This enables using non-Ubiquiti cameras within the UniFi Video/Protect software. This is particularly useful to view existing RTSP-enabled cameras in the same UI and mobile app.
Things that work:
- Live streaming
- Full-time recording
- Motion detection
- Smart Detections with Frigate
- ffmpeg and netcat must be installed
- Python 3+
In order to use this, you'll need a client certificate. This can be acquired in one of two ways:
- If you have a UniFi camera:
scp ubnt@<your-unifi-cam>:/var/etc/persistent/server.pem client.pem
- You can also create your own client certificate via:
openssl ecparam -out /tmp/private.key -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout
openssl req -new -sha256 -key /tmp/private.key -out /tmp/server.csr -subj "/C=TW/L=Taipei/O=Ubiquiti Networks Inc./OU=devint/"
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 36500 -in /tmp/server.csr -signkey /tmp/private.key -out /tmp/public.key
cat /tmp/private.key /tmp/public.key > client.pem
rm -f /tmp/private.key /tmp/public.key /tmp/server.csr
pip install unifi-cam-proxy
# RTSP stream
unifi-cam-proxy --host <NVR IP> --cert client.pem --token <Adoption token> rtsp -s rtsp://
docker run --rm -v "/full/path/to/cert.pem:/client.pem" keshavdv/unifi-cam-proxy unifi-cam-proxy --verbose --ip "<Camera IP>" --host <NVR IP> --cert /client.pem --token <Adoption token> rtsp -s rtsp://
- On the Protect UI, click 'Add Devices' and select 'G3 Micro'. Select 'Continue on Web' and type in a random string for the SSID and Password fields and click 'Generate QR Code'
- Take a screenshot of the QR code and upload it to
- Decode the QR code and extract the token from the second to last line in the 'Raw Text' field.
Follow the 'Token Adoption' step from here to generate a new token
To deploy multiple cameras, run multiple instances of the proxy, taking care to specify different MAC addressess:
unifi-cam-proxy --host <NVR IP> --mac 'AA:BB:CC:00:11:22' --cert client.pem --token <Adoption token> rtsp -s rtsp://camera1
unifi-cam-proxy --host <NVR IP> --mac 'AA:BB:CC:33:44:55' --cert client.pem --token <Adoption token> rtsp -s rtsp://camera2
- Tested: Hikvision DS-2DE3304W-DE (Uses brightness/contrast settings to control PTZ movements)
unifi-cam-proxy -H <NVR IP> -i <camera IP> -c client.pem -t <Adoption token> hikvision -u <username> -p <password>
- Standalone cameras
- Tested: RLC-410-5MP
unifi-cam-proxy -H <NVR IP> -i <camera IP> -c client.pem -t <Adoption token> rtsp -s <rtsp stream> --ffmpeg-args '-c:v copy -vbsf "h264_metadata=tick_rate=60000/1001:fixed_frame_rate_flag=1" -ar 32000 -ac 2 -codec:a aac -b:a 32k'
- NVR (Note: Camera/channel IDs are zero-based)
unifi-cam-proxy -H <NVR IP> -i <camera IP> -c client.pem -t <Adoption token> reolink_nvr -u <username> -p <password> -c <camera_id>
- Tested: LNB4321B (supports motion events)
unifi-cam-proxy -H <NVR IP> -i <camera IP> -c client.pem -t <Adoption token> lorex -u <username> -p <password>
- Note: Do not use the RTMP stream from frigate, use the original RTSP stream from your camera
unifi-cam-proxy -H <NVR IP> -i <camera IP> -c client.pem -t <Adoption token> frigate -s <rtsp source> --mqtt-host <mqtt host> --frigate-camera <Name of camera in frigate>