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This branch is 4831 commits ahead of, 63856 commits behind googleapis/google-cloud-java:main.


Google Cloud Java Client Examples

Examples for google-cloud (Java idiomatic client for Google Cloud Platform services).

CircleCI Coverage Status Maven Codacy Badge Dependency Status


If you are using Maven, add this to your pom.xml file


If you are using Gradle, add this to your dependencies

compile ''

If you are using SBT, add this to your dependencies

libraryDependencies += "" % "google-cloud-examples" % "0.120.0-alpha"

To run examples from your command line:

  1. Log in using gcloud SDK (gcloud auth login in command line)

  2. Set your current project using gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID. This step is not necessary for ResourceManagerExample.

  3. Compile using Maven: mvn install -DskipTests in command line from your base project directory then cd google-cloud-examples and finally mvn package appassembler:assemble -DskipTests.

  4. Run an example from the command line using the Maven-generated scripts.

  • Here's an example run of BigQueryExample.

    Before running the example, go to the Google Developers Console to ensure that BigQuery API is enabled. You can upload a CSV file my_csv_file to the my_bucket bucket (replace my_csv_file and my_bucket with actual file and bucket names) using the Google Cloud Storage web browser. The CSV file will be used to load data into a BigQuery table and should look something like:


    Then you are ready to run the following example:

    target/appassembler/bin/BigQueryExample create dataset new_dataset_id
    target/appassembler/bin/BigQueryExample create table new_dataset_id new_table_id field_name:string
    target/appassembler/bin/BigQueryExample list tables new_dataset_id
    target/appassembler/bin/BigQueryExample load new_dataset_id new_table_id CSV gs://my_bucket/my_csv_file
    target/appassembler/bin/BigQueryExample query 'select * from new_dataset_id.new_table_id'
  • Here's an example run of ComputeExample.

    Before running the example, go to the Google Developers Console to ensure that Compute API is enabled.

    target/appassembler/bin/ComputeExample create image-disk us-central1-a test-disk debian-cloud debian-8-jessie-v20160329
    target/appassembler/bin/ComputeExample create instance us-central1-a test-instance n1-standard-1 test-disk default
    target/appassembler/bin/ComputeExample add-access-config us-central1-a test-instance nic0 NAT
    target/appassembler/bin/ComputeExample delete instance us-central1-a test-instance
    target/appassembler/bin/ComputeExample delete disk us-central1-a test-disk
  • Here's an example run of DatastoreExample.

    Be sure to change the placeholder project ID "your-project-id" with your own project ID. Also note that you have to enable the Google Cloud Datastore API on the Google Developers Console before running the following commands.

    target/appassembler/bin/DatastoreExample your-project-id my_name add my\ comment
    target/appassembler/bin/DatastoreExample your-project-id my_name display
    target/appassembler/bin/DatastoreExample your-project-id my_name delete
    target/appassembler/bin/DatastoreExample your-project-id my_name set 1234
  • Here's an example run of DnsExample.

    Note that you have to enable the Google Cloud DNS API on the Google Developers Console before running the following commands. You will need to replace the domain name with your own domain name with verified ownership. Also, note that the example creates and deletes record sets of type A only. Operations with other record types are not implemented in the example.

    target/appassembler/bin/DnsExample create some-sample-zone description
    target/appassembler/bin/DnsExample list
    target/appassembler/bin/DnsExample list some-sample-zone records
    target/appassembler/bin/DnsExample add-record some-sample-zone 69
    target/appassembler/bin/DnsExample get some-sample-zone
    target/appassembler/bin/DnsExample delete-record some-sample-zone 69
    target/appassembler/bin/DnsExample list some-sample-zone changes ascending
    target/appassembler/bin/DnsExample delete some-sample-zone
  • Here's an example run of LoggingExample.

    Before running the example, go to the Google Developers Console to ensure that Logging API is enabled.

    target/appassembler/bin/LoggingExample create metric test-metric severity>=ERROR
    target/appassembler/bin/LoggingExample list metrics
    target/appassembler/bin/LoggingExample create sink test-sink bucket test-bucket severity>=ERROR
    target/appassembler/bin/LoggingExample list sinks
    target/appassembler/bin/LoggingExample write test-log-name ERROR test-message test-key test-value
    target/appassembler/bin/LoggingExample list entries
  • Here's an example run of ParallelCountBytes.

    Before running the example, go to the Google Developers Console to ensure that Google Cloud Storage API is enabled and that you have a bucket with a file in it.

    target/appassembler/bin/ParallelCountBytes gs://mybucket/myfile.txt
  • Here's an example run of ResourceManagerExample.

    Be sure to change the placeholder project ID "your-project-id" with your own globally unique project ID.

    target/appassembler/bin/ResourceManagerExample create your-project-id
    target/appassembler/bin/ResourceManagerExample list
    target/appassembler/bin/ResourceManagerExample get your-project-id
  • Here's an example run of StorageExample.

    Before running the example, go to the Google Developers Console to ensure that "Google Cloud Storage" and "Google Cloud Storage JSON API" are enabled and that you have a bucket. Also ensure that you have a test file (test.txt is chosen here) to upload to Cloud Storage stored locally on your machine.

    target/appassembler/bin/StorageExample upload /path/to/test.txt <bucket_name>
    target/appassembler/bin/StorageExample list <bucket_name>
    target/appassembler/bin/StorageExample download <bucket_name> test.txt
    target/appassembler/bin/StorageExample delete <bucket_name> test.txt
  • Here's an example run of Stat, illustrating the use of google-cloud-nio.

    Before running the example, go to the Google Developers Console to ensure that Google Cloud Storage API is enabled and that you have a bucket with a file in it.

    Run the sample with (from the google-cloud-examples folder):

    target/appassembler/bin/Stat --check

    Or, if you have a file in gs://mybucket/myfile.txt, you can run:

    target/appassembler/bin/Stat gs://mybucket/myfile.txt

    The sample doesn't have anything special about Google Cloud Storage in it, it just opens files via the NIO API. It lists google-cloud-nio as a dependency, and that enables it to interpret gs:// paths.

  • Here's an example run of TranslateExample.

    Before running the example, go to the Google Developers Console to ensure that "Google Translation API" is enabled.

    target/appassembler/bin/TranslateExample languages
    target/appassembler/bin/TranslateExample detect Hello,\ World!
    target/appassembler/bin/TranslateExample translate ¡Hola\ Mundo!
    target/appassembler/bin/TranslateExample es translate Hello,\ World!


To get help, follow the instructions in the shared Troubleshooting document.

Java Versions

Java 7 or above is required for using this client.


This library follows Semantic Versioning.

It is currently in major version zero (0.y.z), which means that anything may change at any time and the public API should not be considered stable.


Contributions to this library are always welcome and highly encouraged.

See google-cloud's CONTRIBUTING documentation and the shared documentation for more information on how to get started.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See Code of Conduct for more information.


Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE for more information.