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command line program for managing PAN-OS XML configurations

NAME - command line program for managing PAN-OS XML configurations

SYNOPSIS [options] [pseudo-xpath]
   --config path         path to XML config or '-' for stdin
   --xml                 print XML
   --py                  print XML in Python
   --json                print XML in JSON
   --flat                print XML flatly
   --set                 print XML as set CLI
   --mlist               print set CLI members as a list
   --compact             print compactly
   --debug level         enable debug level up to 3
   --version             display version
   --help                display usage

DESCRIPTION is used to manage PAN-OS XML configurations. It can be used to query nodes in an XML configuration by XPath (currently a pseudo-xpath, see below) and convert the configuration to Python, JSON and other formats for reporting and further manipulation.

It uses the pan.config module which is currently a private interface (it is subject to change and not documented).

The options are:

--config path
Specify path to PAN-OS XML configuration or '-' to read from stdin. This can be a complete (e.g., running-config.xml) or partial (rulebase security rules) XML configuration.
Print configuration in XML.
Print configuration as a Python object.
Print configuration as a JSON object.

Print configuration flatly in an XPath-like format. This is useful for search with document node context and to identify a node's XPath.

When pseudo-xpath is not specified a default set of XPath expressions is used to match nodes in the XML configuration.


Print configuration in set CLI format. This is intended to be the same format as seen when using set cli config-output-format set.

When pseudo-xpath is not specified a default set of XPath expressions is used to match nodes in the XML configuration.

When pseudo-xpath is specified, it should specify a top-level node (what # set ? allows) or results are unspecified.


Print set CLI members as a list by enclosing multiple member element text in square brackets. By default each member terminates a single set statement. Member list format is used by default when a PAN-OS version of 5.0 or greater is obtained from the config file via the config element version attribute.

Member list format:

set network virtual-router stx_1234 interface [ ethernet1/5.100 ethernet1/6.100 ]

Default format:

set network virtual-router stx_1234 interface ethernet1/5.100
set network virtual-router stx_1234 interface ethernet1/6.100
Print output compactly. This currently applies to JSON output only, and can be used to eliminate spaces in the JSON object.
--debug level
Enable debugging in and the pan.config module. level is an integer in the range 0-3; 0 specifies no debugging and 3 specifies maximum debugging.
Display version.
Display command options.
pseudo-xpath is currently the XPath as supported by the xml.etree.ElementTree module, which provides limited support for XPath expressions for locating elements in a tree. For more information see the examples below and the documentation at:



EXIT STATUS exits with 0 on success and 1 if an error occurs.


config.xml in the examples below is a running-config.xml exported from a PAN-OS device.

Print XML node for adminr user.

$ --config config.xml --xml "./mgt-config/users/entry[@name='adminr']"
<entry name="adminr">

Print JSON object for adminr user.

$ --config config.xml --json "./mgt-config/users/entry[@name='adminr']"
  "entry": {
    "name": "adminr",
    "permissions": {
      "role-based": {
        "superreader": true
    "phash": "$1$panetwrx$xQpDOQuAP3v8bFzJz.l7j0"

Print flatly for admin users.

$ --config config.xml --flat "./mgt-config"

Print set CLI for admin users.

$ --config config.xml --set "./mgt-config"
set mgt-config users admin phash $1$dgfkmfpe$/OGLAdsxd/zzjq51vLoeR0
set mgt-config users admin permissions role-based superuser yes
set mgt-config users adminr permissions role-based superreader yes
set mgt-config users adminr phash $1$panetwrx$xQpDOQuAP3v8bFzJz.l7j0



Kevin Steves <>


Configurations with multi-vsys: on are identified when multiple nodes match the xpath "/config/devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/vsys/entry", which is not perfect.

Configurations for Panorama are identified by matching the xpath "/config/panorama" or "/config/devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/device-group", which is also not perfect.

--debug 1 can be used to display configuration version and types identified:

$ --config panorama.xml --debug 1
config_root: <Element 'config' at 0x207e1af90>
config_version: 4.1.0
config_panorama: True
config_multi_vsys: False

When performing a top level configuration mode # show command with no arguments a default set of XPath expressions is used by PAN-OS to match the configuration to be displayed. These paths are stored internally in the pan.config module for different PAN-OS versions in order to duplicate the order and set of configuration nodes displayed.

PAN-OS may place a trailing space on some set statements; never ends a statement with a space.