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The helper methods of vk-boiler

vk-boiler provides many helper methods to reduce the amount of boilerplate code in projects, as well as some potentially useful classes.


Creating buffers and allocating their memory in raw Vulkan is a lot of work. VMA significantly improves the situation, but it remains rather verbose.


The DeviceVkbBuffer class is a tuple of a VkBuffer, its VmaAllocation (optional), and its size. It represents a buffer that is probably not host-visible. To create one, you should use boiler.buffers.create(size, usage, name) or boiler.buffers.createRaw(size, usage, name). The first option will use VMA to allocate/bind memory for the buffer, whereas the second option won't allocate/bind anything.


The MappedVkbBuffer class is a tuple of a VkBuffer, its VmaAllocation, (optional), its size, and its mapped memory address. It represents a host-visible buffer whose memory is always mapped. To create one, use boiler.buffers.createMapped(size, usage, name).


The VkbBufferRange represents a range of a VkbBuffer, which is just a tuple (buffer, byteOffset, byteSize). You can obtain an instance by calling the range(...) or fullRange() method of a DeviceVkbBuffer or a MappedVkbBuffer.


The MappedVkbBufferRange represents a range of a MappedVkbBuffer, which is a tuple (mappedBuffer, byteOffset, byteSize). You can obtain an instance by calling the mappedRange(...) or mappedFullRange() method of a MappedVkbBuffer. It provides byteBuffer(), shortBuffer(), etc... methods to create Java NIO buffers whose memory is backed by the buffer range. It also provides a range(...) method to create a corresponding VkbBufferRange.


The PerFrameBuffer wraps a MappedVkbBufferRange, and uses it to manage one-time-only data that you use every frame, and whose memory space can be reused after numberOfFramesInFlight frames. You can use it to easily share such space with multiple independent renderers.

Encoding/decoding images

You can use boiler.buffers.encodeBufferedImageRGBA(...) to encode/store a BufferedImage in a MappedVkbBuffer in RGBA8 format. You can use this to fill a staging buffer with image data such that it can be used in vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(...).

Likewise, you can use boiler.buffers.decodeBufferedImageRGBA(...) to decode/load a BufferedImage from a MappedVkbBuffer. You can use this after vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(...) to read the contents of a VkImage. I find this very convenient for debugging.

There is also encodeBufferedIntoRangeRGBA and decodeBufferedImageFromRangeRGBA, which use a MappedVkbBufferRange instead of a MappedVkbBuffer and offset.


Pretty much any Vulkan application needs command buffers, but using them can be quite verbose. The following features are provided to get rid of some boilerplate code.

Command pools

You can use boiler.commands.createPool(flags, queueFamilyIndex, name) to create a command pool with the given creation flags and queue family index, using just 1 line of code. You can also use boiler.commands.createPools(flags, queueFamilyIndex, amount, name) to create an array of command pools in 1 line of code.

Command buffer allocation

You can use boiler.commands.createPrimaryBuffers(commandPool, amount, name) to allocate amount primary command buffers from the given command pool. You can also use boiler.commands.createPrimaryBufferPerPool(name, pools) to allocate 1 primary command buffer for each given command pool.

Beginning command buffers

You can use boiler.commands.begin(commandBuffer, memoryStack, flags?, context) to begin a command buffer using a single line of code. Note however that using CommandRecorder.begin is usually a better option.


The CommandRecorder class is the recommended way to record command buffers. It is a wrapper around a VkCommandBuffer that is being recorded, and it provides a lot of methods to perform common commands using few lines of code. Use CommandRecorder.begin(...) to begin recording a command buffer, or CommandRecorder.alreadyRecording(...) to wrap a command buffer that is already being recorded. Use code completion and/or the source code to explore all possible options.


The SingleTimeCommands class is the recommend way to execute one-time-submit commands. Using it is as simple as

var commands = new SingleTimeCommands(boiler);
commands.submit("Example", recorder -> {
		recorder.copyBufferRanges(...); // Just an example
		// Or do something with recorder.commandBuffer
		// And note that you can also use recorder.stack
}).awaitCompletion(); // The awaitCompletion() is optional
// Optional: reuse this instance later with different commands

This could spare you all the boilerplate code of creating the command pool, allocating the command buffer, beginning the command buffer, ending the command buffer, submitting the command buffer, and awaiting its fence.


