permanently and effectively revoked.


201 Created

  "result": {
    "id_token": "..."


401 Unauthorized


Visibility: Public

DELETE /session

When a user signs up or logs in, their device establishes a session with the AuthN service, and within that session is a refresh token. This endpoint will revoke the token and discard the session.


200 OK

Request Passwordless Login

Visibility: Public

GET /session/token

Params Type Notes
username string  

NOTE: this endpoint only exists when APP_PASSWORDLESS_TOKEN_URL is configured. If you see a 404 Not Found, this env variable is missing.


200 Ok

A webhook will be POSTed to your application's passwordless login URL with a request body containing:

Params Type Notes
account_id integer Provided for your application to easily find the appropriate user.
token JWT Your application must deliver this to the user, usually by email. This JWT's audience is AuthN, and should be opaque to your application.


200 Ok

NOTE: success and failure are indistinguishable to the client. Even the webhook is performed in the background, to prevent timing attacks.

Submit Passwordless Login

Visibility: Public

POST /session/token

Params Type Notes
token JWT As generated by Request Passwordless Login.


201 Created

  "result": {
    "id_token": "..."


422 Unprocessable Entity

  "errors": [
    {"field": "token", "message": "INVALID_OR_EXPIRED"},
    {"field": "account", "message": "NOT_FOUND"},
    {"field": "account", "message": "LOCKED"},
    {"field": "otp", "message": "MISSING"},
    {"field": "otp", "message": "INVALID_OR_EXPIRED"},

NOTE: NOT_FOUND may happen if the account is archived after sending a passwordless login token.

Request Password Reset

Visibility: Public

GET /password/reset

Params Type Notes
username string  

NOTE: this endpoint only exists when APP_PASSWORD_RESET_URL is configured. If you see a 404 Not Found, this env variable is missing.


200 Ok

A webhook will be POSTed to your application's password reset URL with a request body containing:

Params Type Notes
account_id integer Provided for your application to easily find the appropriate user.
token JWT Your application must deliver this to the user, usually by email. This JWT's audience is AuthN, and should be opaque to your application.


200 Ok

NOTE: success and failure are indistinguishable to the client. Even the webhook is performed in the background, to prevent timing attacks.

Change Password

Visibility: Public

POST /password

Handles password resets (with token) and password changes (with session).

When PASSWORD_CHANGE_LOGOUT is enabled, all existing sessions for the account will be expired before creating a new session on the current device.

Params Type Notes
password string Must meet minimum complexity scoring per zxcvbn.
token JWT As generated by Request Password Reset. This is optional if the user is currently logged in to AuthN.
currentPassword string Must exist when changing a password while logged in (not using token)
otp string required if MFA is setup on account

NOTE: password must always be accompanied by either token or currentPassword.


201 Created

  "result": {
    "id_token": "..."


422 Unprocessable Entity

  "errors": [
    {"field", "credentials", "message": "FAILED"},
    {"field": "token", "message": "INVALID_OR_EXPIRED"},
    {"field": "account", "message": "NOT_FOUND"},
    {"field": "account", "message": "LOCKED"},
    {"field": "password", "message": "MISSING"},
    {"field": "password", "message": "INSECURE"}

NOTE: NOT_FOUND may happen if the account is archived after sending a reset token.

Expire Password

Visibility: Private

PATCH|PUT /accounts/:id/expire_password

Params Type Notes
id integer available from the JWT sub claim

Revokes all of the user's current sessions, removes their TOTP secret and flags the account for a required password change on their next login. This will manifest as an expired credentials error on what would normally have been a successful login.


200 Ok


404 Not Found

  "errors": [
    {"field": "account", "message": "NOT_FOUND"}

Password Score

Visibility: Public

POST /password/score

Params Type Notes
password string password to be checked for zxcvbn score

Returns the zxcvbn score and required score set for PASSWORD_POLICY_SCORE for a given password


200 Ok

  "result": {
    "score": 3,
    "requiredScore": 2


422 Unprocessable Entity

  "errors": [
    {"field": "password", "message": "MISSING"}


OAuth endpoints are enabled for a supported provider when that provider's credentials are configured.

