Releases: kiwicom/orbit
Added spaceAfter
to components:
- Button
- ButtonLink
- InputField
- InputFile
- InputGroup
- InputStepper
- Select
- Textarea
UPDATE: Modal accessibility README
UPDATE: Button & ButtonLink accessibility
UPDATE: Icon accessibility options
UPDATE: TripSegment accessibility
UPDATE: Breadcrumbs onGoBack
UPDATE: DestinationCard accessibility
UPDATE: Tooltip accessibility
UPDATE: InputStepper accessibility
UPDATE: Use theme for mediaQueries
FIX: null values in playgrounds
FIX: Flow React import in Sticky
FIX: CountryFlag code normalization
FIX: Stack default direction in breakpoint
FIX: Modal first focused element
DEV: Update storybook to 5.0.5
DEV: Fix orbitDecorator and loki references
DOCS: Add link to CodeSandbox
UPDATE: Add reverse directions to Stack
UPDATE: Modal accessibility
UPDATE: Checkbox accessibility improvement
UPDATE: RadioButton focus state
FIX: Stepper and InputStepper onChange callback
FIX: InputField placeholder color in Safari
FIX: Table horizontal scroll in Safari
FIX: Autofill background of InputField
FIX: Card setHeight optional chaining
DEV: Update flow-bin to 0.89.0
DEV: Rename defaultTokens to defaultTheme BC!
Added icons:
- AirConditioning
- CarDoor
- Fuel
- Transmission
NEW: DestinationHeader component
UPDATE: Accessibility: Card
UPDATE: ListChoice heading render
UPDATE: Tag focus
UPDATE: CountryFlag inset border
UPDATE: Flow: Relaxed country props in CountryFlag
UPDATE: Stepper focus
FIX: TextLink style without href
FIX: Illustration fluid behavior
FIX: Flow maybe types and children nodes
NEW: DestinationCard
NEW: Sticky component
UPDATE: Add autoComplete to InputField
UPDATE: Add setScrollPosition for Modal
UPDATE: Add duration to TripDate
FIX: Modal IE unwanted space between content and footer
FIX: Modal header on mobile in IE
DOCS: Better syntax for creating ref
DOCS: Add link to component documentation
ADD: fromPlainObject export
FIX: Links inherits colors from global style
FIX: CardSectionContent space fix
ADD: Heading type displaySubtitle
UPDATE: Adding block prop to Hide component
UPDATE: Dynamic Card height
UPDATE: Add spacing none option to Stack
UPDATE: Support tags in
UPDATE: media query example in docs
UPDATE: Adding missing promise type for callbacks
UPDATE: Add reverseOnRtl to Icon
UPDATE: Orbit tokens to 0.4.0
ICONS: Add URL of raw SVG to JSON list
ICONS: Update Seat icon
FIX: TripSector icon background in IE
FIX: TripSegment translatation props
FIX: InputField disabled value in Safari
FIX: Badge with translated node
DOCS: Loader with loading false
DOCS: Update contribution guides to reflect squash and merge
UPDATE: Add mediaQueries to Stack
UPDATE: Breakpoints - too large gap
FIX: InputField - input doesn't shrink in Firefox
DEV: Bump versions
DEV: Added getTokens export as file
DEV: Get rid of deprecated imports - knobs
DOCS: Fixed ButtonGroup readme
UPDATE: Add ref to Button, ButtonLink
UPDATE: Link formatting in <Text />
FIX: Modal decideFixedFooter method
FIX: Mobile Tooltip used in Modal
DEPENDENCY: eslint-plugin-jest from 21.27.2 to 22.3.0
DEPENDENCY: enzyme-adapter-react-16 from 1.7.1 to 1.9.1
Added icons:
- CircleEmpty
- CircleFilled
- Outlook
NEW: UsaToday ServiceLogo
UPDATE: Better export BreadCrumbs
UPDATE: Better export TripSector
FIX: Circled Badge
FIX: CarrierLogo diagonal align
DOCS: Better typing for call backs
DOCS: Update better imports
DOCS: Add Stack behavior
UPDATE: Tooltip component
FIX: Flow type for mediaQueries
FIX: InputField suffix text overflow
FIX: Textarea displayName
FIX: Modal IE and iOS Safari flickering
FIX: Radio and CheckBox text wrap in IE