The FrustumCuller class can be used to test whether a given camera can see a given AABB (axis-aligned bounding box), assuming that it is not obstructed by anything else. This is a pure math problem and has absolutely nothing to do with Vulkan, but it's included in vk-boiler because it's a very simple and powerful optimization.

To use this class, create a FrustumCuller instance using one of the constructors (you need 1 FrustumCuller per camera). Then, use frustumCuller.shouldCullAABB(someObject.aabb) to check whether you can skip rendering someObject.


Using the VK_EXT_debug_utils extension can be pretty verbose, so vk-boiler offers some methods to do this with less code.

Naming objects

You can use, object, type, name) to call vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT. When the debug utils extension is not enabled, this won't do anything. Note that most methods of vk-boiler already call, so you usually don't need to call this explicitly (this is why so many methods of vk-boiler have a String name parameter).

Creating messengers

You can use boiler.debug.createMessenger(...) to call vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT. When the debug utils extension is not enabled, this method will simply return VK_NULL_HANDLE. Note that the validation layer will simply print all output to the standard output when you don't create any debug messengers. Thus, you do not need this method if you only want to print the validation errors. You should only use this method if you want to do something 'special' with the validation errors.


Almost all methods of vk-boiler will throw a ValidationException when they call a Vulkan function, and a non-zero result is returned. The exception message will always contain the function that failed, as well as the non-zero result.


Since descriptor management can be quite verbose in 'raw' Vulkan, some classes and methods are provided to help.


You can use boiler.descriptors.createLayout(stack, bindings, name) to create a VkbDescriptorSetLayout, which is a wrapper around a VkDescriptorSetLayout. You can use boiler.descriptors.binding(...) to slightly reduce the amount of code needed to populate the bindings.


You can call the createPool(maxSets, flags, name) method of a VkbDescriptorSetLayout to create a HomogeneousDescriptorPool that can allocate exactly maxSets descriptor sets from the layout. The pool has an allocate(amount) method that will allocate amount descriptor sets from the pool.

The limitation of HomogeneousDescriptorPool is that it supports only 1 descriptor set layout. If you want to allocate descriptor sets from different layouts from the same pool, you can use SharedDescriptorPool instead.

Alternatively, you can use the 'raw' boiler.descriptors.allocate(vkDescriptorPool, name, vkDescriptorSetLayouts...).


Descriptor 'banks' are wrapped descriptor pools from which you can borrow and return descriptor sets. There are 2 types of descriptor banks:

  • FixedDescriptorBanks wrap only 1 descriptor pool, and you can only borrow a predefined number of descriptor sets from it at the same time.
  • GrowingDescriptorBanks will create more descriptor pools when needed. You can borrow as many descriptor sets as you want from such a bank.

You can create both classes using their public constructor. Both classes are thread-safe and have the same methods: borrowDescriptorSet, returnDescriptorSet, and destroy. Also, just like HomogeneousDescriptorPool, they only support 1 descriptor set layout.


vk-boiler also provides some methods that reduce the boilerplate code needed for updating descriptor sets.

  • You can use boiler.descriptors.bufferInfo(stack, bufferRanges) to create a buffer of VkDescriptorBufferInfo structs that can conveniently be passed to VkWriteDescriptorSet.pBufferInfo.
  • You can use boiler.descriptors.writeBuffer(...) to populate a VkWriteDescriptorSet that writes a buffer, in 1 line of code.
  • You can use boiler.descriptors.writeImage(...) to populate a VkWriteDescriptorSet that writes an image. You will still need to create the VkDescriptorImageInfo(s) yourself though.


Almost all applications need to use images, but creating them in raw Vulkan can be quite verbose. Therefor, several methods are provided to create them using less code.


The VkbImage class is a simple wrapper around a VkImage that stores some additional information, such as the size. It also has an optional VkImageView and VmaAllocation. Many methods of vk-boiler take VkbImages as parameter rather than raw VkImages because this additional information allows such methods to be implemented with fewer parameters.

