At the moment of writing this the emulator runs at roughly 50% capacity on my laptop whereas the first iteration ran at ~80%. Most of the optimsations were achieved by writing slightly clever code in the rest of the emulator and adjusting the timings. The only optimisation done in the recompiler is 'constant folding', which resulted into a 5-10% performance increase. A nice example is the reboot vector code.
before | after |
function dynBFC00000() { | function dynBFC00000() { |
const gpr = cpu.gpr; | const gpr = cpu.gpr; |
// bfc00000: 3c080013: lui r8, $0013 | // bfc00000: 3c080013: lui r8, $0013 |
gpr[8] = 0x00130000; | // bfc00004: 3508243f: ori r8, r8, $243f |
// bfc00004: 3508243f: ori r8, r8, $243f | // bfc00008: 3c011f80: lui r1, $1f80 |
gpr[8] = gpr[8] | 0x243f; | // bfc0000c: ac281010: sw r8, $1010(r1) |
// bfc00008: 3c011f80: lui r1, $1f80 | memWrite32((0x1f801010 >>> 0), (0x0013243f >> 0)); |
gpr[1] = 0x1f800000; | // bfc00010: 00000000: nop |
// bfc0000c: ac281010: sw r8, $1010(r1) | // bfc00014: 24080b88: addiu r8, r0, $0b88 |
memWrite32(((4112 + gpr[1]) >>> 0), gpr[8]); | // bfc00018: 3c011f80: lui r1, $1f80 |
// bfc00010: 00000000: nop | // bfc0001c: ac281060: sw r8, $1060(r1) |
// bfc00014: 24080b88: addiu r8, r0, $0b88 | memWrite32((0x1f801060 >>> 0), (0x00000b88 >> 0)); |
gpr[8] = 2952; | // bfc00020: 00000000: nop |
// bfc00018: 3c011f80: lui r1, $1f80 | // bfc00024: 00000000: nop |
gpr[1] = 0x1f800000; | // bfc00028: 00000000: nop |
// bfc0001c: ac281060: sw r8, $1060(r1) | // bfc0002c: 00000000: nop |
memWrite32(((4192 + gpr[1]) >>> 0), gpr[8]); | // bfc00030: 00000000: nop |
... | ... |
// bfc0005c: 00000000: nop | // bfc00070: 0bf00054: j $bfc00150 |
// bfc00060: 00000000: nop | var pc = 0xbfc00150 |
// bfc00064: 00000000: nop | // bfc00074: 00000000: nop |
// bfc00068: 00000000: nop | // flush constants |
// bfc0006c: 00000000: nop | gpr[1] = 0x1f800000; |
// bfc00070: 0bf00054: j $bfc00150 | gpr[8] = 0x00000b88; |
var pc = 0xbfc00150 | psx.clock += 30; |
// bfc00074: 00000000: nop | cpu.pc = pc; |
psx.clock += 30; | } |
cpu.pc = pc; | |
} |
One can clearly see the 'constant folding' at work producing writes to known memory locations and setting of registers with constants. Though one would expect that this has a huge improvement, it effect is limitted because most of the game code just isn't using a lot of constants.
Running the profiler on 'Crash Bash' for roughly 485 seconds of emulation time we get the following results when sorting on Total Time:
Self Time | Total Time | Function |
493331.0ms | 493331.0 ms | (idle) |
114997.6ms 26.51% | 291366.9ms 67.17% | mainLoop |
36155.5ms 8.34% | 48361.7ms 11.15% | dyn80174870 |
163.6ms 0.04% | 39639.7ms 9.14% | psx.handleEvents |
16200.6ms 3.74% | 16201.8ms 3.74% | dyn801748BC |
30.0ms 0.01% | 6279.7ms 1.45% | dyn8017D3E8 |
816.3ms 0.19% | 4333.8ms 1.00% | dyn80153580 |
1135.5ms 0.26% | 3417.1ms 0.79% | dyn80153350 |
2368.2ms 0.55% | 2881.1ms 0.66% | dyn80177228 |
psx.handleEvents contains the logic to handle all timing related events. mainLoop is called every 'requestAnimationFrame' and runs the emulation process. It calls the recompiled functions as long as the emulation time matches the 'host' time. The dynXXXXXXXX functions are the recompiled pieces of PSX code. The table clearly shows that most of the time is spent in the mainLoop and psx.handleEvents. The conclusion that we can take here is that the recompiled PSX code is not the bottleneck and that the most logical improvement should be in mainLoop as 'the Self Time' is over 25%.
Looking at the mainLoop internals most of the time is spent in the following piece of code:
while (psx.clock < totalCycles) {
const block = recompile(cpu.pc >>> 0);
if (psx.clock >= psx.eventClock) {
Not much to optimize here as the recompile fetches > 99% from the cache. The handle of events and generations of IRQ's are only performed when needed. It looks to be optimal so why does it spent so much time in this part of the mainLoop. The answer can be found in the called counter on each block. Adding all the called values from all blocks yields a staggering 1516488754 invocations or 3126781 invocations per second. With the playstation running at 33868800 cycles per second the emulator, the average block emulates 11 cycles. That does explain the high 'Self Time' percentage. In conclusion the only way to reduce the overhead of the mainLoop is to increase the number of cycles per block. However due to the nature of the current recompiler where each block is ended at branches and jumps it would require a complete rewrite and preferably to be avoided.
