Looking for help on git, check out the documentation.
See a neat repo you'd like to contribute to, "clone" it. I have a directory in my home called "gits" where I clone all my repos.
cd ~/gits
git clone git@github.com:everhartlab/APS_IntroR_2019.git
Want to add updates from a remote to your local version.
git pull origin master
Want to create a new branch that you can work on.
git branch bjk
Creates a new brnch called "bjk" (my initials, but you can make up your own name).
Wait, are there any existing branches? List them.
git branch
Want to work on that new branch you created, check it out.
git checkout bjk
Now you can work on that branch. Once you've made some changes, you'll want to commit them.
git commit -m "Made some changes that you're going to describe better than I have in this example"
And now you'll probably want to "push" these changes to a remote (e.g., GitHub).
git push origin bjk
Don't forget to pull before you push because if changes were made to the remote it will generate a conflict you'll have to resolve.