In many cases, the hard work of fixing bugs is understanding them well enough to determine what the system is doing and what it should be doing. If you've reached this point in the process of filing a bug report, you may find it just as easy to fix the bug as to report it. So how do you get your fix merged back?
One of the things we take very seriously about being open source, is that our contributions and IP are protected and auditable. This requires that everyone providing code, before it can be accepted, has a Contributor's License Agreement (CLA) on file. A CLA protects all of us and our hard work.
If you have a CLA on file, your pull request will be reviewed and merged if appropriate. To increase the likely hood of a successful contribution:
- your pull request must conform to the project's JavaScript Style Guidelines
- your pull request should merge cleanly into the master branch
- if appropriate, a test case should be part of the pull request or attached to the issue