I decided to let the emulator run for a longer time and see which recompiled functions over time would standout. After roughly 6.5 hours the total invocations were 75775075394 and still with an average of 11 cycles per block. Looking at the individual blocks and sorting them on the amount of invocations we get the following top 5:
Function | Invocations |
dyn800322D4 | 25401374977 |
dyn8003228C | 25400315594 |
dyn80048FD0 | 8970389532 |
dyn80010614 | 725471469 |
dyn80019540 | 659256048 |
This means that the top 3 functions account for 78.8% of the invocations. The definition of these functions are respectively:
function dyn800322D4(){
const gpr = cpu.gpr;
// 800322d4: 3c028007: lui r2, $8007
// 800322d8: 8c42d8dc: lw r2, $d8dc(r2)
gpr[2] = memRead32((0x8006d8dc >>> 0)) >> 0;
// 800322dc: 00000000: nop
// 800322e0: 0044102a: slt r2, r2, r4
gpr[2] = (gpr[2] >> 0) < (gpr[4] >> 0);
// 800322e4: 1440ffe9: bne r2, r0, $ffe9
var pc = (gpr[2] !== (0x00000000 >> 0)) ? 0x8003228c : 0x800322ec;
// 800322e8: 00000000: nop
psx.clock += 6;
cpu.pc = pc;
function dyn8003228C(){
const gpr = cpu.gpr;
// 8003228c: 8fa20010: lw r2, $0010(r29)
gpr[2] = memRead32(((16 + gpr[29]) >>> 0)) >> 0;
// 80032290: 00000000: nop
// 80032294: 2442ffff: addiu r2, r2, $ffff
gpr[2] = -1 + gpr[2];
// 80032298: afa20010: sw r2, $0010(r29)
memWrite32(((16 + gpr[29]) >>> 0), gpr[2]);
// 8003229c: 8fa20010: lw r2, $0010(r29)
gpr[2] = memRead32(((16 + gpr[29]) >>> 0)) >> 0;
// 800322a0: 00000000: nop
// 800322a4: 1443000b: bne r2, r3, $000b
var pc = (gpr[2] !== gpr[3]) ? 0x800322d4 : 0x800322ac;
// 800322a8: 00000000: nop
psx.clock += 8;
cpu.pc = pc;
function dyn80010614(){
const gpr = cpu.gpr;
// 80010614: 8cc20000: lw r2, $0000(r6)
gpr[2] = memRead32((gpr[6] >>> 0)) >> 0;
// 80010618: 24c60004: addiu r6, r6, $0004
gpr[6] = 4 + gpr[6];
// 8001061c: 24a5ffff: addiu r5, r5, $ffff
gpr[5] = -1 + gpr[5];
// 80010620: ace20000: sw r2, $0000(r7)
memWrite32((gpr[7] >>> 0), gpr[2]);
// 80010624: 14a3fffb: bne r5, r3, $fffb
var pc = (gpr[5] !== gpr[3]) ? 0x80010614 : 0x8001062c;
// 80010628: 24e70004: addiu r7, r7, $0004
gpr[7] = 4 + gpr[7];
psx.clock += 6;
cpu.pc = pc;
Looking at the code we see 2 interesting properties of the functions:
- dyn80010614 is a loop function. The branch target is the function it self.
- dyn800322D4 jumps to dyn8003228C and vice versa. If we can optimise the these two conditions in the recompiler we have the largest impact on performance of the emulator. But this is just for one game so lets check another.
Running 'Legend of Mana' for roughly 3 minutes we get 789995231 invocations that is an average of 8 cycles per block.
