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Rust Effects for Functional Programming

Rust is a terrific language for close-to-the-metal programming, with memory tracking, borrow mechanics, and easy threading. It also has a very healthy suite of functional programming utilities, such as map and fold (commonly known as map-reduce) for most iterable data structures, but also Option/Result for error and null handling and map and and_then for manipulating data in a context (such as Option, Result, Future, etc.) and short-circuit chaining repeated operations which may fail or return null values. This combined with by-default immutable variables, Scala-style type assignments, and functions as parameters make Rust a fairly strong language for functional programming.

One big part of FP Rust lacks is higher-kinded types. These are included in Haskell and available in Scala (the cats library for Scala makes extensive use of HKTs), but an implementation in Rust would necessarily be quite complex, due to the staticly-typed nature of Rust (every type must be statically known upon instantiation), which is an important requirement of the memory-tracking system and the borrow-checker.

Without Higher-Kinded Types, can we implement a full Monadic typeclass system in Rust?

As this library shows, yes! Well, mostly, and hopefully sufficiently.

This crate and the functions provided are largely based on the cats and cats-effects libraries for Scala, hence the name rust-effects.

A Short Intro to Higher-Kinded Types

In Haskell parlance, there is a distinction between "value", "type", and "kind."

A "value" is any concrete data value like 2, 3.14, test_string, Color::Blue, etc.

A "type" is basically a description for a set of acceptable values. An "Integer" type allows (..., -1, 0, 1, 2, ...) while "String" allows for a list of any alpha-numeric bytes (or a UTF-8 encoded list of bytes, in Rust's case, or even others), and so on. Types can also take other types, rather than take values. For instance, a List takes another type to make a concrete type (which will then describe which values are acceptable).

A "kind" describes the meta-type system and how the types interact with each other. Kinds are stated using * syntax. A type which can take a value to become "concrete" (i.e. instantiable as a specific, known member of the set of possible values in the type), is labeled as *. A List of Integers is still * because it needs no further information to be ready to take a value.

For example:

    +------------------------+                                    ++===========++
    | Integer                |                                    || Integer   ||
    |    ..., -1, 0, 1, ...? |  => Give a concrete value "2"  =>  ||     2     || 
    +------------------------+                                    ++===========++
      Kind = *

Kinds which take a type to generate another type are known as "type constructors." There are many common type constructors in most modern languages. Lists, vectors, maps, options, results (Either in Haskell and Scala), are all type constructors. These are specified as * -> *. This means that this type constructor takes one type to generate a type ready to take a value. A Scala List is * -> *, if we give it Integer (itself a *), we get List[Integer], which has a kind of *. If a type takes more than one type to become concrete, that is represented with * -> * -> * (and so on).

A Rust Result has a kind of * -> * -> *. It takes one type (u32) to make a Result<u32, E>, which has a kind of * -> *. It takes another type (String) to make a concrete Result<u32, String> with a kind * and ready to take Ok(2), which is a concrete value. Chaining type together still doesn't affect this syntax. An Option<List<X>> is still * -> *, because it still needs a concrete type to make another concrete type (giving it a u32 makes a concrete Option<List<u32>>). In the end, Option still just needs one concrete type (represented by *, such as List<u32>) to make it concrete.

For example:

    +---------------------+                               +---------------------+
    | Option              |                               | Option              |
    |         +--------+  |  => Specify Option[Int] =>    |         +--------+  | 
    | Some?   | Type T |  |              (kind = *)       | Some?   | Int  ? |  |
    | None?   +--------+  |                               | None?   +--------+  |
    +---------------------+                               +---------------------+
      Kind = * -> *                                           Kind = *     |
                                             Can now give a concrete value | "Some(2)"
                                                          || Option = Some       ||
                                                          ||        ++========++ ||
                                                          ||        || Int(2) || ||
                                                          ||        ++========++ ||

The next level of abstraction up takes us to a type which takes a type constructor to form a type constructor (much like a type constructor takes a concrete type to form another concrete type). These are called "higher-kinded types" or "higher-order type operators", formally. Rust does not implement higher-kinded types, however Scala can define them with the [_] generic syntax. Defining a Foo[F[_]] is to state that this type "Foo" must take a type constructor (which itself takes a disregarded concrete type), and that the exact type constructor used isn't too important as long as it can fill the shape required (i.e. trait bounds, if any). Trying to instantiate Foo[Int] won't work, because Int isn't a type constructor.

