Project template for anyone wanting to write scalding jobs while keeping scalding as a dependency, instead of mixing in their own files into the scalding project. Also includes minimal support for HBase sources and sinks, and a few extensions to the pipe model we've found to be useful at StumbleUpon.
Simply add a file in src/main/scala/jobs, import com.twitter.scalding., and make sure the class inside extends Job. If you'd like to use our extensions, import com.stumbleupon.scalding.extensions. , and import com.stumbleupon.scalding.extensions.ScaldingWrapperConversions._ in your Job extension.
To run on hadoop, first run sbt assembly in the main project directory.
Then copy it to whatever machine you have hadoop running on.
Then run hadoop jar hbase-scalding-assembly-0.1.0.jar jobs.YourJobClass --hdfs --any-other-command-line-args-here