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Introduction to Peloton

This document will introduce you to the core concepts used by the Peloton library.

The Actor System

An actor system is the central hub for actors. It is used to create new actors, manage their lifetime and possibly transport messages to other actor systems on remote machines.

You create a new actor system with default settings:

ActorSystem.use: actorSystem ?=> 
  // use the actor system
  IO.never // use it forever

Usually, to create an actor you would pass the actor system as a given instance to the factory method of the actor class. The provided actor system is already a given instance, so if you do not need direct access to the actor system, but only a given instance, you can simply write (use { _ ?=> ... }).

ActorSystem.use: _ ?=> 
    helloActor <- HelloActor.spawn()
    // ...
    _          <- helloActor.terminate
  yield ()

The lifetime of the provided actor system is scoped to the use {} block. All actors that are still running at the end of the block will be automatically terminated before the actor system is shut down, so manually terminating an actor is optional, unless your actor logic requires it to be terminated.

Actors and Interaction Patterns

Actors are fenced objects that can only be interacted with by sending them messages. Messages sent to an actor are enqueued in the actor's message queue and the actor will process these messages one by one, guaranteeing the actor's message handler a concurrency-free access to the internal state of the actor when processing the messages (though you can concurrently send messages to the actor).

You never get direct access to the data structures that back an actor. Instead, on creation, the actor system will return a data structure called ActorRef[M], where M is the type of messages this actor will support to receive to ensure type safety. An ActorRef is like a kind of pointer to the real actor and provides an interface to communicate with it. This is to hide the many possibilities how an actor might actually be implemented, or even where it is located (remote actors can be even on a totally different machine).

Actors provide two different interaction patterns to the client: the TELL and the ASK pattern.

Note: The code examples below are taken from the examples provided in this repository at the examples folder.

The Tell Pattern

Using the TELL pattern means that the message is just sent to the actor's message inbox and no response is expected. The control flow is yielded back to the client immediately after the message is put into the actor's message inbox. At this time, the actor has probably not yet processed the message as the message processing is performed asynchronously, so a certain actor state can not be assumed. On the other hand, it is guaranteed that the order of the messages in the actor's message inbox strictly follows the order of calls in the client code (if done synchronously).

In Peloton, to use the TELL pattern you call the tell() method of a given actor reference. You can also use the operator ! instead, which is just an alias for tell().

ActorSystem.use: _ ?=> 
    // Create a new actor. This will return an ActorRef[Message], which means that this actor 
    // will only support messages of type Message.
    helloActor <- HelloActor.spawn() 

    // Send messages with tell() method
    _          <- helloActor.tell(HelloActor.Message.Hello("World"))
    _          <- helloActor.tell(HelloActor.Message.Hello("Darkness"))

    _          <- helloActor.tell("Hello") // This will NOT compile!
    _          <- helloActor.tell(42)      // This will NOT compile!

    // Send messages with the ! alias
    _          <- helloActor ! HelloActor.Message.Hello("Kitty")

    // At this time, the messages are guaranteed to have arrived in the actor message inbox, 
    // but they are probably not processed yet. They may have, but there is no guarantee.

    // ...
  yield ()

Actors, their message inboxes and their message handlers are bound to the scope of the actor system they are created in. Terminating the actor system will also terminate all of its actor's message handlers, even when currently processing a message, so be careful when to terminate the actor system.

The Ask Pattern

While in the TELL pattern sending messages is completely isolated from processing them, it's the opposite in the ASK pattern. To use it, you call ask() on the actor reference, like you call tell() in the TELL pattern. The difference is that the call to ask()

  • is blocked until the message (and all other preceeding messages in the message inbox as well!) is fully processed by the actor's message mandler
  • will return a value of a specific type, while tell() will just return Unit.

Unlike the TELL pattern which every actor supports out of the box, the ASK pattern has to be explicitly made available by the actor for a specific combination of message and response type. Thus, you cannot simply call ask() for any message type the actor supports.