Higher-kinded types have a "kind" of (* -> *) -> *. The (* -> *) part indicates the first type constructor which, when provided, will collapse the kind to a * -> *, which has already been seen above.

For example:

    +----------------------------+                        +----------------------------+
    | Foo                        |                        | Foo                        |
    |    +--------------------+  |                        |    +--------------------+  |
    |    | Type Constructor   |  |                        |    | Option             |  | 
    |    |    ?               |  | => Supply Option[_] => |    |                    |  |
    |    |        +--------+  |  |        (kind = * -> *) |    |  Some? +--------+  |  |
    |    |        | Type T |  |  |                        |    |  None? | Type T |  |  |  
    |    |        +--------+  |  |                        |    |        +--------+  |  |         
    |    +--------------------+  |                        |    +--------------------+  | 
    +----------------------------+                        +----------------------------+ 
      Kind = (* -> *) -> *                                    Kind = * -> *     |
                                         Supply Option[Int] for the type        |
                                                 (kind = *)                     V
                                                             | Foo                        |
                                                             |   +---------------------+  |
                                                             |   | Option              |  |
                                                   Kind = *  |   |         +--------+  |  |
                                                             |   | Some?   | Int  ? |  |  |
                                                             |   | None?   +--------+  |  |
                                                             |   +---------------------+  |
                                             Can now give a concrete value | "Some(2)"
                                                       || Foo                          ||
                                                       ||   ++=====================++  ||
                                                       ||   || Option = Some       ||  ||
                                                       ||   ||        ++========++ ||  ||
                                                       ||   ||        || Int(2) || ||  ||
                                                       ||   ||        ++========++ ||  ||
                                                       ||   ++=====================++  ||

This brings us to type classes. Typeclasses in their basic sense are the same as traits in Scala or Rust. They merely define a set of behaviors for a type that implements them. In Rust, using traits is the only way we can implement some of the typeclasses for higher-kinded types.

Since Rust does not support higher-kinded types, this means we cannot enforce the idea of a generic type which must take a type constructor for its type parameter at a compiler level. This must be enforced at an implementation level. For Functor, for example, a type constructor is needed because the whole idea of a Functor is to manipulate and transform the type inside a context (i.e. the concrete type a type constructor is declared with) in a general way. So it makes no sense for an Integer to also be a Functor, because it has no internal type to map to a different type (the shapes don't fit in the diagram above).

In the rust-effects crate, the typeclasses module represents higher-kinded typeclasses used in functional programming. They are governed through implementation of a special trait: F<X>. By defining this trait on a type constructor (where X is the concrete type parameter), we can enforce the idea that only types with this trait implemented can be used in higher-order type operators, like Functor and Monad. This is a method to get around the limitations and still enforce the laws, but only as implemented by the library developer (i.e. the laws aren't implicitly enforced by the compiler).

As an aside, it's probably obvious that some types with a kind of * -> * -> * ... don't quite fit the mold, because most of the typeclasses defined for functional programming take a type constructor with a kind of * -> *. What to do with something like Result<O, E>, which takes two types? The answer is simple, and related to the "kind" system. To get from a type constructor TC1 with a kind of * -> * -> * to a type constructor TC1' with a kind of * -> *, all we have to do is provide a single concrete type to TC1.

