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Coding Style Guidelines for Frontend

Automatic Linting Rules

Kobotoolbox uses Biome mainly for formatting, and ESLint exclusively for linting.

  • formatting: consistent whitespaces and other style of code.
  • linting: identifying bugs and anti-patterns.

Kobotoolbox has plans to adopt oxlint in the future. It's an upcoming performant competitor to ESlint, but isn't type-aware yet and thus limited in it's capacity.

Manual Linting Rules


  • tag @deprecated when deprecating code and explain what to do instead. FYI VSCode nicely strike-through deprecated code.

    • example TS/JSDoc syntax to deprecate external dependencies:
      declare namespace JQuery {
        /** @deprecated use fetch instead */
        export interface jqXHR {
  • don't use @deprecated code.

Naming is hard

  • singular for objects (user), plural for arrays/maps/etc (users), suffix for primitives (userName).
  • don't use Systems Hungarian (e.g. strExample), because let's don't duplicate intellisense. Except for boolean type, because it reads nice, e.g. isExample, hasExample, etc.
  • use Hungarian Notation where appropriate (indicate kind of the type). Examples: input and inputSanitized or other way around inputRaw and input, your choice.
  • boilerplate snippets:
    • const exampleQuery = useExampleQuery() for react query hook usage.
    • import cx from 'classnames'; for classnames import.

Code colocation

Main principle is, keep related code close for modularity. Organize by feature/usage/concept, not type (images at images, etc.). Sanity check question: if requirements would change, what parts of code would likely be changed or deleted together as a bundle?

  • organize folders and subfolders by root/global, feature, sub-feature, sub-sub-feature, …. Each level may have generic common , components and hooks folders. Place code as deep as possible to be above or next to all it's consumers. Update as consumers change. Example:
        common/           # <-- (4) reused non-react-stuff globally go here.
        components/       # <-- (4) reused components globally go here.
        hooks/            # <-- (4) reused hooks globally go here.
          common/         # <-- (3) reused non-react-stuff within feature go here.
          components/     # <-- (3) reused components within feature go here.
          hooks/          # <-- (3) reused hooks within sub-feature go here.
            common/       # <-- (2) reused non-react-stuff within component goes here.
            components/   # <-- (2) reused components within component goes here.
            hooks/        # <-- (2) reused hooks within component goes here.
            index.tsx     # <-- (1) small helpers or interfaces are co-located inside
                          #         component or hook files, and are not exported.
            useExample.ts # <-- (1) files specific only to other file(s)
                          #         in the same folder stay next to them.
  • organize files by concerns and name it by that. Keep one concern per file. Don't shy away from small but focused files.
    • one React component per file and name it the same — Example.tsx or Example/index.tsx.
    • one React hook per file and name it the same — useExample.tsx or useExample/index.tsx.
    • for anything big and/or complex enough, have a seperate file and name it the same.
    • it's ok to co-locate in the same file several similar variations of the same, as well accompanying constants, helpers, type-guards and other utils.
  • every folder has a meaningful index.tsx files, except common, components, and hooks folders. Index file contains and/or re-exports what consumers outside of folder imports (kinda as folder's API).
  • Include type of file in filename only for tests and storybook. Such as:
    • {index,Example}.tsx?
    • {index,Example}.stories.tsx
    • {index,Example}.{spec,test}.tsx?
    • useExample.tsx?
    • useExample.{spec,test}.tsx?

React specific

  • use Typescript, don't use Javascript.
  • use React functional components and hooks instead of classes and HOCs.
  • for response caching use react-query, don't reinvent cache using state.