For all kinds of feedback or questions concerning the Klayr documentation, please create an issue inside the klayr-docs
To open a new issue, just click on the green New issue
Avoid posting redundant issues: Check before, if someone has already opened an issue concerning the topic.
Choose a self-explaining, clear title
Use the template
for errors that you found inside the documentation. -
Use template
for further ideas how to improve the documentation (e.g. structure changes of content or adding additional content).
If you discovered a bug in the documentation, e.g. a typo or a broken link, please open a new issue or quickly fix it yourself by clicking on the Edit this Page
In order to create a PR, you first need to fork klayr-docs
Just click on the green button to do so:
This will automatically fork klayr-docs
and open a new window that allows you to make your intended changes:
Finally, hit the Propose file change
button at the bottom of the page.
This will lead you to the following screen:
On this page you can verify a last time your proposed changes, before creating a pull request simply by clicking on the green button.
Everyone is welcome to tackle an open issue and create a pull request to solve it.
Assign yourself: If you want to solve an open issue, first assign yourself to the issue. This way it is visible to other people, that someone is already working on this issue.
: To start, you first need to fork theklayr-docs
repository. -
Create patch branch: Next, create a new branch based from the branch where you want to make your changes. When creating the new branch, follow this naming convention:
is the number of the issue that you tackled, andshort-description
is a short description of the changes that you did in the PR. -
Create pull request: When you made your changes and pushed them to the
repository`, open an pull request like so:Inside your forked
repository on Github, click on thePull requests
tab. If you click onNew pull request
, it should automatically pick theklayrhq/klayr-docs
repository as base for the merge.In the description, reference the issue (
) that you solved. -
Submit pull request: You can now submit the pull request, that’s it! Now the pull request will be reviewed and if it got approved, it will be merged.