For Result<O, E> that means providing one of the types, usually by fixing the error type E. So, a Result<O, String> fits the shape, as does a Result<O, u32> or Result<O, ()>. A Result<String, E> also fits the shape, but in general most of these mathematical typeclasses are "positive-biased", meaning they lean towards Some(X) and Ok(X) values when it comes to operations (for example, mapping usually works by operating on the positive value and leaves an error or missing value alone, as in the case of Result and Option; Scala is the same when it comes to Either). For this reason, usually the Result's error type is fixed in place, and the operations performed on the Ok() value.

Higher-Kinded Typeclases in Rust-Effects

The following typeclasses have been implemented. They generally follow the functionality from the typeclasses in the cats library for Scala, with some differences to make them work effectively in Rust.

      +---------+             +-----------+             +----------+
      | Functor |             | Semigroup |             | Traverse |
      +---------+             +-----------+             +----------+
      +----------+              +--------+
      | Functor2 |              | Monoid |
      +----------+              +--------+
     | Applicative |
   | ApplicativeApply |
       +-------+               +-------------+
       | Monad |<--------------| Productable |
       +-------+               +-------------+
      | Foldable |
     | MonadError |
       | SyncT |


The Semigroup is a category of types which can have values "combined" to form a new value of the same type. The Semigroup trait defines a single function:

fn combine(a: X1, b: X2) -> XR

which takes two values of type X and returns a new value of type X. In the Rust implementation, the types are actually relaxed to take two values of different types (X1 and X2) and return a third type (XR), but this is purely for implementations to allow for functionally equivalent, but statically-different types. Since all types in Rust are static at instantiation-time, even a wrapper type won't help when dealing with two types which are slightly different. A ConcreteFuture<AndThen<...>> and a ConcreteFuture<Map<...>>, for example, are completely different static types in Rust, even though they are both ConcreteFuture<impl Future>. To this end, in order to allow for a combination of any ConcreteFuture<T> or for a String to be combined with a &str (or two &strs to be combined into a String), the types are relaxed and the implementor must take care to ensure that the types are actually abstractly (if not statically) equivalent.

Semigroup can, and is, defined to allow combination of concrete types, such as &str/String and all integral/floating-point types. These concrete types do not implement Semigroup directly. Rather, there is a struct which has Semigroup implemented to combine the types (see below for why to implement a type operator instead of a direct implementation). For numeric types, there are generally two semigroup structs defined, one for additive combination, the other for multiplicative.


The Monoid typeclass represents types which can be empty, or return an "identity" value for which the law: combine(Xvalue, X::empty()) = Xvalue holds true. The Monoid trait has a single function:

fn empty() -> X

Like, Semigroup, this is implemented on structs for concrete types, such as String and numeric types (again, which have a different monoid to return 0 for additive and another to return 1 for multiplicative situations).


The Functor is the most basic category transformation type class. The mathematical concept of a Functor is simply a mapping from one category (i.e. type) to another. The Functor trait defines a single function:

fn fmap(fx: FX, func: Fn(X) -> Y) -> FY [where FX: F<X>, FY: F<Y> is enforced on the associated types]

This is the most basic type class which enforces the idea that its operating element is a type constructor, and cannot be a concrete type. This enforcement is handled via the F<X> trait, which must be implemented on any type to be used in any Functor-based typeclass. This trait can technically be implemented on any type, including concrete types, however, the implementor should be aware at that moment that they are committing a breach of the laws at their own peril. Without this implementation, the type cannot be used as the fx parameter in the fmap function.

This module also defines a Functor2 trait, which defines fmap in the case of 2 type constructors (of potentially different types) being mapped into a new type constructor:

fn fmap2(fxa: FX, fxb: FY: Fn(X, Y) -> Z) -> FZ [where FZ: F<Z> is enforced on the associated types]

As with all of the typeclasses from here on up, Functor2 inherits both its parent's types (X, Y, FX, and FY in the case of Functor), but also the constraints (that FX must implement F<X> for example, same for FY and Y), even though it can define more on top of its parent.


The Applicative typeclass is a Functor where a type constructor can be created from an inner type. The Applicative trait requires Functor2 and defines the function:

fn pure(x: X) -> FX

It has the same types and constraints as its Functor2 parent.

