For one of my project, I needed a simple rules engine.
I like the DecisionDag that Mandar Jog built. It uses Commons JEXL and allows rules to be defined in plain english.
In my use case, I had following goals.
- keep it simple (KISS)
- rules engine as micro-service (deployable to cloud).
- a rules catalog of sorts that allowed new versions of the rules to be added and older ones removed.
- ability to calculate within the rule and return results.
This is a simple rules engine built with spring-boot in java.
The rules are in plain javascript.
Nashorn sccript engine allows runtime loading and evaluation of rules.
Install the app by cloning the repository rulesengine
Build and run the app
$ cd rulesengine $ gradlew bootRun
Call rest end-points.
$ curl -v 'http://localhost:8080/api/rules/WhatToDo?family_visiting=yes' $ curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/rules/WhatToDo?family_visiting=no&money=poor&weather=good' $ curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/rules/WhatToDo?family_visiting=no&money=poor&weather=cold' $ curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/rules/WhatToDo?family_visiting=no&money=rich&weather=cold'
Meet PCF Dev. It is a simplifed, and minimized version of the Pivotal Cloud Foundry intended for your local machine. And Getting started is simple.
#####Deploy to cloud
Target the cloud instance
$ cf login -a --skip-ssl-validation API endpoint: Email> admin Password> admin
Build and deploy to cloud
$ cd rulesengine $ ./gradlew assemble $ cf push -f manifest.xml
Test the cloud service
$ curl -v '' $ curl '' $ curl '' $ curl ''