Python class to gather stats and slab keys from memcached via the memcached telnet interface
Basic usage:
from memcached_stats import MemcachedStats
mem = MemcachedStats()
By default, it connects to localhost on port 11211. If you need to specify a host and/or port:
mem = MemcachedStats('', '11211')
Retrieve a dict containing the current stats from memcached:
>>> mem.stats()
{'accepting_conns': '1',
'auth_cmds': '0',
'auth_errors': '0',
... }
Retrieve a list of keys currently in use:
>>> mem.keys()
... ]
If you just want to list some of the keys in memcached, run this from the command line:
python -m memcached_stats <ip> <port>
ip defaults to and port defaults to 11211.
pip install -e git+
python-memcached-stats is released under the MIT license.