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Training and Tuning Strategies for Foundation Models in Medical Imaging

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Modular Segmentation Framework

A Modular Segmentation Framework is developed for training and testing medical segmentation models compatible with a range of common input data formats. The framework supports encoder-decoder architectures with various backbones and projection heads, or standalone models for predicting segmentation masks. Loss functions and optimizers are switchable, while metrics such as Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) are automatically computed per slice and over the volume. These metrics, along with sample segmentation masks from the validation set, are logged during training for quick assessment of performance.

All architectural details can be found in the final report "Training and Tuning Strategies for Foundation Models in Medical Imaging".

Code for the developed framework can be found under the MedicalSegmentation directory, with as the main file to run. Original code for the supported foundation models is under the OrigModels directory for each backbone respectively. Code for backbone or fine-tune specific implementations or adjustments required for the framework is under the ModelSpecific directory.

Framework Support

The parameters listed below must be set in under the MedicalSegmentation directory.

Supported Standalone Benchmark Models (trained from scratch) along with the value to set for the model_type parameter:

  • UNet: ModelType.UNET
  • Swin UNet: ModelType.SWINUNET

Supported Backbones for Encoder/Decoder Type (supporting all available sizes for all above-listed backbones): The following must be set model_type=ModelType.SEGMENTOR along with the backbone variable as listed:

  • Dino (both registered and not-registered): dino or dinoReg
  • SAM: sam
  • MedSAM: medsam
  • MAE: mae
  • ResNET: resnet

Supported Fine-Tunings for Backbones: fine_tune must be set to the below values with train_backbone=False:

  • Freeze (No Fine Tune): ''
  • Ladder Fine-Tuning (ResNet34 or Dino-Small): ladderR or ladderD
  • Reins and Reins LoRA: rein or reinL
  • Full Fine-Tuning: train_backbone=True and fine_tune=''

Implemented Decoders: Set dec_head_key to the below values:

  • Linear: lin
  • ResNet-Type: resnet
  • UNet-Type: unet or unetS for smaller size
  • DA Head (MMSEG): da
  • SegFormer Head (MMSEG): segformer
  • FCN Head (MMSEG): fcn
  • PSP Head (MMSEG): psp
  • SAM Prompt Encoder and Mask Decoder: sam_mask_dec
  • HQSAM Head: hqsam
  • HSAM Head: hsam
  • HQHSAM Head: hqhsam

Supported Domain Adaptation Methods:

  • Entropy Minimization: ftta=True
  • Self-Training: self_training=True

Supported Data Formats:

  • NifTI
  • HDF5
  • PNG (requires uniform volume depth for validation and test sets)

Supported Datasets: Can be chosen by setting the dataset variable:

  • Brain:
    • HCP (T1w and T2w) - HDF5: hcp1 or hcp2
    • ABIDE (Caltech and Stanford) - HDF5: abide_caltech or abide_stanford
  • Lumbar Spine:
    • VerSe - PNG: spine_verse
    • MrSegV - PNG: spine_mrspinesegv
  • Prostate:
    • NCI - HDF5: prostate_nci
    • PiradErc USZ dataset - HDF5: prostate_usz
  • Brain Tumor:
    • BraTS (T1 and FLAIR) - NifTI: BraTS_T1 or BraTS_FLAIR

Checkpoints for the Foundation Models

Checkpoints folder with the below structure and data is expected to load the weights for the foundation models. Files can be downloaded from the respective repositories for each backbone.

  └── Orig
      └── backbone
          ├── DinoV2
          │   ├── dinov2_vitb14_pretrain.pth
          │   ├── dinov2_vitb14_reg4_pretrain.pth
          │   ├── dinov2_vitg14_pretrain.pth
          │   ├── dinov2_vitg14_reg4_pretrain.pth
          │   ├── dinov2_vitl14_pretrain.pth
          │   ├── dinov2_vitl14_reg4_pretrain.pth
          │   ├── dinov2_vits14_pretrain.pth
          │   └── dinov2_vits14_reg4_pretrain.pth
          ├── MAE
          │   ├── mae_pretrain_vit_base.pth
          │   ├── mae_pretrain_vit_huge.pth
          │   └── mae_pretrain_vit_large.pth
          ├── MedSam
          │   └── medsam_vit_b.pth
          └── SAM
              ├── sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth
              ├── sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth
              └── sam_vit_l_0b3195.pth

Training and Testing

Running, models are trained on the source domain and tested both in-domain and on all available datasets for the anatomy for domain generalization/domain adaptation. Dice and mIoU scores are computed over the volume for the validation and test sets, while they are computed per slice to serve as indicators during the training process. The WandB logger is used. Sample segmentation results from the validation (at defined intervals during training) and test sets (at the end) are logged. The model with the highest validation DSC over the volume is used for testing.

Saving and Loading Models

ckp_pth must be set to the path where the trained models will be saved. A checkpoints directory will be created (if it doesn't already exist) with the following folder structure: DATASET_NAME/FINETUNE_BACKBONE_NAME/DECODER_NAME, and checkpoints are saved with timestamps and epoch numbers inside. Self-training runs are saved with the same folder structure under the ST folder inside the Checkpoints directory.

For domain adaptation, since checkpoints trained on the source domain must be loaded, search_dir_ must be set to the path where the same folder structure as above exists and where the checkpoints are stored.


Training and Tuning Strategies for Foundation Models in Medical Imaging






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