- Hippocrene - Beginner's Georgian - Dodona Kiziria + audio
[ the only 'real' textbook afaik, I have it, the dialogs are somewhat boring and random, and as an 'audio only' resource - it's not that good - if you have time to read the dialogs through and then listen later on ] - Georgian: A Learner's Grammar (Routledge) - interlaced Grammar with dialogs, I found it difficult to use. If you have time to put into it...
Russian based:
esp if you have some Russian background - do try this : try looking in russian online bookstores: http://www.bookvoed.ru - http://www.ozon.ru - dom-knigi [http://www.mdk-arbat.ru ] - Грузинский язык с мамой ( Майя Чантурия, isbn 978-5-91656-018-3 + audio CD) - that was actually the most useful resource I've used at the time, it's a phrasebook for Child oriented speech . It's an elongated thin brochure, not convenient for travelling (physical) format, there's seems to be newer edition also.
- Мзевинар Акобия -Давайте учить грузинский язык : начальный курс (+ audio CD , ISBN 978-5-903184-70-5 Серия: Новый диалог) : Very accessible, same annoy 'elongated thin brochure' format as the above, useful.
- Грузинский с улыбкой. Анекдоты и шутки для начального чтения - (ISBN 978-5-7873-1039-9 + audio CD ) Jokes - with Russian translation. didn't try yet. It's in Ilya Frank's method, which is cool interlaced bilingual text.
- Грузинский язык. Самоучитель. ( ISBN 978-5-8033-1019-8 Живой язык ) - So Живой язык - have some very good publications (their Finnish for example) and some very bad publications (their Hebrew for example, full of mistakes) . I haven't tried this one (wasn't available at the time)
- Book2 - released Georgian (also after I was out) http://www.goethe-verlag.com/book2/EN/ENKA/ENKA002.HTM http://www.50languages.com/book2/EN/ENKA/ENKA-all.zip I would actually start with this (while commuting, etc, choose any source language as well (Russian? ) ) Book2 currently cover 57 languages, some 'less taught' ones (Tigrinya, Georgian, Adyghe, Armenian, Albanian )
- DLI "LSK" - Language-Survival-Kit [ http://fieldsupport.dliflc.edu/ ] - Their website keeps on changing, but this is highly valuable audio material - basically phrasebooks for various "army" situations, especially the beginning of the 'medical' chapter. It start with "do not move or I will shot" - but gets to the very useful "Do you understand this language?" , "thank you for talking to me" , etc Luckily - they have Georgian as well now (and many other 'rarer' languages), recordings are high quality, and there's a plus that these are not 'adapted' phrases, they are usually quite natural (and read at natural speed - repeated slowly ) [ they also release mobile apps for these occasionally ]
- Glossika - so Glossika's released a Georgian course - I bought it when it was available - it was "too advanced" for me to be really accessible at the time (I'm happily using Glossika with Finnish were I have more background) , they took it off-line - back to production, both the audio had some background noises occasionally - and by their website - it's in re-translation now. If you mail them - maybe you can get a temporary version of their "Fluency 1" Module (first 1000 sentences), I think it's ideal for when you start the lower-intermediate level.
Georgian with Roni :: https://www.facebook.com/Learn-Georgian-with-Roni-997531783665453/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFsR72e5e4Qb4fPLSb_nLYA
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1knKyZOA045JM4lmLDcVACkO4xN0U9eTR/view?fbclid=IwAR02nBIKT74jSAzvibAx6AauwZxh8ztFASFzPdSKgeMsHc6QHK9ZQrATnW8 : [ PDF ] Georgian Proverbs and Idioms:
- A Guide - Angela, Kaitlin, and Kyle Peace Corps Georgia G14