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libprimesieve C++ API

libprimesieve is a highly optimized library for generating prime numbers, it can generate primes and prime k-tuplets up to 264. libprimesieve generates primes using the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes with wheel factorization. This algorithm has a run time complexity of $O(n\log{\log{n}})$ operations and uses $O(\sqrt{n})$ memory. This page contains a selection of C++ code snippets that show how to use libprimesieve to generate prime numbers. These examples cover the most frequently used functionality of libprimesieve. Arguably the most useful feature provided by libprimesieve is the primesieve::iterator which lets you iterate over primes using the next_prime() or prev_prime() methods.

The functions of libprimesieve's C++ API are defined in the <primesieve.hpp> and <primesieve/iterator.hpp> header files. If you need detailed information about libprimesieve's function signatures, e.g. because you want to write libprimesieve bindings for another programming language, then I suggest you read the libprimesieve header files which also contain additional documentation about the function parameters and return values.



By default primesieve::iterator::next_prime() generates primes ≥ 0 i.e. 2, 3, 5, 7, ...

  • If you have specified a non-default start number in the primesieve::iterator constructor or in the jump_to() method, then the first next_prime() invocation returns the first prime ≥ start number. If want to generate primes > start number you need to use e.g. jump_to(start+1).
  • Note that primesieve::iterator is not ideal if you are repeatedly iterating over the same primes in a loop, in this case it is better to store the primes in a vector (provided your PC has sufficient RAM memory).
  • If needed, you can also use multiple primesieve::iterator objects within the same program.
#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  primesieve::iterator it;
  uint64_t prime = it.next_prime();
  uint64_t sum = 0;

  // Iterate over the primes <= 10^9
  for (; prime <= 1000000000; prime = it.next_prime())
    sum += prime;

  std::cout << "Sum of the primes <= 10^9: " << sum << std::endl;

  return 0;

primesieve::iterator::jump_to() (since primesieve-11.0)

This method changes the start number of the primesieve::iterator object. (By default the start number is initialized to 0). Note that you can also specify the start number in the constructor of the primesieve::iterator object.

  • The first next_prime() call after jump_to() returns the first prime ≥ start number. If want to generate primes > start number you need to use e.g. jump_to(start+1).
  • The first next_prime() call after jump_to() incurs an initialization overhead of $O(\sqrt{start}\times \log{\log{\sqrt{start}}})$ operations. After that, any additional next_prime() call executes in amortized $O(\log{n}\times \log{\log{n}})$ operations.
#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  primesieve::iterator it;

  // Iterate over primes >= 1000
  uint64_t prime = it.next_prime();

  // Iterate over primes from [1000, 1100]
  for (; prime <= 1100; prime = it.next_prime())
    std::cout << prime << std::endl;

  return 0;

The primesieve::iterator::jump_to() method (and the primesieve::iterator constructor) take an optional stop_hint parameter for performance optimization. If stop_hint is set primesieve::iterator will only buffer primes up to this limit.

#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  uint64_t start = 1000;
  uint64_t stop_hint = 1100;

  // Iterate over primes >= start
  primesieve::iterator it(start, stop_hint);
  uint64_t prime = it.next_prime();

  // Iterate over primes from [1000, 1100]
  for (; prime <= 1100; prime = it.next_prime())
    std::cout << prime << std::endl;

  return 0;

primesieve::iterator::skipto() (removed in primesieve-11.0)

Similar to primesieve::iterator::jump_to(), the primesieve::iterator::skipto() method changes the start number of the primesieve::iterator object. However, when calling next_prime() or prev_prime() for the first time the start number will be excluded. Hence next_prime() will generate primes > start and prev_prime() will generate primes < start. primesieve::iterator::skipto() has been replaced by primesieve::iterator::jump_to() in primesieve-11.0, because the use of the skipto() method required to correct the start number in most cases using e.g. iter.skipto(start-1).

  • The first next_prime() call after skipto() incurs an initialization overhead of $O(\sqrt{start}\times \log{\log{\sqrt{start}}})$ operations. After that, any additional next_prime() call executes in amortized $O(\log{n}\times \log{\log{n}})$ operations.
#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  primesieve::iterator it;

  // Iterate over primes > 13
  uint64_t prime = it.next_prime();

  // Iterate over primes from ]13, 1100]
  for (; prime <= 1100; prime = it.next_prime())
    std::cout << prime << std::endl;

  return 0;


Before using primesieve::iterator::prev_prime() you must change the start number either in the constructor or using the jump_to() method (because the start number is initialized to 0 be default).

