lrucache - A simple LRU-cache based on a hash and a priority queue.
gem install lrucache
require 'lrucache'
cache = => 3, :default => 42)
cache[1] = 'a'
cache[2] = 'b'
cache[3] = 'c'
puts cache[2] # b
puts cache[1] # a
puts cache[3] # c
puts cache[:does_not_exist] # 42, has no effect on LRU
cache[4] = 'd' # Out of space! Throws out the least-recently used (2 => 'b')
puts cache.keys # [1,3,4]
cache = => 1.hour)"banana", "yellow")"monkey", "banana", + 3.days)
# or ..."monkey", "banana", 3.days)
# Three minutes later ...
cache.fetch("banana") # "yellow"
cache.fetch("monkey") # "banana"
# Three hours later ...
cache.fetch("banana") # nil
cache.fetch("monkey") # "banana"
# Three days later ...
cache.fetch("banana") # nil
cache.fetch("monkey") # nil
Allows you to have two TTLs when calling fetch with a block. After the soft-ttl expires, the block is called to refresh the value. If the block completes normally, the value is replaced and expirations reset. If the block raises a fatal (non-RuntimeError) exception, it bubbles up. But, if the block raises a RuntimeError, the cached value is kept and used a little longer, and the soft-ttl is postponed retry_delay into the future. If the block is not called successfully before the normal TTL expires, then the cached value expires and the block is called for a new value, but exceptions are not handled.
cache = => 1.hour,
:soft_ttl => 30.minutes,
:retry_delay => 1.minute)
cache.fetch("banana") { "yellow" } # "yellow"
cache.fetch("banana") { "george" } # "yellow"
# 30 minutes later ...
cache.fetch("banana") { raise "ruckus" } # "yellow"
cache.fetch("banana") { "george" } # "yellow"
# 1 more minute later ...
cache.fetch("banana") { "george" } # "george"
cache.fetch("banana") { "barney" } # "george"
Allows you to specify a block that gets called whenever a value gets evicted from the cache because it is the least recently used.
cache = => 2,
:eviction_handler => lambda { |value| value.shave! }) { yak } { dog } { cat } # --> shaves the yak as you would expect!
cache.delete(:cat) # --> does not shave the cat
cache.clear # --> no shaving involved
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