To enable a specific combination of message and response type to be ASK-able, there has to be a given instance of CanAsk[M, R], where M is the message type and R the response type. You can create such an instance by using the Actor.canAsk function. This gives a compile-time type safety for each call to ask(), as it is the Scala compiler that checks for the existence of a CanAsk[M, R] for the provided message type M and can then infer the expected response type R.

Note: You can use the operator ? as an alias for ask().

which is just an alias for tell(). Note: This is in contrast to Akka Typed which uses a generic response type R for all responses but cannot differentiate between combinations of subtypes of M and R which usually makes it necessary to apply pattern matching after each ask() in case the response type is polymorphic.

Note: The actor's message handler has to actively return a value of the response type as well. This will be covered later in the sections about different actor types.

object HelloActor:
  sealed trait Message

  object Message:
    final case class Hello(greeting: String) extends Message
    case object HowAreYou extends Message

  object Response:
    final case class HowAreYouResponse(msg: String)

  // This wires a specific message type to a specific response type.
  given CanAsk[Message.HowAreYou.type, Response.HowAreYouResponse] = canAsk

// ...

ActorSystem.use: _ ?=> 
    helloActor <- HelloActor.spawn() 

    // ASK the actor. Due to the existence of a specific CanAsk for our message type 
    // HelloActor.Message.HowAreYou, the compiler can infer the result type
    // HelloActor.Response.HowAreYouResponse.
    response   <- helloActor.ask(HelloActor.Message.HowAreYou)
    _          <- IO.println(s"The Hello actor says: ${response.msg}")

    // ASK with operator
    response2  <- helloActor ? HelloActor.Message.HowAreYou

    // At this time, the message is guaranteed to be processed by the actor.
  yield ()

Tell versus Ask

The ASK pattern provides an easy way for a direct (pseudo-synchronous) communication with an actor. But it comes with a price: the client code is logically blocking during the call to ask(). To avoid this, you can use a protocol that adds the caller's address (probably an ActorRef[R]) to the message, then TELL the message to the actor and the actor can then TELL back the response to the client, making both actors decoupled.

Note: Be aware that providing ASKs to an actor's protocol always adds complexity to the actor as it has to create and handle resources that it wouldn't need with TELL, making it basically slower. So, if there is no need to provide ASK in your actor protocol, don't add it!

Stateful Actors

Stateful actors maintain a mutable state of a specific type in memory. They are created using the spawnActor() method of the ActorSystem. The method takes an optional name (a random one is generated if omitted), the initial state and the initial behavior for the actor.

The message handler of a stateful actor is of type Behavior[S, M], where S is the type of the actor's state and M is the type of the actor's messages. The type Behavior[S, M] is a single-method trait with an abstract method called receive(), which provides the current state, the message and the current actor context as parameters and returns an IO[Behavior[S, M]], i.e., a (possibly) new behavior. This allows an actor to react on the current state and the message to change its behavior.

The actor context can be used to modify the current state of the actor using Context.setState().

To return the current behavior, the context provides the methods Context.currentBehavior() (non-effectful) and Context.currentBehaviorM() (wrapped in a pure effect). Most methods of Context already return the current behavior, so this can often be omitted.

object MyActor:

  sealed trait MyMessage
  final case class SetInt(i: Int) extends MyMessage
  final case class SetString(s: String) extends MyMessage

  case class MyState(i: Int, s: String)

  private val behavior: Behavior[MyState, MyMessage] =
    (state, message, context) => message match
      case SetInt(newI) => 
        context.setState(state.copy(i = newI)) >> 
      case SetString(newS) => 
        context.setState(state.copy(s = newS))  // setState automatically returns 
                                                // the current behavior, so currentBehaviorM 
                                                // can be omitted.

  def spawn()(using actorSystem: ActorSystem) = 
    actorSystem.spawnActor[MyState, MyMessage](
      name            = Some("MyActor"), // An optional name for the actor
      initialState    = MyState(i = 3, s = "x"),
      initialBehavior = behavior
end MyActor