  • Please note that the first prev_prime() invocation returns the first prime ≤ start number. If want to generate primes < start number you need to use e.g. jump_to(start-1).
  • As a special case, prev_prime() returns 0 after the prime 2 (i.e. when there are no more primes). This makes it possible to conveniently iterate backwards over all primes > 0 as can be seen in the example below.
#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  // Iterate over primes <= 1000
  primesieve::iterator it(1000);
  uint64_t prime = it.prev_prime();

  // Iterate over primes from [1000, 0[
  for (; prime > 0; prime = it.prev_prime())
    std::cout << prime << std::endl;

  return 0;


Stores the primes inside [start, stop] in a std::vector. If you are repeatedly iterating over the same primes many times in a loop you will likely get better performance if you store the primes in a vector instead of using a primesieve::iterator (provided your system has enough memory).

#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <vector>

int main()
  std::vector<int> primes;

  // Store primes <= 1000
  primesieve::generate_primes(1000, &primes);


  // Store primes inside [1000, 2000]
  primesieve::generate_primes(1000, 2000, &primes);

  return 0;


Stores n primes in a std::vector.

#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <vector>

int main()
  std::vector<int> primes;

  // Store first 1000 primes
  primesieve::generate_n_primes(1000, &primes);


  // Store first 10 primes >= 1000
  primesieve::generate_n_primes(10, 1000, &primes);

  return 0;


Counts the primes inside [start, stop]. This function is multi-threaded and uses all available CPU cores by default.

#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  uint64_t count = primesieve::count_primes(0, 1000);
  std::cout << "Primes <= 1000: " << count << std::endl;

  return 0;


This function finds the nth prime e.g. nth_prime(25) = 97. This function is multi-threaded and uses all available CPU cores by default.

#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  uint64_t n = 25;
  uint64_t nth_prime = primesieve::nth_prime(n);
  std::cout << n << "th prime = " << nth_prime << std::endl;

  return 0;

Error handling

If an error occurs libprimesieve throws a primesieve::primesieve_error exception that is derived from std::runtime_error. Note that libprimesieve very rarely throws an exception, the two main cases which will trigger an exception are: memory allocation failure (throws std::bad_alloc) and trying to generate primes > 2^64 (throws primesieve::primesieve_error).

#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    // Try generating primes > 2^64
    uint64_t start = ~0ull - 1;
    uint64_t n = 1000;
    std::vector<uint64_t> primes;
    primesieve::generate_n_primes(n, start, &primes);
  catch (const std::exception& e)
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

  return 0;

Performance tips

  • If you are repeatedly iterating over the same primes in a loop, you should use primesieve::generate_primes() or primesieve::generate_n_primes() to store these primes in a vector (provided your PC has sufficient RAM memory) instead of using a primesieve::iterator.

  • primesieve::iterator::next_prime() runs up to 2x faster and uses only half as much memory as prev_prime(). Oftentimes algorithms that iterate over primes using prev_prime() can be rewritten using next_prime() which improves performance in most cases.

  • primesieve::iterator is single-threaded. See the Multi-threading section for how to parallelize an algorithm using multiple primesieve::iterator objects.

  • The primesieve::iterator data structure allows you to access the underlying 64-bit primes array, together with the generate_next_primes() method, this can be used for all kinds of low-level optimizations. E.g. the SIMD (vectorization) section contains an example that shows how to process primes using SIMD instructions.

  • The primesieve::iterator constructor and the primesieve::iterator::jump_to() method take an optional stop_hint parameter that can provide a significant speedup if the sieving distance is relatively small e.g. < sqrt(start). If stop_hint is set primesieve::iterator will only buffer primes up to this limit.

  • Many of libprimesieve's functions e.g. count_primes(start, stop) & nth_prime(n, start) incur an initialization overhead of O(sqrt(start)) even if the total sieving distance is tiny. It is therefore not a good idea to call these functions repeatedly in a loop unless the sieving distance is sufficiently large e.g. > sqrt(start). If the sieving distance is mostly small consider using a primesieve::iterator instead to avoid the recurring initialization overhead.


By default libprimesieve uses multi-threading for counting primes/k-tuplets and for finding the nth prime. However primesieve::iterator the most useful feature provided by libprimesieve runs single-threaded because it is simply not possible to efficiently parallelize the generation of primes in sequential order.

Hence if you want to parallelize an algorithm using primesieve::iterator you need to implement the multi-threading part yourself. The basic technique for parallelizing an algorithm using primesieve::iterator is:

  • Subdivide the sieving distance into equally sized chunks.
  • Process each chunk in its own thread.
  • Combine the partial thread results to get the final result.

The C++ example below calculates the sum of the primes ≤ 1010 in parallel using OpenMP. Each thread processes a chunk of size (dist / threads) + 1 using its own primesieve::iterator object. The OpenMP reduction clause takes care of adding the partial prime sum results together in a thread safe manner.

