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Getting Started

We have several AddOn examples for user to understand how Addon works and how to develop an AddOn.

You can get more details in the docs.


These instructions assume:

  • You have at least one running kubernetes cluster;
  • You have already followed instructions from registration-operator and installed OCM successfully;
  • At least one managed cluster has been imported and accepted;

Deploy the example AddOns

Set environment variables.

export KUBECONFIG=</path/to/hub_cluster/kubeconfig>

Build the docker image to run the sample AddOn.

# get imagebuilder first
go get
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
# build image
make images
export EXAMPLE_IMAGE_NAME=<addon_image_name> # export

If you are using kind, load image into kind hub cluster.

kind load docker-image $EXAMPLE_IMAGE_NAME --name <your-hub-cluster-name> # kind load docker-image  $EXAMPLE_IMAGE_NAME --name cluster1

And then deploy the example AddOns controller on hub cluster.

make deploy-helloworld
make deploy-helloworld-helm
make deploy-helloworld-hosted

helloworld addon

The helloworld AddOn controller will create one ManagedClusterAddOn for each managed cluster automatically to install the helloworld agent on the managed cluster.

After a successful deployment, check on the managed cluster and see the helloworld AddOn agent has been deployed from the hub cluster.

kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/managed_cluster/kubeconfig> -n default get pods
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
helloworld-agent-b99d47f76-v2j6h   1/1     Running   0          53s

helloworld_helm addon

The helloworld_helm AddOn controller cannot create ManagedClusterAddOn automatically.

We can create a ManagedClusterAddOn in the managedCluster namespace on the Hub cluster to enable the installation of the AddOn on the managed cluster.

export MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=<managed-cluster-name> && \
sed -e "s,cluster1,$MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME," examples/deploy/addon-cr/helloworld_helm_addon_cr.yaml | \
kubectl apply -f -

We can check the helloworld_helm AddOn agent is deployed in the installNamespace on the managed cluster.

helloworld_hosted addon

The helloworld_hosted AddOn controller also cannot create ManagedClusterAddOn automatically.

We can create a ManagedClusterAddOn in the managedCluster namespace on the Hub cluster to enable the installation of the AddOn on the managed cluster.

Note: when installing the addon in Hosted mode, the klusterlet installation mode of the managed cluster should also be in Hosted mode. here we should specify the HOSTING_CLUSTER_NAME, it should be a managed cluster of the hub and the same hosting cluster of the klustelet.

export MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=<managed-cluster-name> && \
export HOSTING_CLUSTER_NAME=<hosting-cluster-name> && \
sed -e "s,cluster1,$MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME," -e "s,hosting1,$HOSTING_CLUSTER_NAME," examples/deploy/addon-cr/helloworld_hosted_addon_cr.yaml | \
kubectl apply -f -

Then create a helloworldhosted-managed-kubeconfig secret containing the kubeconfig of the managed cluster in the installNamespace on the hosting cluster:

oc create secret generic helloworldhosted-managed-kubeconfig -n <installNamespace> --from-file=kubeconfig=<managed-cluster-kubeconfig-file>

We can check the helloworld_hosted AddOn agent is deployed in the installNamespace on the hosting cluster.

helloworld_template addon

MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=<managed-cluster-name> make deploy-helloworld-template

kubernetes-dashboard addon

MANAGED_CLUSTER_NAME=<managed-cluster-name> make deploy-kubernetes-dashboard

Configure the example add-ons

The helloworld add-on supports configuring the nodeSelector and tolerations for its agent with AddOnDeploymentConfig and the helloworld_helm add-on supports configuring image and imagePullPolicy for its agent with ConfigMap and also supports configuring node selector and tolerations for its agent.

Congfig the helloworld add-on

The helloworld add-on supported configuration types can be listed from the supportedConfigs field in its ClusterManagementAddOn

kubectl get clustermanagementaddons helloworld -ojsonpath='{.spec.supportedConfigs}'

To configure the helloworld add-on agent

  1. Create a AddOnDeploymentConfig with nodeSelector and tolerations, there is an example in examples/deploy/addon-config/addondeploymentconfig.yaml

  2. Apply the AddOnDeploymentConfig to a namespace, for example, to our managed cluster namespace

kubectl -n cluster1 apply -f examples/deploy/addon-config/addondeploymentconfig.yaml
  1. Reference this configuration to helloworld add-on, for example
kubectl -n cluster1 patch managedclusteraddons helloworld --type='json' -p='[{\"op\":\"add\", \"path\":\"/spec/configs\", \"value\":[{\"group\":\"\",\"resource\":\"addondeploymentconfigs\",\"namespace\":\"cluster1\",\"name\":\"deploy-config\"}]}]'

Then the helloworld add-on agent will be configured with this configuration.

Congfig the helloworld_helm add-on

The helloworld_helm add-on supported configuration types can be listed from the supportedConfigs field in its ClusterManagementAddOn

kubectl get clustermanagementaddons helloworldhelm -ojsonpath='{.spec.supportedConfigs}'

To configure the helloworld_helm add-on agent

  1. Create a AddOnDeploymentConfig with nodeSelector and tolerations, there is an example in examples/deploy/addon-config/addondeploymentconfig.yaml

  2. Create a ConfigMap with image and imagePullPolicy, there is an example in examples/deploy/addon-config/configmap.yaml

  3. Apply these two configurations to a namespace, for example, to our managed cluster namespace

kubectl -n cluster1 apply -f examples/deploy/addon-config/addondeploymentconfig.yaml
kubectl -n cluster1 apply -f examples/deploy/addon-config/configmap.yaml
  1. Reference these two configurations to helloworld_helm add-on, for example
kubectl -n cluster1 patch managedclusteraddons helloworldhelm --type='json' -p='[{\"op\":\"add\", \"path\":\"/spec/configs\", \"value\":[{\"group\":\"\",\"resource\":\"addondeploymentconfigs\",\"namespace\":\"cluster1\",\"name\":\"deploy-config\"},{\"resource\":\"configmaps\",\"namespace\":\"cluster1\",\"name\":\"image-config\"}]}]'

Then the helloworld_helm add-on agent will be configured with these two configurations.

Clean up

Undeploy managedClusterAddons firstly.

make undeploy-addon

Undeploy example AddOn controllers from hub cluster after all managedClusterAddons are deleted.

make undeploy-helloworld
make undeploy-helloworld-helm
make undeploy-helloworld-hosted
make undeploy-helloworld-template
make undeploy-kubernetes-dashboard

Remove the AddOn CR from hub cluster. It will undeploy the AddOn agent from the managed cluster as well.

kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/hub_cluster/kubeconfig> delete managedclusteraddons -n <managed_cluster_name> helloworld

Follow instructions from registration-operator to uninstall OCM if necessary;