Function | Invocations |
dyn8001FEA8 | 350993336 |
dyn80020734 | 46018725 |
dyn800206EC | 46014609 |
dyn800191AC | 20435345 |
dyn80019240 | 20370641 |
This means that the top 3 functions account for 56.1% of the invocations. The definition of these functions are respectively:
function dyn8001FEA8(){
const gpr = cpu.gpr;
// 8001fea8: 8c620000: lw r2, $0000(r3)
gpr[2] = memRead32((gpr[3] >>> 0)) >> 0;
// 8001feac: 00000000: nop
// 8001feb0: 00441024: and r2, r2, r4
gpr[2] = gpr[2] & gpr[4];
// 8001feb4: 1440fffc: bne r2, r0, $fffc
var pc = (gpr[2] !== (0x00000000 >> 0)) ? 0x8001fea8 : 0x8001febc;
// 8001feb8: 00000000: nop
psx.clock += 5;
cpu.pc = pc;
function dyn80020734(){
const gpr = cpu.gpr;
// 80020734: 3c028004: lui r2, $8004
// 80020738: 8c42cff0: lw r2, $cff0(r2)
gpr[2] = memRead32((0x8003cff0 >>> 0)) >> 0;
// 8002073c: 00000000: nop
// 80020740: 0044102a: slt r2, r2, r4
gpr[2] = (gpr[2] >> 0) < (gpr[4] >> 0);
// 80020744: 1440ffe9: bne r2, r0, $ffe9
var pc = (gpr[2] !== (0x00000000 >> 0)) ? 0x800206ec : 0x8002074c;
// 80020748: 00000000: nop
psx.clock += 6;
cpu.pc = pc;
function dyn800206EC(){
const gpr = cpu.gpr;
// 800206ec: 8fa20010: lw r2, $0010(r29)
gpr[2] = memRead32(((16 + gpr[29]) >>> 0)) >> 0;
// 800206f0: 00000000: nop
// 800206f4: 2442ffff: addiu r2, r2, $ffff
gpr[2] = -1 + gpr[2];
// 800206f8: afa20010: sw r2, $0010(r29)
memWrite32(((16 + gpr[29]) >>> 0), gpr[2]);
// 800206fc: 8fa20010: lw r2, $0010(r29)
gpr[2] = memRead32(((16 + gpr[29]) >>> 0)) >> 0;
// 80020700: 00000000: nop
// 80020704: 1443000b: bne r2, r3, $000b
var pc = (gpr[2] !== gpr[3]) ? 0x80020734 : 0x8002070c;
// 80020708: 00000000: nop
psx.clock += 8;
cpu.pc = pc;
Looking at these functions we see the same interesting properties:
- dyn8001FEA8 is a inner-loop function. The branch target is the function it self.
- dyn80020734 jumps to dyn800206EC and vice versa. lets call it an outer-loop function
More interrestingly is the fact that the code of the non-loop functions is completely identical but just positioned at a different memory location.
Running multiple games and demo's yields similar results. There is always a loop function in the top 5 and in most cases the two referring function seem to be there too. My guess would be that it is related to the missing 'halt' functionality on the PSone. The R3000A is always running and that means that somehwere it needs to loop until a change occurs. So if we would optimise this idle loop we already should see a substantial performance improvement.
Inline with the previous sections the code has been modified to measure the behavior in more details but also implemented the inner-loop functionality. As expected the inner-loop optimisation improved the performance in some instances especially in demos. Secondly, the jump points are added to the recompiled function state and also the number of invocations are counted. The analytics functionality of the previous section have been implemented and can be called after running the emulator for a while.
The assumptions in the analytics part have been confirmed in many cases but are mostly effective during the actual game play and not during movie sequences.
Here the results of playing Harry Potter until completing the initial Ghoul game.
Running: getCodeStats(0,5).map(a => `${a.addr} - ${a.calls}`).join() gives us the 5 most called level 0 function addresses and the number of invocations. Clearly showing that the top 3 is responsible for most of the invocations.
800610a4 - 248833640,
8006105c - 248813150,
0006b5e4 - 210066480,
8005d7b0 - 13382536,
00010db4 - 9542646
Running getCodeStats(1,5).map(a => `${a.addr} - ${a.calls}`).join() gives us the 5 most called level 1 (inner-loop) function addresses and the number of invocations. The top function here is number #3 in the level 0 functions. Indicating that loop optimisation does improve the performance.
0006b5e4 - 210066480,
8005d7b0 - 13382536,
00010e74 - 6791202,
00015844 - 2808832,
0005b41c - 1419395
Running getCodeStats(2,5).map(a => `${a.addr} - ${a.calls}`).join() gives us the 5 most called level 2 (outer-loop) function addresses and the number of invocations. Outer loops are a recompiled functions that jump to another function and that function jumps back. The two top functions also are the top functions on level 0.
800610a4 - 248833640,
8006105c - 248813150,
00010db4 - 9542646,
00010d34 - 9539271,
00014bbc - 2674064
In conclusion detecting the inner-loop and outer-loop functions and optimising the compiler would possibly give a good performance improvement without refactoring to much code.
interesting profiles
legend of kain
- lots of small functions that slow down emulation chrono cross
- during fmv single loop function waiting for a change
- lots of small functions that slow down emulation
- but also the two main functions seen in demo's (idle loop) 102 dalmatians
- small loops taking up most of emulation time
- loop functions that only read (RAM) don't need to loop but can immediatly go to the next event.
- determine hot functions i.e. invoked more then 100 times, then force recompile to optimise.
- detect memory regions for writes and reads, RAM, BIOS, HW.
- ideally detect if writes/reads occur at the same address for maximum optimisation.
- detect small functions an mark them as inline.
- detect memory regions for writes and reads, RAM, BIOS, HW.
- create blocks including branches but not jumps to reduce function calls and sanity checks.
- detect hot paths, sequence of codeblocks that are called frequently. this will also become a loop detetector over multiple codeblocks if the sequence jumps to point that is part of the sequence.