#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <omp.h>

int main()
  uint64_t sum = 0;
  uint64_t dist = 1e10;
  int threads = omp_get_max_threads();
  uint64_t thread_dist = (dist / threads) + 1;

  #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: sum)
  for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
    uint64_t start = i * thread_dist;
    uint64_t stop = std::min(start + thread_dist, dist + 1);
    primesieve::iterator it(start, stop);
    uint64_t prime = it.next_prime();

    // Sum primes inside [start, stop[
    for (; prime < stop; prime = it.next_prime())
      sum += prime;

  std::cout << "Sum of the primes <= " << dist << ": " << sum << std::endl;

  return 0;
Build instructions
# Unix-like OSes
c++ -O3 -fopenmp primesum.cpp -o primesum -lprimesieve
time ./primesum

SIMD (vectorization)

SIMD stands for Single Instruction/Multiple Data, it is also commonly known as vectorization. SIMD is supported by most CPUs e.g. all ARM64 CPUs support the ARM NEON instruction set and most x64 CPUs support the AVX2 or AVX512 instruction sets. Using SIMD instructions can significantly speed up some algorithms. The primesieve::iterator data structure allows you to access the underlying 64-bit primes array and process its elements using SIMD instructions.

The C++ example below calculates the sum of all primes ≤ 10^10 using the AVX512 vector instruction set for x64 CPUs. This code uses the generate_next_primes() method to generate the next 2^10 primes in a loop and then calculates their sum using AVX512 vector intrinsics. Note that generate_next_primes() is also used under the hood by the next_prime() method.

#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  primesieve::iterator it;

  uint64_t limit = 10000000000;
  __m512i sums = _mm512_setzero_si512();

  while (it.primes_[it.size_ - 1] <= limit)
    // Sum 64-bit primes using AVX512
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < it.size_; i += 8) {
      __mmask8 mask = (i + 8 < it.size_) ? 0xff : 0xff >> (i + 8 - it.size_);
      __m512i primes = _mm512_maskz_loadu_epi64(mask, (__m512i*) &it.primes_[i]);
      sums = _mm512_add_epi64(sums, primes);

    // Generate up to 2^10 new primes

  // Sum the 8 partial sums
  uint64_t sum = _mm512_reduce_add_epi64(sums);

  // Process the remaining primes (at most 2^10)
  for (std::size_t i = 0; it.primes_[i] <= limit; i++)
    sum += it.primes_[i];

  std::cout << "Sum of the primes <= " << limit << ": " << sum << std::endl;

  return 0;
Build instructions
# Unix-like OSes
c++ -O3 -mavx512f -funroll-loops primesum.cpp -o primesum -lprimesieve
time ./primesum

Compiling and linking

Unix-like OSes

If libprimesieve is installed on your system, then you can compile any of the C++ example programs above using:

c++ -O3 primes.cpp -o primes -lprimesieve

If you have built libprimesieve yourself, then the default installation path is usually /usr/local/lib. Running the ldconfig program after make install ensures that Linux's dynamic linker/loader will find the shared primesieve library when you execute your program. However, some OSes are missing the ldconfig program or ldconfig does not include /usr/local/lib by default. In these cases you need to export some environment variables:

export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH

Microsoft Visual C++

cl /O2 /EHsc /MD primes.cpp /I "path\to\primesieve\include" /link "path\to\primesieve.lib"

pkgconf support

primesieve also has support for the pkgconf program which allows to easily compile C and C++ programs depending on libprimesieve without having to care about the library and include paths:

c++ -O3 main.cpp -o main $(pkgconf --libs --cflags primesieve)

CMake support

If you are using the CMake build system to compile your program and libprimesieve is installed on your system, then you can add the following two lines to your CMakeLists.txt to link your program against libprimesieve.

find_package(primesieve REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(your_program primesieve::primesieve)

To link against the static libprimesieve use:

find_package(primesieve REQUIRED static)
target_link_libraries(your_program primesieve::primesieve)

Minimal CMake project file

If you want to build your C++ program (named primes.cpp) using CMake, then you can use the minimal CMakeLists.txt below. Note that this requires that libprimesieve is installed on your system. Using CMake has the advantage that you don't need to specify the libprimesieve include path and the -lprimesieve linker option when building your project.

# File: CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4...3.19)
project(primes CXX)
find_package(primesieve REQUIRED)
add_executable(primes primes.cpp)
target_link_libraries(primes primesieve::primesieve)

Put the CMakeLists.txt file from above into the same directory as your primes.cpp file.
Then open a terminal, cd into that directory and build your project using:

cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .

Using the MSVC compiler (Windows) the build instructions are slightly different. First you should link against the static libprimesieve in your CMakeLists.txt using: find_package(primesieve REQUIRED static). Next open a Visual Studio Command Prompt, cd into your project's directory and build your project using:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" .
cmake --build . --config Release