Gets the custom visitor ID for Target. The callback will be invoked to return the thirdPartyId
value, or if no third-party ID is set, nil
is returned.
+ (void) getThirdPartyId: (nonnull void (^) (NSString* __nullable thirdPartyId)) callback;
Here are the examples in Objective C and Swift:
[ACPTarget getThirdPartyId:^(NSString *thirdPartyId){
// read thirdPartyId
ACPTarget.getThirdPartyId({thirdPartyID in
// read thirdPartyId
Sets the custom visitor ID for Target. This ID is preserved between app upgrades, is saved and restored during the standard application backup process, and is removed at uninstall or when resetExperience
API is called.
+ (void) setThirdPartyId: (nullable NSString*) thirdPartyId;
Here are some examples in Objective-C and Swift:
[ACPTarget setThirdPartyId:@"third-party-id"];
Resets the user's experience by removing the visitor identifiers. This method also removes previously set third-party and Target IDs from persistent storage.
+ (void) resetExperience;
Here are some examples in Objective-C and Swift:
[ACPTarget resetExperience];
Gets the Target user identifier. The callback will be invoked to return the tntId
value, or if no Target ID is set, nil
is returned.
Target returns tntId
upon a successful call to loadRequests
or prefetchContent
. Once set in SDK, this ID is preserved between app upgrades, is saved and restored during the standard application backup process, and is removed at uninstall or when rResetExperience
API is called.
+ (void) getTntId: (nonnull void (^) (NSString* __nullable tntId)) callback;
Here are some examples in Objective-C and Swift:
[ACPTarget getTntId:^(NSString *tntId){
// read target's tntId
ACPTarget.getTntId({tntId in
// read target's tntId
Sends a batch request to your configured Target server for multiple mbox locations that are specified in theACPTargetRequestObject
array. Each object in the array contains a callback function, which will be invoked when content is available for its given mbox location.
+ (void) loadRequests: (nonnull NSArray<ACPTargetRequestObject*>*) requests
withProfileParameters: (nullable NSDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>*) profileParameters;
NSDictionary *mboxParameters1 = @{@"status":@"platinum"};
NSDictionary *productParameters1 = @{@"id":@"24D3412",
NSDictionary *orderParameters1 = @{@"id":@"ADCKKIM",
@"purchasedProductIds":@"34, 125, 99"};
NSDictionary *mboxParameters2 = @{@"userType":@"Paid"};
NSDictionary *productParameters2 = @{@"id":@"764334",
NSArray *purchaseIDs = @[@"id1",@"id2"];
NSDictionary *orderParameters2 = @{@"id":@"4t4uxksa",
ACPTargetRequestObject *request1 = [ACPTargetRequestObject requestObjectWithName:@"logo" defaultContent:@"BlueWhale" mboxParameters:mboxParameters1 callback:^(NSString *content){
// do something with the received content
request1.productParameters = productParameters1;
request1.orderParameters = orderParameters1;
ACPTargetRequestObject *request2 = [ACPTargetRequestObject requestObjectWithName:@"buttonColor" defaultContent:@"red" mboxParameters:mboxParameters2 callback:^(NSString *content){
// do something with the received content
request2.productParameters = productParameters1;
request2.orderParameters = orderParameters1;
// create request object array
NSArray *requestArray = @[request1,request2];
// Creating Profile parameters
NSDictionary *profileParameters = @{@"age":@"20-32"};
// Call the API
[ACPTarget loadRequests:requestArray withProfileParameters:profileParameters];
Sends a click notification to configured Target server for a prefetched or regular mbox location. Click metric should be enabled for the provided location name in Target. If notification is sent for a prefetched mbox, its contents should already have been requested with loadRequests
indicating that the mbox was viewed.
+ (void) locationClickedWithName: (nonnull NSString*) name mboxParameters: (nullable NSDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>*) mboxParameters productParameters: (nullable NSDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>*) productParameters orderParameters: (nullable NSDictionary*) orderParameters profileParameters: (nullable NSDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>*) profileParameters;
// Define Mbox parameters
NSDictionary *mboxParameters = @{@"membership":@"prime"};
// Define Product parameters
NSDictionary *productParameters = @{@"id":@"CEDFJC",
// Define Order parameters
NSDictionary *orderParameters = @{@"id":@"NJJICK",
@"purchasedProductIds":@"81, 123, 190"};
// Define Profile parameters
NSDictionary *profileParameters = @{@"ageGroup":@"20-32"};
[ACPTarget locationClickedWithName:@"cartLocation" mboxParameters:mboxParameters productParameters:productParameters orderParameters:orderParameters profileParameters:profileParameters];