Creating images

To create images, you can use:

  • boiler.images.create(...) to create an image, and optionally an image view, using a lot of parameters. VMA will be used to bind the image memory.
  • boiler.images.createSimple(...) to create an image and an image view using boiler.images.create(...), but with a default of 1 mip level and 1 array layer.
  • boiler.images.createRaw(...) to create an image, without binding its memory.

Creating image views

To create an image view for an existing image, you can use boiler.images.createView(...) or boiler.images.createSimpleView(...). The latter method simply calls the former method, but assumes some default parameters.

Note that you should normally create image views as part of boiler.images.create(...) or boiler.images.createSimple(...) to keep your code shorter.

Creating framebuffers

You can use boiler.images.createFramebuffer(...) to create framebuffers. Note however that I would recommend to use dynamic rendering, which avoids the need for framebuffers.

Creating samplers

You can use boiler.images.createSampler(...) or boiler.images.createSimpleSampler(...) to create samplers. createSimpleSampler(...) will simply call createSampler(...), but it assumes some default parameter values.

Subresource ranges and layers

Several Vulkan command buffer functions require you to fill in a VkImageSubresourceRange or VkImageSubresourceLayers struct, requiring you to fill in the mip levels and array layers every single time, even though most images just have 1 of each. In such cases, you can use boiler.images.subresourceRange(stack?, range?, aspectMask) or boiler.images.subresourceLayers(layers, aspectMask) to fill them in with just 1 line of code.

Choosing a depth-stencil format

Any Vulkan application that wants a depth test will need to create depth images, and therefor choose a depth-stencil format. The boiler.images.chooseDepthStencilFormat(formats...) method can be used to choose the first format in formats that is supported.


Creating pipelines, especially graphics pipelines, takes a ridiculous number of lines of code in raw Vulkan. This really needs to be trimmed!

Creating layouts

You can use boiler.pipelines.createLayout(pushConstants, name, descriptorSetLayouts...) to create a pipeline layout.

Creating shader modules

You can use boiler.pipelines.createShaderModule(resourcePath, name) to create a shader module whose SPIR-V code is accessed via classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath).

Note that you only need this method when you want more than just a vertex shader and fragment shader in your pipeline, since you can otherwise use pipelineBuilder.simpleShaderStages(...) instead.

Creating compute pipelines

You can use boiler.pipelines.createComputePipeline(layout, resourcePath, name) to create a compute pipeline with the given pipeline layout, and whose SPIR-V code is accessed via classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath).

Creating graphics pipelines

You can use the GraphicsPipelineBuilder class to reduce the amount of code needed to create a graphics pipeline. It is basically a wrapper around a VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo. You can create an instance using its public constructor.

This class has many methods to populate the createInfo, but the createInfo struct is also accessible as public field. When you want to do something that is not covered by the methods, you will need to edit this struct yourself.


The GraphicsPipelineBuilder class has 2 constructors:

  • The (BoilerInstance, MemoryStack) constructor will create a new zero-initialized VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo struct, and set its sType to VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_CREATE_INFO. Since its zero-initialized, the pNext and flags will be 0.
  • The (VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo, BoilerInstance, MemoryStack) constructor will wrap an existing createInfo, without modifying it during the constructor. Thus, the sType, pNext, and flags are unchanged.


You can use the shaderStages(...) or simpleShaderStages(...) methods to populate the stageCount and pStages. The simpleShaderStages(...) is the simplest, but only supports a vertex shader and a fragment shader.

If you need more shader stages, you need to use the general shaderStages(...) method, which is a bit more verbose. The boiler.pipelines.createShaderModule(...) method could be useful in this case.

Vertex input state

If your pipeline doesn't need any vertex input state (e.g. because you're doing vertex pulling), you can use the noVertexInput() method. If you do need vertex input, you will have to populate the pVertexInputState of the createInfo yourself.

Input assembly state

If your pipeline uses triangle lists as input assembly, you can use the simpleInputAssembly() method to populate the pInputAssemblyState. If you want another input assembly, you will have to populate the pInputAssemblyState property yourself.


The GraphicsPipelineBuilder class doesn't support any methods to help with the pTessellationState. If you want to use tessellation shaders, you will have to populate it yourself.

Viewport state

If you want to postpone the viewport/scissor size selection to command buffer recording, you should use the dynamicViewports(amount) method. If you want to specify the size of the viewport and scissor right now, you should use the fixedViewport(width, height) method.

