Word-Of-The-Day sentences with Audio: http://www.transparent.com/word-of-the-day/today/russian.html http://www.innovativelanguage.com/word-of-the-day/russian
Audio + online lessons: http://www.russianforfree.com/ - texts read out with audio at all levels, nice grammar lessons. (free)
podcast http://russianpodcast.eu - Tatiana's podcast, the best Comprehensible-Input graded podcast - 100% russian
taste-of-russian: http://www.torpod.com/
https://taplink.cc/russianwithmax : Russian-With-Max: Intermediate - all target language podcast: Russian in Russian https://www.russianwithmax.com - 100% Russian target language podcast, Max speaks about current events from Russia, in slow Russian while explaining vocabulary. [ https://www.patreon.com/russianwithmax , https://www.instagram.com/russianwithmax/ , https://www.youtube.com/c/RussianWithMax , https://anchor.fm/comprehensible-russian ]
https://russianprogress.com : https://www.patreon.com/russianprogress/ : Artem Nazarov's podcast, target language only, another great podcast, free audio and youtube videos, paid transcriptions. Mostly an Audio/Video blog where Atrem shares his experience of traveling and learning foreign languages.
https://www.instagram.com/russian.connection/ https://www.patreon.com/russianconnection : Russian-Connection: Target language podcast, good instagram resource as well.
https://www.russianwithdasha.com/podcast : Russian-with-Dasha : Another quality target language only podcast
https://www.patreon.com/russiantwist/ : Russian-Twist: Target language only podcast, hosted by Dasha from Russian-with-dasha podcast and Tom, an Englishman who's a professional translator. The two interview Russian speakers and learners from different countries.
https://www.patreon.com/russianwithsasha/ : Russian-With-Sasha - a podcast, some episodes are Target-language-only, while others contain English, but are also for aim at intermediate learners. The podcast introduces literature, culture, composers etc.
http://www.russianeasy.com : A podcast, with a textbook-like index. Is it target-language? unverified.
Business Russian Podcasts :: UCLA Dr Anna Kudyma http://web.international.ucla.edu/cwl/news/businessrussian : A short series of podcasts, target language only, about Business related vocabulary in Russian.
Ru-Land: https://www.instagram.com/ru_land_club/ https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/oneminuterussian/ https://ru-land.club/links/ https://ru-land.club/
Target language videos, with subtitles in both Russian an English: Maria Zdorovetskaya https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCdC-MqeDAEDvADQnAtGZzw https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPfkrdsLB-v7n_u4G5dFOhpeZ86MP8CJ9
StarMediaEN: TV series - with English subs - documentaries, and other https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuSx-lf2ft7hPceGVNHybOw/playlists see : https://blog.glossika.com/tips-on-learning-russian/
Online text lessons :
http://www.russianforfree.com/ http://learnrussian.rt.com/ - grammar
Videos with interactive subtitles: https://3ears.com/