Development tasks
- Inversion:
- Reduce east/west regularization towards the pole
- Explore Michael's method to determine regularization parameters
- penalize deviation from previous timestep? Add prior model vector to run_inversion()
- transition from east-west to plain gradient or amplitude from 70-80 mlat?
- minimize gradient
- boundary condition: HMB
- Take into account cell distortion in regularization (minimize volume charge density, not sum of line charge densities)
- Minimize E dot J instead of charge?
- Conductance ideas:
- use Knight relation on FACs from previous timestep?
- use electric field (Cousins / Merkin)
- Use ovation prime in addition to EUV?
- Find optimal example with SSUSI etc.
- Empirical orthogonal functions based on auroral images?
- Data handling:
- add capability to save
- find out how to design (xarray? pandas?)
- make checks on input data
- Implement Fukushima's correction for inclined field
- Handle induced magnetic field in a better way (mirror current, Liisa's method, ...)
- User friendliness:
- include magnetic coordinates in interactive display
- Plotting tool for cubed sphere projections - like polplot
- Helper function to solve M-I coupling Poisson equation
- Code organization:
- find a better solution for the return_shape keyword (it is handled in decorator now)
- Run for Nina's dates: 2014-01-21, 2014-12-18, 2014-12-19
- Mapping of convection data in or (with apexpy mapping functions?)
- Handle radius coordinate from satellite measurements/magnetometers in a better way (geocentric/geodetic)
- Calculate resolution with resolution matrix
- Allow for FAC at any position (not just gridded) as input
- Add option to specify neutral wind
- Take into account inclination of magnetic field (but still height-integrated)
- model residuals from empirical model to reduce boundary effects (HV's idea)
- nonlinear solver (solve simultaneously for conductance and electric field)
- Possible approach: Use principal component analysis for conductance, or scaling parameter for conductance patterns
- add option to solve for neutral wind
- expand to 3D