This function should be thought of as "greedy", meaning it will consume and perform evaluation on its parameters when called, rather than defering its execution.

The ApplicativeApply trait extends the Applicative to add a mapping function and a method to apply a function wrapped in an effect to a value wrapped in an effect of the same type:

fn apply(func: F<fn(X) -> Y>, item: FX) -> FY

Although simply wrapping a function in an effect and applying it to an item seems superfluous and inefficient compared to simply using fmap, the real benefit to apply is that it can be chained. Each apply returns an effect, which can wrap an item OR a function, and because apply accepts an effect-wrapped function, it can easily accept a partially applied function from a previous apply function in the chain:

let o1: Option<_> = pure(3);
let o2: Option<_> = pure(4);
let ap1 = apply(Some(|x| move |y| x + y), o1); // Returns Some(partially applied func)
let final: Opion<_> = apply(ap1, o2); // Apply partially applied fun with second item
assert_eq!(final, Some(7));


This is the class Monad typeclass of "What is a Monad?" fame. Monads are actually quite simple. They are essentially just a typeclass which describes a context (i.e. type constructor) which can perform an operation which returns another context. This is commonly encountered when calling functions which return nulls or errors.
Each call will return an Option or Result (in Rust) or equivalent. Each Option/Result may have different valid types, although we might want to chain them together. A Monad is how we map that chaining.

A Functor might seem ideal, since it is a mapping of categories, but it is insufficient in this case, because a Functor will just map data inside a context, but in this case, we are getting a new context returned by the functions we are calling. This would result in a more-and-more complex nesting of contexts, as a Option<u32> would map to a Option<Option<String>> and so on.

    +---------------+                                    +---------------------------------+          
    | Option        |    Call "fmap" with                | Option                          |
    |       Int(3)  | => fn returning Option<String> =>  |   +-------------------------+   |  
    +---------------+                                    |   | Option                  |   |
                                                         |   |     String("No errors") |   |
                                                         |   +-------------------------+   |

Instead, we just want that Option<u32> to be passed to a new function, acted upon, and then an Option<String> to get spit out, which can then be chained to another function, and so on. To accomplish this, we can callfmap, using a function that returns a new context (like an Option) and then "flatten" the resulting structure (Option<Option<T>> becomes Option<T>, for example) because the interim contexts are ultimately not useful. This "map + flatten" action is often called "flat_map", which is actually the function defined in the Monad trait (which requires Applicative):

fn flat_map(fx: FX, func: Fn(X) -> FY) -> FY
    +---------------+                                    +------------------------+          
    | Option        |    Call "flat_map" with            | Option                 |
    |       Int(3)  | => fn returning Option<String> =>  |    String("No errors") |  
    +---------------+                                    +------------------------+

Rust often defines this as an and_then function, which makes sense for certain contexts, like Option and Result, because the idea is "do this function which returns a Result and then do this next function which also returns a Result."

This library, for the sake of consistency, just uses "flat_map" for every context, even though thinking of it as an "and then" might be an easy way to picture why this is useful.


The fold function is one of the most commonly used data transformation functions in functional programming. It is equivalent to the "reduce" in "map/reduce". Basically, a collection is reduced to a single value by starting from some initial value and then each value being combined ("folded") one-by-one into the initial value (called an "accumulator" as its job is to "accumulate" the results and pass a new "initial" state on to the next combination). At the end, a single value is returned based on the combinations of each item.

The easiest "fold" to picture is a sum:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] => fold, starting with 0, add items => 0 + 1 => 1 + 2 => 3 + 4 => 7 + 5 => 12

This trait is declared as Foldable, requires Monad, and defines the following function:

fn fold(fx: FX, init: Y, func: Fn(Y, X) -> Y) -> Z

The Z parameter, as in the combine function for Semigroup is different from Y solely because of static typing in Rust, but they should be functionally equivalent types. Having them separate just allows for different Future implementations, or &str to be passed in, but a String to be returned.

