- Using
for mocha tests
- Remove node engine
doesn't support it
- Fix to make
grunt jshint:base
- Switching to grunt-express-server from grunt-express, because the latter was buggy and
can now be run withoutgrunt
(Fixes #4) - Concats and minifies 3rd party libraries as well, to
respectively dist
folder is not used (and cleared) in development mode anymore- Assures that prompt defaults are really set (Hopefully fixes #5)
- Minimizing build time before running Karma tests
- Making sure built stylus files are removed when their sources are removed
- Making Jshint happy with the Gruntfile
- Making sure the watch task is triggered when adding new html templates
- Making sure any css-files from Bower components are not injected into karma.conf.js
- Plus other small fixes...
- Adding klei:api subgenerator for generating new API's
- Updating all dependencies for generated apps/modules and adding Mocha + Chai with grunt-mocha-cli for backend testing
- First release. A full MEAN-stack app/module generator, the generator asks what parts you want.