Next, we'll define an actor that supports the ASK pattern:

object HelloActor:

  case class State(alreadyGreeted: Boolean)

  sealed trait Message

  object Message:
    final case class Hello(greeting: String) extends Message
    case object HowAreYou extends Message

  object Response:
    final case class HowAreYouResponse(msg: String)

  // This enables the ASK pattern for the given message and response types.
  given CanAsk[Message.HowAreYou.type, Response.HowAreYouResponse] = canAsk

  private val behavior: Behavior[State, Message] = 
    (state, message, context) => message match
      case Message.Hello(greeting) => // Hello is TELL-only => no response
        context.setState(alreadyGreeted = true)
      case Message.HowAreYou => // HowAreYou is ASK-able => send response
        if state.alreadyGreeted
        then context.reply(Response.HowAreYouResponse("I'm fine!")) 
        else context.reply(Response.HowAreYouResponse("Nobody likes me.")) 

  def spawn()(using actorSystem: ActorSystem) = 
    actorSystem.spawnActor[State, Message](
      name            = Some("HelloActor"),
      initialState    = State(alreadyGreeted = false),
      initialBehavior = behavior
end HelloActor

Note: be careful when activating ASK for an actor! Make sure that the behavior will always return a valid value of the promised type. Otherwise the client will be stuck forever,

Durable State Actors

Unlike stateful actors which hold their current state in memory only, durable state actors use an external storage system to make their state persistent. Durable state actors start with a given initial state when they are created the first time, i.e., the actor has never before written its state, and read the state from the external storage system on each consecutive start.

Durable state actors are spawned using the method spawnDurableStateActor() of the ActorSystem, which - like stateful actors - takes an initial state and an initial behavior as arguments, but additionally takes a persistence ID argument. The persistence ID is the primary key that is used by the underlying storage system for this actor, so it has to be unique. There is no check for uniqueness, so be careful when assigning the persistence ID.

To change the state of the durable state actor, the actor contect provides the setState() method - like the stateful actor. So in usage of the state, durable state actors and stateful actors do not differ. The difference bethween both is that, for the durable state actor, you have to provide given instances of

  • PayloadCodec[S]: used to encode the current state of the actor (when updating its state and thus writing it to the storage) and decode the previous state when respawning the actor. Notice that the payload codec is typed with the actor's state type.
  • DurableStateStore: used to read and write instances of the actor's state type. The payload is stored in a binary representation, so it uses a given payload codec to encode and decode the payload.

Currently, Peloton supports two different payload codecs:

  • JsonPayloadCodec: uses Json format. Generates a larger, but human-readable binary representation. Good for development or if performance is not the most important factor.
  • KryoPayloadCodec: Uses the much more compact Kryo format. Generates a much smaller binary representation that is not human-readable. Typically used for high-volume production environments.

An instance of DurableStateStore can be created using DurableStateStore.make(). There are two versions: one that takes an explicit storage configuration as a parameter and one without parameters. The first one allows you to explicitly define your storage backend programmatically while the latter will read the default configuration from the application.conf (or all other ways that Pureconfig provides).

Currently, Peloton comes with support for

  • postgresql
  • mysql (experimental, needs more testing)
  • cassandra (experimental, needs more testing)

These drivers are not incuded in the core Peloton package. You have to add them to your dependencies.

libraryDependencies += "de.killaitis" %% "peloton-persistence-postgresql" % PelotonVersion
libraryDependencies += "de.killaitis" %% "peloton-persistence-mysql" % PelotonVersion     // experimental
libraryDependencies += "de.killaitis" %% "peloton-persistence-cassandra" % PelotonVersion // experimental

DurableStateStore.make() returns a Resource value. If you just want to use it as a given value, you can just use DurableStateStore.use().

You can find a simple example here

Event-Sourced Actors

Remote Actors

Scheduled Effects