The sum above can be easily implemented as (Foldable is implemented on VecEffect):

let sum = VecEffect::fold(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 0, |y, x| y + x);


If we want to guarantee a Monad has the ability to fail quickly without the constraint of requiring a Result be used for the type, we can bake in the concept of an error type. This is where MonadError comes into play. MonadError requires Foldable and defines an error type E and some functions to help with error raising and handling:

fn raise_error(err: E) -> FX;
fn handle_error(f: FX, recovery: Fn(E) -> FX) -> FX;
fn attempt(f: FX) -> Result<X, E>;

Any implementation of MonadError must be able to deal with error conditions, but it doesn't have to be an internal Result (although that is, admittedly, one of the easiest ways to deal with it). Still, it will have to return a Result for the attempt function, so some mapping may be necessary.

The raise_error function creates a type constructor with the error basked in (for example a Result in an Err condition). The handle_error function takes a type constructor in a failure condition and attempts to recover by returning another instance of the same type constructor type (with the same interior type). This can be either in a success or failure condition as well. Finally, attempt will evaluate the type constructor and return the condition as a Result (failure condition will be an Err while success condition will be an Ok).


Products aren't a standard typeclass, but it was easier to separate it out in Rust into its own trait, as implementations tend to be very different. Basically, a Productable defines a typeclass which can take two contexts and combine them into a third, where the result is a cross-product of the two inputs. For vectors, this returns a vector of N vectors (N = number of elements in the first input), each of which has M (number of elements in the second input) 2-tuple elements:

[ [ (X1, Y1), (X1, Y2), ..., (X1, YN) ], [ (X2, Y1), ..., (X2, YN) ], ..., [ (XN, Y1),, ..., (XN, YN) ] ]

Other contexts may define the "cross-product" differently. They all override the function in the trait Productable, which also requires Monad, and has a default definition based on fmap2:

fn product(x: FX, y: FY) -> FZ {
  fmap2(x, y, |a, b| (a, b))

FZ is defined as deriving the F<(X, Y)> trait (as it is essentially the return type from a Functor2 fmap2 function), and should be the same context as the two inputs.


A Traverse typeclass describes the ability to take a traversable collection of items and turn it into a single context holding the traversable. It is particularly useful when the traversable collection is filled with items that can each then be transformed into a context holding some final results via a provided function.

The best example to picture this typeclass is with a vector or list of some items and a function which turns those items into Futures or Results (like a login processor, making a variety of network/DB calls, any of which can fail, etc.). Running this function on the traversable as a mapping, will just give a collection of Results, but then the user has to go through and check each item and get the final result.

Instead, it would be more useful to just have a single Result/Future with a collection of the final answers. Now, the user can just check or await once and then have the answers ready in a collection. Traverse provides this functionality in the standalone Traverse trait:

fn traverse(fa: FX, func: impl Fn(X) -> E) -> FR

The new types: E and FR are defined as:

E - The interim context returned by the function. For example, a series of calls to a DB might all return Result<String, String>, so E is Result<String, String>

FR - The same type as E, but now containing the collection type (F), so if the original FX in the above example was a Vec, FR would be Result<Vec<String>, String>.

Implementations should traverse the given collection fa and create an interim collection of objects returned from the function (so a collection of Es). Then these should be folded with a combine function to come out with a single result, which is of the E type, but now holding the collection instead. This is why the E type must implement the Semigroup and Applicative trait, because it needs to create a context from a raw value and then combine that context with others as the given collection is folded up.

Since Traverse really only makes sense for "traverse-able" types, it is only generally implemented for collections (such as Vec).

Type Inference

Some of the definitions for functions have quite a few type parameters, meaning any call for these would nominally have to declare the type parameters for each call. Fortunately, type inference saves the headache in most cases, as long as it is clear an unambiguous which types are to be used for a particular call. For a compelling case, we can look at an example.