Begin OAuth

Visibility: Public

GET /oauth/:providerName

Params Type Notes
providerName string google
redirect_uri URL Return URL after OAuth. Must be in your application's domain.

Redirect a user to this URL when you want to authenticate them with OAuth, and include a redirect_uri where you want them to return when they're done. From here, a user will proceed to the OAuth provider and back to AuthN's OAuth Return endpoint (as configured with the provider).


303 See Other
Location: (OAuth provider)


303 See Other
Location: (redirect URI)

OAuth Return

Visibility: Public

GET /oauth/:providerName/return

Params Type Notes
providerName string
  • google
  • github
  • facebook |

This is the return URL that must be registered with a provider when provisioning credentials. From here, a user will proceed to the redirect_uri specified at the Begin OAuth step.

If the OAuth process failed, the redirect will have status=failed appended to the URL.


303 See Other
Location: (redirect URI)


303 See Other
Location: (redirect URI with status=failed)

Get OAuth accounts info

Visibility: Public

GET /oauth/accounts

Returns relevant oauth information for the current session.


200 Ok

  "result": [
      "provider": "google"|"apple",
      "provider_account_id": "91293",
      "email": ""


401 Unauthorized

Delete OAuth account

Visibility: Public

DELETE /oauth/:providerName

Params Type Notes
providerName string google

Delete an OAuth account from the current session. If the session was initiated via the OAuth flow, the endpoint will returns an error requesting user to reset password.


200 Ok



401 Unauthorized

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

NOTE - AuthN MFA support is currently considered in beta. The API will not be considered stable until v2.


Visibility: Public

POST /totp/new


200 Ok

  "result": {
    "secret": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "url": "otpauth://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",


401 Unauthorized
422 Unprocessable Entity


Visibility: Public

POST /totp/confirm

Params Type Notes
otp string Required.


200 Ok


401 Unauthorized
422 Unprocessable Entity


Visibility: Public

DELETE /totp


200 Ok


401 Unauthorized
422 Unprocessable Entity

Service Configuration

Visibility: Public

GET /configuration

AuthN is not a fully compliant OpenID Connect service, and therefore does not use the /.well-known/ directory or publish all OpenID Connect-required fields.

This endpoint is primarily used by backend client libraries to fetch the jwks_uri path.


Params Type Notes
issuer string Base URL of AuthN service, as configured.
response_types_supported array[string] Always ["id_token"].
subject_types_supported array[string] Always ["public"].
id_token_signing_alg_values_supported array[string] Always ["RS256"].
claims_supported array[string] Always ["iss", "sub", "aud", "exp", "iat", "auth_time"]
jwks_uri string URL for public key necessary to validate JWTs

JSON Web Keys

Visibility: Public

GET /jwks

This endpoint is primarily used by backend client libraries to fetch the public key necessary to validate the JWTs this AuthN service issues.


Params Type Notes
keys.use string Always "sig".
keys.alg string Always ["RS256"].
keys.kty string  
keys.kid string  
keys.e string  
keys.n string  

Service Stats

Visibility: Private

GET /stats

Returns estimated statistics for active users over the last trailing 365 days, 104 weeks, and 60 months. Trims off trailing zero entries in each data set, on the assumption that those days predate your application's launch.

Time periods are labeled in ISO8601 formats:

Period Format Example
day YYYY-MM-DD 2016-01-15
week YYYY-\WWW 2016-W02
month YYYY-MM 2016-01


200 Ok

  "actives": {
    "daily": {},
    "weekly": {},
    "monthly": {}

Server Stats

Visibility: Private

GET /metrics

Returns server stats (memory usage) and traffic stats (counts, timings) that may be used to monitor and alert on server health. The data is formatted for consumption by Prometheus-compatible collectors.


200 Ok

# HELP go_goroutines Number of goroutines that currently exist.
# TYPE go_goroutines gauge
go_goroutines 10
# HELP http_requests_total How many HTTP requests processed, partitioned by name and status code
# TYPE http_requests_total counter
http_requests_total{code="200",name="GET /health"} 97

Health Check

Visibility: Public

GET /health

Returns a JSON hash with key health indicators. This is the intended endpoint for determining if the system is up.


200 Ok

  "http": true,
  "db": true,
  "redis": false