- Log a more detailed warning at build time about the previous AndroidX migration.
- Breaking change. Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support Library to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it requires any Android apps using this plugin to also migrate if they're using the original support library.
- Fixed the aspect ratio and orientation of videos. Videos are now properly displayed when recorded in portrait mode both in iOS and Android.
- Android: Upgrade ExoPlayer to 2.9.1
- Android: Use current gradle dependencies
- Android 9 compatibility fixes for Demo App
- Updated to use factories on exoplayer
s for Android instead of the now-deprecated constructors.
- Fixed null exception on Android when the video has a width or height of 0.
- Add a unit test for controller and texture changes. This is a breaking change since the interface had to be cleaned up to facilitate faking.
- Fix the condition where the player doesn't update when attached controller is changed.
- Eliminate race conditions around initialization: now initialization events are queued and guaranteed to be delivered to the Dart side. VideoPlayer widget is rebuilt upon completion of initialization.
- Android: add support for hls, dash and ss video formats.
- iOS: Allow audio playback in silent mode.
is now frame accurate on both platforms.
- iOS: add missing observer removals to prevent crashes on deallocation.
- Android: use ExoPlayer instead of MediaPlayer for better video format support.
- Breaking change
now only completes after the controller is initialized. - Updated example in README.md.
- Updated Gradle tooling to match Android Studio 3.1.2.
- Added video buffering status.
- Fixed a bug on iOS that could lead to missing initialization.
- Added support for HLS video on iOS.
- Fixed bug on video loop feature for iOS.
- Added the constructor
. - Breaking change. Changed
to an enumVideoPlayerController.dataSourceType
- Updated Flutter SDK constraint to reflect the changes in v0.4.0.
- Breaking change. Removed the
constructor - Added two new factory constructors
to respectively play a video from the Flutter assets and from a network uri.
- Breaking change. Set SDK constraints to match the Flutter beta release.
- Fixed some signatures to account for strong mode runtime errors.
- Fixed spelling mistake in toString output.
- Breaking change. Renamed
. - Updated documentation of when fields are available on
. - Updated links in README.md.
- Simplified and upgraded Android project template to Android SDK 27.
- Moved Android package to io.flutter.plugins.
- Fixed warnings from the Dart 2.0 analyzer.
- Breaking change. Upgraded to Gradle 4.1 and Android Studio Gradle plugin 3.0.1. Older Flutter projects need to upgrade their Gradle setup as well in order to use this version of the plugin. Instructions can be found here.
- Added access to the video size.
- Made the VideoProgressIndicator render using a LinearProgressIndicator.
- Fixed a bug related to hot restart on Android.
- Added VideoPlayerValue.toString().
- Added FLT prefix to iOS types.
- The player will now pause on app pause, and resume on app resume.
- Implemented scrubbing on the progress bar.
- Made creating a VideoPlayerController a synchronous operation. Must be followed by a call to initialize().
- Added VideoPlayerController.setVolume().
- Moved the package to flutter/plugins github repo.
- Fix meta dependency version.
- Initial release