Given an implementation for Monad:

impl<'a, X> Monad<'a> for XyzMonad<X> {
  XyzMonad::flat_map(x: Xyz, func: Fn(X) -> Xyz) -> Xyz {

We can define some global functions which can call this function for any Monad, as long as the system can figure out which one is being targeted:

flat_map<'a, T: Monad<'a>, FX: F<X>, X, FY: F<Y>, Y>(monad: T, x: FX, func: Fn(X) -> FY) -> FY {
    T::flat_map(x, func)
let fy: Xyz<String> = flat_map(XyzMonad, Xyz::new(3), |x| Xyz::new(format!("{}", x))

flat_map<'a, T: Monad<'a>, FX: F<X>, X, FY: F<Y>, Y>(x: FX, func: Fn(X) -> FY) -> FY {
    T::flat_map(x, func)
let fy = flat_map::<XyzMonad<u32>, 
                    String>(Xyz::new(3), |x| Xyz::new(format!("{}", x))

Both of these are fairly clunky, although the first is pretty close to the Scala+Cats method (although Rust has no implicits, so the evidence must be specified directly). The latter, though, is essentially unusable when every type parameter must be declared.

Instead, we can define a trait MonadEffect which, when implemented for a type, means that the type has a default Monad associated with it, which should be used in any Monad operation. Most types have only a single Monad defined for them, so this definition can be fairly comprehensive.

This is done by implementing the Effect and specifying which structure should be used to represent the effect for a given type. For example, here is MonadEffect being defined for Option<X>:

    impl<'a, X, Y> MonadEffect<'a, X, Y> for Option<X> {
        type FX = Option<X>;
        type FY = Option<Y>;
        type Fct = OptionEffect<X, Y, ()>;

This is providing a structure (OptionEffect) which will take an Option<X> and turn it into an Option<Y> via a flat_map function.

This allows the following function definition and call to work:

fn flat_map<'a, FX, X, FY: F<Y>, Y)(fx: FX, func: Fn(X) -> FY) -> FY 
        FX: F<X> + MonadEffect<'a, X, Y, FX=FX, FY=FY>
  FX::Fct::flat_map(fx, func)
let fy: Xyz<String> = flat_map(fx, format("{}", x));

This format requires that the type be declared on the receiving variable (if the type isn't put into a variable, then the return type/parameter type is generally enough for the type inference to work). The rest can be unambiguously calculated from the statement. The type of fx will be known, thus fixing the FX and X types. The FY and Y are known from the variable declaration. Since FX is known Fx::Fct is also known, since FX must be a MonadEffect, thus allowing it to call the correct flat_map.

This is available for all typeclasses and is so generalized the following macros are implemented to provide *Effect trait implementations for types:

  • semigroup_effect!(?, BaseType, EffectType)
  • monoid_effect!(?, BaseType, EffectType)
  • applicative_effect!(?, BaseType, EffectType)
  • functor_effect!(?, BaseType, EffectType)
  • functor2_effect!(?, BaseType, EffectType)
  • monad_effect!(?, BaseType, EffectType)
  • foldable_effect!(?, BaseType, EffectType)
  • productable_effect!(?, BaseType, EffectType)

Due to the way the implementation has to be differentiated for multiple type parameters, lifetimes, etc, the ? above supports several options to provide a slightly different implementation depending on the needs of the types:

  • "1" -> Implement for a BaseType with a single, non-lifetimed type paremters (Option and Vec, for example)
  • "1C" -> Same as "1", except the "output" type (Y in the above documentation) will derive from Clone.
    • This is only available for functor2_effect! and foldable_effect!.
  • "S" -> Implement for a BaseType with one parameter with a \a` lifetime (Future and Io for example).
  • "2" -> Implement for a BaseType that takes two parameters (Result, for example)

New ones must be provided if further type differentiations are needed.