Rasterization state

If you want a 'simple' pipeline rasterization state, you can use the simpleRasterizationState(cullMode) method. This will choose VK_POLYGON_MODE_FILL and VK_FRONT_FACE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE. It won't have any depth bias or depth clamp, and it won't enable rasterizer discard. If you need a different rasterization state, you will have to modify the pRasterizationState yourself.

Multisample state

If you don't want to use multisampling, you can use the noMultisampling() method. If you do need multisampling, you will have to populate the pMultisampleState property yourself.

Depth-stencil state

If you don't want to use a depth test or stencil test, you can use the noDepthStencil() method. If you want to use a 'simple' depth test, you can use the simpleDepthTest(compareOp) method. This will enable the depth test and depth write, but not the depth bounds test.

If you want to use a 'complex' depth test, or if you want to use a stencil test, you will need to populate the pDepthStencilState yourself.

Color blend state

If you don't want the pipeline to support color blending, you can use the noColorBlending(attachmentCount) method. If you want the pipeline to support 'standard' color blending, you can use the simpleColorBlending(attachmentCount) method. For anything special, you will need to modify the pColorBlendState yourself.

Dynamic state

If you want to use dynamic states, you can use the dynamicStates(states...) method. Note that you need to use dynamicStates(VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT, VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR) if you also use dynamicViewports(amount).


You need to populate the layout of the createInfo yourself, but you can use boiler.pipelines.createLayout(...) to create this layout using fewer lines of code.

Render pass

If you use dynamic rendering, you can use the dynamicRendering(...) method, which will chain a VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfo to the pNext chain.

If you don't use dynamic rendering, you need to populate the renderPass and subpass yourself.

Base pipeline

If you want to use a base pipeline, you need to populate the basePipelineHandle or basePipelineIndex yourself.

Pipeline cache

If you want the build(name) method to pass a pipelineCache to vkCreateGraphicsPipelines, you should change the value of the pipelineCache field of the GraphicsPipelineBuilder.


To build the pipeline, you can use the build(name) method. This will call vkCreateGraphicsPipelines, assign a debug name to the created pipeline handle (when validation is enabled), and destroy the shader modules (if you used simpleShaderStages(...)).

If you want to create multiple graphics pipelines at the same time, you need to call vkCreateGraphicsPipelines yourself.


Queue families

You can use boiler.queueFamilies to get access to the queue families for which queues were created. For instance, you can use to access the graphics queue family. Note that is usually the same as boiler.queueFamilies.compute, especially when you did not chain a custom queueFamilyMapper to the BoilerBuilder.

Every queue family has an index, and a list of queues that were created during device creation. For convenience, each queue family also has a first() method that simply returns the first queue.

The VkbQueue class

Each queue family has a list of VkbQueues, which are wrappers around VkQueues. They have submit methods and a present method. All methods are synchronized, which ensures that all access to VkQueues will be correctly externally synchronized, as long as you only do queue submissions via these methods. The submit methods have quite some parameters, so you should read their doc comments for more information. Alternatively, you can take HelloTriangle as example.


Synchronization in raw Vulkan can be quite messy and verbose. Therefor, several abstractions and helper methods are provided.


The VkbFence class is a wrapper class for a VkFence, plus some time tracking. This time tracking makes it possible to await old fence submissions, even after the fence has already been reset. It is also possible to 'signal' such fences from the CPU (without an actual queue submission). This abstraction is also extensively used in the swapchain management system of vk-boiler. You should check out the doc comments for more information, or the unit tests .

Fence bank

You can use the FenceBank accessible from boiler.sync.fenceBank to borrow (and return) VkbFences. If you use this, you will only create fences when really needed, and reduce the risk of running into 'driver limits' when you frequency create and destroy fences.

Semaphore bank

Next to the fence bank, there is also the boiler.sync.semaphoreBank from which you can borrow and return binary semaphores. Note that it is important that you do not return semaphores that are still pending (just like you shouldn't destroy them while they are pending).

Timeline semaphores

You can use boiler.sync.createTimelineSemaphore(value, name) to create a VkbTimelineSemaphore, which is a simple wrapper around a timeline VkSemaphore. This wrapper class provides the methods waitUntil(value), getValue(), and setValue(newValue), which only require 1 line of code to call.

