A Business to Customer (B2C) Web Application University portal with Spcesialization In Computer Science which enrollerd students will use for their courses.
Back End:Java with Spring Boot FrameWork.
Front End: Javascript with React FrameWork.
Data Base: MySql Mongo Db.
Infrastructure: Linux, Docker
Shell Scripts to run Services
The Web Application needs to hold in a database multiple courses along with the enrolled students, the trainers that teach the subjects and the assignments that the students need to submit during the course duration.
Functionalities that needs to be implemented.
1)Dashboards with all the 4 courses and his assignment which every course has only one assignment and belongs to a semester one year in total like a master 2 semesters and a Master thesis. Courses:
a. Algorithms 1 assignment (Implement Quick Sort Algorithm.)
b. Analysis 1 assignment (Implement 20 math problems from book.)
c. Python 1 assignment (Implement Quick Sort Algorithm in python.)
d. Database 1 assignment (Implement Car crash database.)
3)Dashboard where every proffessor can see his students.
4)System administrator dashboard.(Thinking about the features) -List of all the users
-One fixed user as system administrator
-Delete users see a list of all users
-Make user as teacher after he creates his profile
5)Signin SignUp Reset Password features.
6)User can give a date and it should output a list of students who need to submit one or more assignments for their courses.
7)User can pay for the master whenever he wants