Implementing a new type

The best way to illustrate implementing typeclasses for a new type is by example. Let's define a new type called "Pair" which takes two values of the same type (so, only one type parameter):

   struct Pair<X> { a: X, b: X }
   impl<X> Pair<X> {
       pub fn new(a: X, b: X) -> Self { Pair { a, b } }

Now, we must provide some basic implementations which all typeclasses require:

   use rust_effects::prelude::*;
   use std::fmt::Debug;
   impl<X> F<X> for Pair<X> {}

Next, let's implement the Functor typeclass to provide for a mapping of types. This is done by creating an empty struct to serve as the "effect object":

    struct PairFunctor<X, Y, Z> {
         _a: PhantomData<X>,
         _b: PhantomData<Y>,
         _c: PhantomData<Z>
    impl<X, Y, Z> PairFunctor<X, Y, Z> {
        pub fn apply() -> Self {
            PairFunctor {
                _a: PhantomData,
                _b: PhantomData,
                _c: PhantomData

So, why the extra type parameters when all we need is X? Furthermore, X is only used on the Pair itself, so why does the "effect object" need it at all? The answer will be made clear when we start implementing the different typeclasses, so let's start with a simple Functor, the base of the context-based typeclasses. We just need to implement Functor on this struct (see the below section for why we do this rather than implementing on Pair directly):

    impl<X, Y, Z> Effect for PairFunctor<X, Y, Z> {}
    impl<'a, X, Y> Functor<'a> for PairFunctor {
        type FX = Pair<X>;
        type FY = Pair<Y>;
        fn fmap(f: Self::FX, func: impl 'a + Fn(X) -> Y + Send + Sync) -> Self::FY {
            Pair::new(func(f.a), func(f.b))

First, the Effect trait must also be implemented for these "effect objects" so the system can check and uphold certain laws regarding implementation as necessary.

Now we can see the reason for the Y type parameter. It is needed by the implementation for the FY type declaration. Rust currently has a limitation in its generic types where the type parameters must all be used in the type being implemented, or in one of the predicates ("where" clause, if present). This is an intentional restriction in Rust, but the fact that this restriction doesn't extend to the associated types (FX and FY above) makes our job more difficult. This means that using X and Y in the associated types FX and FY won't be sufficient, because we don't have them appear in the implementation target or prediate (we don't have a predicate, and we have no relationships to specify which would allow us to limit based on X and Y in a predicate anyway).

So, in order to sidestep this restriction, we have to provide phantom type parameters, which we can then use to restrict our FX and FY types. Z will be used in the Functor2 trait implementation, so we provide it now, rather than add it in later. There are only a maximum of three base types currently used by any typeclass currently (in the aforementioned Functor2), so X, Y, and Z should be sufficient.

These type parameters allow the PairEffect class to be instantiated on any X, Y, and Z types, separately (i.e. they don't have to be the same type).

Providing an apply function for PairEffect which sets the PhatomData markers is helpful, but not required. Providing a macro to easily create a new PairEffect will come in handy later.

macro_rules! pair_functor {
    () => (VecEffect::apply(()))

You will find these under other implementations as xyz_monad!() because the effect objects being returned implement all of the typeclasses up to Monad (also including Foldable and Productable), so the effect object returned will serve as a Monad when needed (in addition to anything Monad is based on, such as Functor and Applicative).

Last thing is to implement the FunctorEffect, so the type inference can be used for the global functions. We can do this easily via the macro:

functor_effect! { 1, Pair, PairEffect }

The "1" is stating that we only require a single type parameter for our Pair type, and that we don't use a lifetime.