Resource usage

The ResourceUsage record is needed in several pipeline barrier methods of the CommandRecorder class. It's basically an (imageUsage, accessMask, stageMask) tuple. The record has some constants and static methods that can be used to get commonly-used instances.


The following utilities are/were made for vk-boiler internally, but you are free to use it in applications as well.

Math functions

  • You can use BoilerMath.nextMultipleOf(value, alignment) to find the smallest integer multiple of alignment that is greater than or equal to value. As the name suggests, this can be useful when working with buffer alignment requirements.

Set functions

  • You can use CollectionHelper.createSet(a, b, c) to create a Set containing the elements a, b, and c.
  • You can use CollectionHelper.decodeStringSet(PointerBuffer) to decode a list of C-strings, and turn it into a Set<String>. This is for instance useful for parsing ppEnabledLayerNames.
  • You can use CollectionHelper.encodeStringSet(set, stack) to encode the given set into a PointerBuffer that is allocated on the given MemoryStack. This is for instance useful for populating ppEnabledLayerNames.

Color packing

The ColorPacker class provides a rgb and argb method that can be used to pack 8-bit red, green, blue, and alpha components into a (32-bit) int. It also provides methods to extract the red, green, blue, and alpha components from the ints that it has produced.

pNext chains

You can use NextChain.findAddress(pNext, sType) to find the memory address of the struct with the given sType in the chain that starts at pNext. This is occasionally useful in unit tests.

Constant names

You can use ReflectionHelper.getIntConstantName to search for an int constant in a class that has the given value, and the right prefix and/or suffix. This is used to figure out the name of Vulkan error codes (like VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST).

Virtual reality

vk-boiler supports OpenXR integration. OpenXR is a Khronos standard (just like Vulkan) for virtual reality and augmented reality. OpenXR applications can choose from several rendering APIs, where Vulkan is just 1 of them. Unfortunately, this integration between Vulkan and OpenXR is very verbose. That's why vk-boiler helps during instance creation, and provides many helper functions.

Enabling virtual reality support

First of all, you need to chain .xr(...) to the BoilerBuilder (see the initialization documentation) for more information. Obviously, this will only work if a virtual reality headset is connected to the computer that runs the application (or has some emulator).

Creating the OpenXR session

After creating the BoilerInstance, the next step in a virtual reality application is typically creating the XrSession. You can do this using boiler.xr().createSession(...). This will return a VkbSession (which wraps an XrSession). The VkbSession class provides some potentially useful instance methods, which will be explained later.

Creating the OpenXR swapchain

Before creating the swapchain, you need to choose a swapchain image format. You can use session.chooseSwapchainFormat(preferredFormats...) for this, but you can also call xrEnumerateSwapchainFormats yourself.

You also need to choose the size of the swapchain. You can use boiler.xr().getViewConfigurationViews(...) to query the minimum, maximum, and recommended swapchain size. Alternatively, you can call xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews yourself.

To create the swapchain, you can use session.createSwapchain(...), or call xrCreateSwapchain yourself.

You will probably also want to create swapchain image views and depth images. Since this is regular Vulkan stuff, you can use the methods of boiler.images.

Creating OpenXR actions

You can use boiler.xr().actions.createSet(...) to create an XrActionSet. This method will simply call xrCreateActionSet under the hood, but using this should take fewer lines of code.

You can use boiler.xr().actions.getPath(stack, "/path/string") to convert a path string to an XrPath. This method will simply call xrStringToPath, but should be slightly more convenient.

You can use boiler.xr().actions.create(...) to create an XrAction without subactions, and you can use boiler.xr().actions.createWithSubactions to create an XrAction with subactions. Both methods will just call xrCreateAction, but should be more convenient for you.

Suggesting interaction profile bindings

After creating actions, you should suggest bindings for the controllers you intend to support. Since using raw XrActionSuggestedBindings is quite verbose, I made a SuggestedBindingsBuilder class to lighten the work.

Start by creating an instance, which should look like this:

var bindingsBuilder = new SuggestedBindingsBuilder(

The second parameter is the interaction profile for which you want to suggest bindings.

