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196 lines (139 loc) · 6.38 KB


File metadata and controls

196 lines (139 loc) · 6.38 KB

gemgen(1) [""["gemgen-VERSION"]]


gemgen - Markdown to Gemtext


gemgen [OPTION]... [FILE]...


gemgen is a tool for converting Commonmark Markdown to Gemtext. Gemgen uses the goldmark markdown parser and my gemtext rendering module. You may pass gemgen a list of files to convert and rename concurrently or pass markdown into STDIN and get gemtext from STDOUT.

The goal is to create proper hand-made gemtext. Links and "autolinks" get placed below each paragraph, but a list of links is not printed twice. Paragraphs get merged onto a single line, but hardlinks (double spaces or \ at the end of a line) will insert manual line breaks.

Lists and headings get simplified to the gemtext format, emphasis markings get removed (or kept with the -e option), horizontal rules get turned into ~~~ or any other string you'd like with -r option, and indented code gets converted to the gemtext "fenced" format. Commonmark markdown is fully supported and a few common extensions have been added: autolinks, strikethrough, and wiki style links.

Gemgen includes a templating system allowing you to add headers, footers, last edit timestamps and more automatically to your output files. See TEMPLATES below for details.


-v Print version and exit.

-o, --output directory Directory to write gemtext files.

-r, --horizontal-rule string Representation of horizontal rules (default "~~~").

-t templates Input file matching patterns and templates. See TEMPLATES for details.

-l linkregex Specify a regular expression subsitution to apply to different kinds of links. See LINKREGEX for details.

-e, --emphasis mode Representation of bold, italics, inline code, and strikethrough.

*none* : Do not print emphasis marks.

*markdown* : Print markdown style emphasis marks.

-A, --heading-newline Disable blank lines after headings.

-a, --heading-links mode Specify a heading link mode.

*off* : Ignore links in headings; writing the label of the link in it's

*auto* : If the heading contains on links, use the first link instead of
printing a heading. Otherwise print a heading, ignoreing links.

*below* : Print all links below headings.

-p, --paragraph-links mode Specify a paragraph link mode.

*off* : Ignore links in paragraphs; writing the label of the link in it's

*below* : Print all links below paragraph.


Gemgen provides a mechanism for creating templates to add footers, headers, and include metadata in your gemtext output files. You can specify any number of template files with regular expression patterns to match them against your input files. Only the "most specific" template will be applied to each input file.

For example, you can have a "catch all" template and another more specific template that only matches a file named "".

; NOTE: scdoc interprets \ inside ``` so we must double them!

gemgen -t '.+\\.md,main.tmpl,index\\.md,index.tmpl'

The regular expression syntax follows the RE2 standard. It should be very familiar if you're used PCRE or python regular expressions. An exact definition of the syntax accepted is described at, except for \C.

Gemgen uses Go's text/template library for the basis of templating. A template is is UTF-8-encoded text containing "Actions"--data evaluations or control structures--are delimited by "{{" and "}}". Several actions exist to add basic metadata to your output files. Below is an example template that adds a header link to the top of your output files (using the {{.Content}} action to print the converted gemtext.

=> /index.gmi My Fancy Gemini Capsule


Here's a slightly more complicated template that prints a title (based on the filename) and the original filename with a last edit timestamp.

{{.Filename}} last edited: {{.LastEdit}}



{{.Content}} Full converted gemtext data of the source file.

{{.Filename}} Original source filename (including original file extension).

{{.Title}} A title based on the source filename. The extension is removed, underscores are replaced with spaces, and non-adpositional words are capitalized. A filename like "" becomes "Disable a Button".

{{.LastEdit}} Most recent modification time of the source file, per filesystem statistics. This action has quite a few methods which are useful for stylizing your date format. For example, {{.LastEdit.Year}} prints only the year. A list of methods is found here:


Gemgen provides a mechanism for modifying the destination of links while they're being parsed. You can create subsitutions for different kinds of links (markdown, auto, wiki, and image), then match part of the destination with a regular expression, and then replace it with a subsitution string.

The syntax is similar to TEMPLATES. The form is "type,regex,replacement". For example if I want to match wiki style links and replace whitespace with underscores:

gemgen -l "wiki,\s,_"

You can include multiple link subsitutions in a row and they will be applied in order for each matching link. In my personal I use the following:

gemgen -l "wiki,\s,_,wiki,^,/memex/,image,^,/memex/,wiki,$,.gmi"

NOTE: You can also use ^ or $ to match the start / end of a link if you need to add a string there without replacing anything.


There are currently 4 different kinds of links recognized by gemgen.

markdown These are your standard markdown style links. They use the form text.

wiki This type of link is a markdown extension used by some popular wiki software such as They use the form [[destination]] or the form [[destination|text]].

auto Automatic link detection is technically another markdown extension, but are used in most markdown processors such as github. They work by simply pasting a link in your document. It cannot contain spaces for specifics visit:

image These are standard markdown image links. In HTML they would be displayed inline, but in gemtext they're represented as any other link. Syntax for images is like the syntax for links but prepended with an exclamation mark text.


Maintained by Dakota Walsh . Up-to-date sources can be found at