If you wish to implement this manually without the macro, just implement FunctorEffect for Pair:

    impl<'a, X, Y> FunctorEffect<'a, X, Y> for Pair<X> {
        type FX = Pair<X>;
        type FY = Pair<Y>;
        type Fct = PairEffect<X, Y, ()>;

So, now we have a new type and its associated effect object which implements our Functor. Let's see how we would use it. Given some function with generic types which require a Functor (one using an evidence object, and the other using type inference through a FunctorEffect):

    fn usage<'a, T: Functor<'a, X=X, Y=String>, X: Debug>(_ev: T, input: T::FX) -> T::FY {
        T::fmap(input, |x| format!("{:?}", x))
    fn usage_inferred<'a, X, Y, FX: F<X>, FY: F<Y>>(input: FX) -> FY 
            FX: FunctorEffect<'a, X, Y, FX=FX, FY=FY> 
        fmap(input, |x| format!("{:?}", x))

We'd use it in a function like this:

   fn main() {
        // Use fmap straight, using type inference
        let out: Pair<String> = fmap(Pair::new(2, 2), |x| format!("{:?}", x));

        // Use our defined function which requires an "evidence" object.
        let out: Pair<String> = usage(pair_functor!(), Pair::new(1, 1));

        // Use our defined function which can infer based on the FunctorEffect
        let out: Pair<String> = usage_inferred(Pair::new(2, 2));

Type Operator vs Direct Implementation

One of the main questions in implementation of any of these typeclasses would be: "why implement a separate effect object when you can just implement Functor on Pair itself?"

The answer is a bit complex and has a lot more to do with structure and style rather than functionality.

In Scala, with Cats, implementing Monad, for example, on an object like Either or Future means that when writing a function which takes a Monad, a trait bound must be used:

def foo[X <: Monad](x: X): Y = ??

This will actually lead to many problems in more complex situations, where the program will just not compile. Furthermore, in the definitive typeclass definition in Haskell, a Monad has the "kind": (* -> *) -> * which means a type which takes a (* -> *) and returns a type of the kind * -> *. This returned type just needs a concrete type (like Int or String) to form a concrete, usable type.

That first step is saying that we need a type that accepts a type constructor. The input to a Monad should itself be a type which accepts a concrete type. Option, Vector (Rust), List (Scala), Result (Rust), Either (Scala), all fit this shape. So, we can picture Monad's definition to be something like (in pseudo-code):

trait TypeConstructor {
    def apply[X: ConcreteType](t: X) -> ConcreteType 

trait Monad { 
    def apply[X: TypeConstructor](tc: X) -> TypeConstructor

impl TypeConstructor for Option[_] {
    def apply[X: ConcreteType](x: X) -> Option[X]

impl Monad for ??? {
    def apply[X: TypeConstructor](x: X) -> ???[X]

//use Monad
let x = ???::apply(Option); // x is a type constructor 
let y: x = x::apply(Integer); // give x a concrete type and y is a concrete type
let z: y = y::Ok(2);

What's the ???? It's something that can take an Option (of any concrete type, to be determined later) and return a type which can then take that concrete type and fill it in to make a usable type.

Why is this Useful?



Show off how to use basic typeclasses, specifically Functor and Monad.


Show the power of typeclasses, how the same function can run generically and take two very different inputs, output two very different types (selected by the caller when the function is executed), but still act in the exact same manner on the data given.

With this, library implementors can implement functions specifically to perform a task but take a very generic set of inputs and output a generic set of outputs without requiring complicated generics and trait bounding.


Futures can also harness the typeclass system to set up "blueprints" of how to process an action at some point in the future. This example shows both executing calls inline as well as setting up a future chain that can execute at a given time.


Often, a series of function calls with similar parameters and outputs must be called in sequence. Rather than chaining these together manually, and wait on each future one-by-one, a program writer could instead put all of these effectful (i.e. returning a type constructor like "Future" or "Result") functions


The accumulation of the ideas presented in the rust_effects library, adding in the IO monad, which handles suspending Input/Output effects in a future while also handling error conditions in the IO itself (separate from the actual results and wrapped types).

The IO monad is based on the Scala Cats library version (rather than the Haskell version), which acts basically like a Future, but using suspended creation effects as a default, rather than greedily executing creation effects as a Future (Futures will execute their effects upon creation with pure, and only create real future-based effects when using flat_map, etc., while IO can suspend effects from the start and only execute them when run_sync or attempt is called).