Then add some suggested bindings, like this:

	handPoseAction, "/user/hand/right/input/aim/pose"
	handClickAction, "/user/hand/left/input/select/click"

The first parameter is the XrAction to bind, and the second parameter is the path to which you want to bind it. Once you have suggested all bindings, call bindingsBuilder.finish() (which will actually call xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings).

Creating OpenXR spaces

You can call session.createReferenceSpace(...) to create a reference space of the given XrReferenceSpaceType. This is just a convenience method that will call xrCreateReferenceSpace under the hood.

You can call session.createActionSpace(...) to create an action space for the given (sub)action. This is also a convenience method, and will simply call xrCreateActionSpace under the hood.

Note that both methods will use the identity pose as poseInReferenceSpace/poseInActionSpace.

Attaching action sets to the session

You can call session.attach(stack, actionSet) to attach a single XrActionSet to the XrSession (using xrAttachSessionActionSets). If you wish to attach multiple action sets at the same time, you will have to call xrAttachSessionActionSets yourself.

The session loop

Once all action sets and Vulkan resources are set up, it's time to start the session loop. Managing a session loop is a lot of work (code) that shouldn't depend much on the application. The SessionLoop class was made to lighten this work for applications. It is an abstract class that handles most of the work, but you need to implement several methods:

Creating the projection matrix

You need to implement the method Matrix4f createProjectionMatrix(XrFovf fov). You could easily do this by returning xr.createProjectionMatrix(fov, nearPlane, farPlane), but you can also create a more complicated projection matrix.

Choosing the active action set

You need to implement the method XrActionSet[] chooseActiveActionSets(). If your application only has 1 action set, you could attach it before starting the session loop, and always return it.

If your application actually switches action sets, it becomes a bit more complicated. When you want to change the active action set, you will need to attach the new action set during this method, and then return it. If you want to keep using the same action set as the last call, just return that same action set(s).

The update method

You need to implement the method void update(), which will be called during every iteration of the session loop, always after polling and handling events. You can do whatever you want in this method, and are allowed to leave the method body empty.

Handling events

You need to implement the method void handleEvent(XrEventDataBuffer event). This method will be called for each event that is polled with xrPollEvent. Just like in the update method, you can do whatever you want in this method, including leaving the method body empty.

Note that the SessionLoop class will automatically handle XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED events before calling handleEvent. You may listen to session state changes, but you don't need to.

Waiting for render resources

You need to implement the method void waitForRenderResources(MemoryStack stack). You should use this method to wait for render resources (like command buffers and fences) that you will need during the next frame.

This method will only be called during session loop iterations where the session state is either SYNCHRONIZED, VISIBLE, FOCUSSED, or READY. Note that this does not necessarily mean that a frame will be rendered during this iteration.

Recording render commands

You need to implement the method

void recordRenderCommands(
	MemoryStack stack, XrFrameState frameState, int swapchainImageIndex, Matrix4f[] cameraMatrices

During this method, you should record all the command buffers that you intend to submit for this frame. This method will be called right after xrAcquireSwapchainImage and xrSyncActions, which means that the next swapchain image is known, but that it's not yet ready.

Therefor, you may (and should) record command buffers that use the swapchain image, but you may not submit them yet. You may submit any command buffers that do not need the swapchain image.

Since this method is called right after xrSyncActions, it is also the best moment to query actions.

Submitting the render commands

You need to implement the method void submitRenderCommands(). During this method, you should submit the command buffers that you recorded during recordRenderCommands. This method will be called right after xrWaitSwapchainImage and right before xrReleaseSwapchainImage.

Querying action states

You can use session.prepareActionState(...) or session.prepareSubactionState(...) to allocate an XrActionStateGetInfo onto the stack, using just 1 line of code. Then, you can pass this XrActionStateGetInfo to one of the following methods:

  • session.getBooleanAction(...)
  • session.getFloatAction(...)
  • session.getVectorAction(...)
  • session.getPoseAction(...)

Each of these methods will simply call xrGetActionStateXXX using the XrActionStateGetInfo, but it should take you slightly less code.

Querying action spaces

You can use boiler.xr().locateSpace(...) to locate an action space. This will call xrLocateSpace, and convert the queried position and orientation to a JOML Vector3f and Quaternionf. You can additionally call the createMatrix() method of the result to convert them to a Matrix4f.