The GeoService geometry
filter can be one of many formats: a delimited-string representing a point, a delimited-string representing a bounding box, or an ArcGIS geometry. Geometry formats may or may not include a spatialReference
property, and if they do not, it might have been sent in a separate inSR
parameter. In addition, the filter itself, does not include a target operation or spatial relation (intersection, falls within, etc). This is captured in the GeoService spatialRel
This utility accepts the noted parameters and their possible variation and returns a "standardized" geometry-filter-object.
const filter = standardizeGeometryFilter({ geometry, inSR, spatialRel, reprojectionSR });
geometry - a GeoJSON geometry
spatialReference - filter's spatial reference
relation - how filter should be applied
The value of geometry
can be a comma-delimited point, comma-delimited bounding box, or an ArcGIS geometry in JSON.
A spatial reference designation for the input geometry. It can be specified as either a well-known ID, and WKT string, or as a spatial reference JSON object.
The spatial relationship that is intended to be applied to the input geometry. Defaults to 'esriSpatialRelIntersects'
A spatial reference that the filter should be reprojected to. Reprojection can only be executed if the geometry's initial spatial reference has been defined. As with inSR
, it can be specified as either a well-known ID, and WKT string, or as a spatial reference JSON object.
The input geometry converted to a GeoJSON geometry equivalent. Envelopes are converted to polygons. If a reprojectionSR
was supplied, the coordinates will be reprojected to the requested spatial reference.
The spatial reference of the returned geometry. Format will depend on the data type of spatial reference supplied by input parameters.
The relation passed into the function or a default value of esriSpatialRelIntersects